Pepsi machine codes Community Center Geeks' Lounge by sk8ndestroy14 The newer pepsi machines use buttons that are huge. They are in rows … Re: Pepsi machine codes Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jbennet [URL][/URL] you cant get a free drink Re: Pepsi machine codes Community Center Geeks' Lounge by sk8ndestroy14 I didn't think so, but I do recall someone saying that the price of the drink can be changed (no idea how legal it is, lol). But maybe not. Re: Pepsi machine codes Community Center Geeks' Lounge by 'Stein Heh easier way to get a coke on the new machines: [url][/url] Re: Pepsi machine codes Community Center Geeks' Lounge by sk8ndestroy14 Heh, that's pretty cool. I've only seen a machine like that one once though. Re: Pepsi machine codes Community Center Geeks' Lounge by christina>you Lol.. wow I have never seen that before. Re: Pepsi machine codes Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH haha thats awesome Re: Cool Pepsi Commercial! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ancient Dragon How about at the summer olympics ? Looks like Pepsi had a winner there :) Re: What are you eating/drinking right now? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Duki Pepsi One. Re: What are you eating/drinking right now? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Wiki_Tiki Pepsi, Sweet Chili Heat chips :) Re: What are you eating/drinking right now? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Lardmeister Pepsi dark! Re: What are you eating/drinking right now? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by diafol Pepsi Max, beek jerky to be followed by a gargantuan spicy rice/pepper/chicken concoction. Nothing like healthy eating :) Re: Change-a-Letter-or-Two-Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by prlrina pepsi Error when tring to run program PLEasE Help Programming Software Development by hopeolicious …hires_add); void main() { int coke = 0; int pepsi = 0; int dry = 0; int hires =… << endl; break; case '2': pepsi = pepsi + quantity; cout << "Inventory …changed." << endl; } else pepsi = pepsi - quantity; cout << "Inventory … Re: Error when tring to run program PLEasE Help Programming Software Development by hopeolicious … addcoke; cout << "\nEnter the number of Pepsi cases: "; cin >> addpepsi; while (cin…endl; cout << "\nEnter the number of Pepsi cases: " << endl; cin >&…;& squantity > 0) { if(squantity > pepsi) { cout << "Insufficient inventory to fill … Re: Error when tring to run program PLEasE Help Programming Software Development by seatsd I don't know ANYTHING about C++ but I noticed a typo in this line "purchase(brand, quanitity, coke, pepsi, dry, hires);" there's an extra i in quantity. C++ Programming Software Development by khanthegamer …= ("7. Mccoy"); products[7] = ("8. Pepsi"); products[8] = ("9. Coca Cola"); products[…;< endl; } else if (x == "Pepsi" || x == "pepsi") { cout << "The price …lt;< endl; } else if (z == "Pepsi" || z == "pepsi") { cout << "The quantity … Java Vending Machine program Programming Software Development by ka-ii …[5] RM).20 [5] RM0.10 [5] ] [Drinks available : Pepsi [5] Coke [5] Orange [5] 7up [5] ] Input Coin …; +coin[3] "] ]"); System.out.println("[Drinks available : Pepsi [" + drink[0] + "] Coke [" + drink[1] + &…quot;Drinks [RM1.20]"); System.out.println("1.Pepsi" "\t2.Coke" "\t3.Mirinda … Help with loop and functions Programming Software Development by Se7Olutionyg …;< endl; cout << " 2. Pepsi : 1000 pieces" << endl; cout &….0 ) { cout<< "How many Pepsi would you like: " << endl; …" << pepleft << "Pepsi left in the machine " << endl; … coke machine new Programming Software Development by Se7Olutionyg …;< endl; cout << " 2. Pepsi : 1000 pieces" << endl; cout &….0 ) { cout<< "How many Pepsi would you like: " << endl; …" << pepleft << "Pepsi left in the machine " << endl; … problems with c++ arrays and loops Programming Software Development by atjfriday2 …<< 1 << endl; cout << "Pepsi - " << 2 << endl; cout <…]+1; cout << "Thank you and enjoy your Pepsi!" <<endl; } else if (selection == 3) {…purchased " << a[1] << " Pepsi(s)" << endl; cout << "… Issue with SQLCE query Programming Software Development by anoop4real … name and its subname. Say for example main name "Pepsi" and Subname "Large", there are some instance… string it will be say "Pepsi+null" ideally the result should be Pepsi but the sqlce interprets it as "… Can anyone change this to polymorphism? Programming Software Development by aswad56 … large ",3.50,800); d[3]=new drinks(" Pepsi small ",1.40,150); d[4]=new drinks("… ",2.40,550); d[5]=new drinks(" Pepsi large ",3.40,800); d[6]=new drinks(" … problem in if else code Programming Software Development by ayoba01 … = "RM 2.50" Dim pepsi As Double Dim amount As Double If pepsi < 10 Then ListBox1.Items.Add("…;Pepsi") If displayText.Text > TextBox2.Text… Re: problem in if else code Programming Software Development by ninjatalon … make a function that will how many pepsi you have when you click on the Pepsi button because when you are creating… "dim pepsi as double" you just declaring… Looping through an array property Programming Web Development by rotten69 …, potatos"; array.drinks = "coke, pepsi"; var pep = "pepsi"; var getVal; outerloop: for(var obj in…obj + " : " + getVal); if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( "pepsi") ){ here is the problem alert("hello"); break… Re: Looping through an array property Programming Web Development by AleMonteiro … new Object() would be prettier). Second, pepsi is not a property of "array.drinks…quot;]; array.drinks = ["coke", "pepsi"]; outerloop: for(var prop in array){ var…) { var val = obj[index]; if ( val == "pepsi" ){ alert(val + " found"); break outerloop; … HELP PLS! ADDITION :D Programming Software Development by edrianjon …clrscr(); char y; int croissant,tamis,tamiswcheese,falafil,cocktail,pepsi,water; int c,t,tc,f,cock,p,w…tamis=5; tamiswcheese=7; falafil=5; cocktail=5; pepsi=2; water=1; total=c1+t1+tc1+f1+cock1…quot;%d",&p); gotoxy(65,17); p1=pepsi*p; cprintf("%d SR",p1); getch();… Re: Looping through an array property Programming Web Development by lambing looking at the code I guess the "coke, pepsi" is not a property of array.drinks object. It's a value of the array.drinks property. If you want to get pepsi or coke, you can try sepp2k suggesstion of using a split method for strings. Re: HELP PLS! ADDITION :D Programming Software Development by Learner010 …(); > char y; > int croissant,tamis,tamiswcheese,falafil,cocktail,pepsi,water; > int c,t,tc,f,cock,p,w… this as : char y; int croissant,tamis,tamiswcheese,falafil,cocktail,pepsi,water; int c,t,tc,f,cock,p,w; int…