GPT-4o mini - A Cheaper and Faster Alternative to GPT-4o Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …dataset.head() ``` **Output:** ![image1.png]( The dataset contains more than 14 …quot;].value_counts()) ``` **Output:** ![image2.png]( Let's find out the average … Extracting YouTube Channel Statistics in Python Using YouTube Data API Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …/4/98e7988fb367eea9396a80321e121172.png) Click the `ENABLE` button. ![image5.png]( You will…print(title) ``` **Output:** ![image9.png]( ### Plotting a Bar Plot with Most… Image Analysis Using Claude 3.5 Sonnet Model Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … ``` **Output:** ![image4.png]( ``` base64_image1 = encode_image64(image_path1) base64_image2 …) ``` **Output:** ![image4b.png]( The above output shows the… Comparing GPT-4o vs Claude 3.5 Sonnet for Zero Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …head() ``` **Output:** ![image1.png]( Tweet sentiment falls into three categories…value_counts()) ``` **Output:** ![image2.png]( ## Zero Shot Text Classification with… Retrieval Augmented Generation with Claude 3.5 Sonnet Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …(query) ``` **Output:** ![image3.png]( **Query2:** ``` query = "…generate_response(query) ``` **Output:** ![image4.png]( **Query3:** ``` query = "… Image Analysis Using OpenAI GPT-4o Model Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …"image_url": {"url": f"data:image/png;base64,{base64_image}"} } ]} ] ) return response.choices[0…"image_url": {"url": f"data:image/png;base64,{base64_image}"} } ]} ] ) return response.choices[0… Re: Extract Tabular Data from PDF Images using Hugging Face Table Transformer Programming Computer Science by Harini sri …-05-02_12-11-43.png]( ![Screenshot_from_2024-05-02_12-08-52.png](… Generate Stunning AI Images for Free Using Diffusion Models Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …[0] images ``` **Output:** ![image1.png]( Look at the image generated above;…[0] image ``` **Output:** ![image2.png]( From the above output, you can … Graph of quadratic function with CanvasRenderingContext2D Programming Web Development by alexanderrm2024 … look like this: ![pic1.PNG]( ![pic2.PNG](…5/5197dcf8e99654bcb1766ad3cf025fd7.PNG) How can I solve it… Unable to correctly recognize license plate number in Halcon Programming Software Development by li_049 …:// The value of the Class variable is '0' 'I' '0' '… didn't work read_image (Image1, 'C:/Users/29185/Desktop/图片1.png') get_image_size (Image1, Width, Height) dev_close_window () dev_open_window (0, 0, Width, Height… Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …"].value_counts()) filtered_data.head() ``` **Output:** ![image1.png]( ## Converting Training Data to JSON Format for… Tabular Data Classification with Hugging Face Meta Tree Transformer Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … the dataset df.head() ``` **Output:** ![image1.png]( Next, we split the dataset into training… Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Reverend Jim … function call like read_image (Image1, 'C:/Users/29185/Desktop/图片1.png') would return a value and assign it to something. More… the line of Image1 = read_image ('C:/Users/29185/Desktop/图片1.png') All I can say is that statements in C end… Re: How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by simhakidsden You can build a video player in HTML and CSS by using the <video> element to display the video and styling it with CSS to customize its appearance and layout. You can also use JavaScript to add additional functionality, such as play, pause, and volume controls. Re: Graph of quadratic function with CanvasRenderingContext2D Programming Web Development by Dani Have you learned how to graph things? Did your professor teach you about using Canvas yet? Here is a tutorial for getting started: Re: Generate Stunning AI Images for Free Using Diffusion Models Programming Computer Science by rproffitt Read this today: > A.I. made me believe in the concept of the human soul by showing me what art looks like without it. Re: Unable to correctly recognize license plate number in Halcon Programming Software Development by Dani For those unfamiliar, they are using [Halcon]( Is line 20 of your above code correct? Re: Unable to correctly recognize license plate number in Halcon Programming Software Development by rproffitt Small world that it is, someone in my circle worked on such and went with a "close enough" solution for access control to an automatic gate. They went with a system that only had to match 5 out of 7 letters and numbers which was good enough for the system and site. It appears that Halcon is commercial which may be why I haven't … png problme in ie6 Digital Media UI / UX Design by hiharshal png backround images doesn't working in ie6, i am searching solution on this problem png images looking terrible should i use jpg Digital Media UI / UX Design by minimogul Png files are looking grainy on my site. I want them to look crisp and very detailed. I want to make a (300)(900)px header to showcase some pics.I don't know why they look so terrible after I safe them form photoshop and illustrator. Re: png image problem Programming Web Development by muralibobby2015 png image quality limit should be within the 0-9 range [URL=""][/URL] Re: png images looking terrible should i use jpg Digital Media UI / UX Design by macgurl70 are you saving as a png-8 or a png-24 when using the "Save for web" option? The png-24 will look much better. Re: png images looking terrible should i use jpg Digital Media UI / UX Design by macgurl70 here are some examples First is a PNG-8 saved with Perceptual color option Second is a PNG-8 saved with the Restrictive (Web) color option The third is a PNG-24 Re: png problme in ie6 Digital Media UI / UX Design by ko ko Hey Guy! Go there.. It will help your problem [URL=""][/URL] Re: png problme in ie6 Digital Media UI / UX Design by almostbob IE6 .png support is problematic [url][/url] png came after IE6 development Re: png images looking terrible should i use jpg Digital Media UI / UX Design by rajarajan2017 Use the save as web feature in photoshop and save the png with transparency. Re: png images looking terrible should i use jpg Digital Media UI / UX Design by minimogul Thanks for your response I can see the difference between the three but doesnt png get any clearer than that?Should I use a jpg instead?Thanks in advance. Re: png images looking terrible should i use jpg Digital Media UI / UX Design by macgurl70 … extremely detailed examples, it would be best to have the png (or jpg) files be a thumbnail and then they can… Re: png++ on windows (visual c++ 2008 express edition) Programming Software Development by muhammads …gz -C ~/src - Go to your brand new png++ sources directory: $ cd ~/src/png++-0.2.x - Issue make to test how…. - Now it is time to become root and install png++ into your system: make install It's OK to issue…" under ordinary user permissions if you want to install png++ into your home directory. Run the following command: $ make … Re: png image croping problem Programming Web Development by muralibobby2015 … = imagecreatefromjpeg($bgim_file_name); } else if(($filetype1=='image/png') || ($filetype1=='image/x-png') ||($filetype1=='image/PNG') || ($filetype1=='image/X-PNG')) { $bgim_old = imagecreatefrompng($bgim_file_name); // echo $filetype1;exit…