Teen Girls Cleared of Child Pornography Charges Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by slfisher ….html"]ago[/URL], three girls fought charges of child pornography -- of themselves -- for refusing to attend 10-hour class on… pornography and sexual violence after they were arrested for taking pictures … Wikimedia Scrambles to Fight Child Pornography Claims Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher … cofounder Larry Sanger that Wikimedia is harboring images of child pornography, founder Jimmy Wales has gone on a search-and-destroy… about to be smeared in all media as hosting hardcore pornography with zero educational value and doing nothing about it,"… Re: Wikimedia Scrambles to Fight Child Pornography Claims Hardware and Software Networking by webhead2 Wikipedia was supported by Bomis which had online pornography [URL="http://www.childlaw.us/2010/04/congress-reacts-… Re: ICANN puts Pornography Fans on Hold Community Center by jwenting … to be tightly controlled and governed by the State. As pornography doesn't really lend itself to that, they're opposed… racial purity from Marx). Of course religious extremists are against pornography. That's the same for any religion. Take Islam for… Re: Teen Girls Cleared of Child Pornography Charges Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by happygeek Hooray for sensible district courts. You might think that a lawmaker or enforcer would sit back and consider how stupid they are being once in a while. Senior SEC Executives Fired for Viewing Porn Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher … Schapiro said she “will not tolerate” employees viewing pornography in the workplace, according to an [URL="…/sec-s-schapiro-warns-agency-employees-about-viewing-pornography.html"]article [/URL]in Bloomberg BusinessWeek. …quot;In fact, this attorney downloaded so much pornography to his government computer that he exhausted the available… Teens Getting Arrested for Sending Nude Pictures of Themselves Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by slfisher … were charged with manufacturing, disseminating or possessing child pornography. Three high school boys found with the photos …Farmington who sent such pictures were threatened with child pornography charges [URL="http://www.abc4.com/news…a 17-year-old boy was charged with child pornography, sexual exploitation of a child and defamation for … Major ISPs Drop alt.* Usenet Hierarchy Community Center by slfisher …blogs/entry2584.html"]rid the Internet of child pornography[/URL]. Some observers, including the [URL="…because the ISPs told their customers that transmitting child pornography was not allowed but did not enforce it.…000-group alt.* hierarchy. Previous attempts at controlling pornography, such as the 1996 Communications Decency Act and… Naked Teens Fighting Back Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by slfisher …html"]teenagers[/URL] getting charged with child pornography for taking revealing pictures of themselves with cell phones… requiring them to attend 10-hour class on pornography and sexual violence, and accept random drug testing…prosecutors should not be using heavy artillery like child-pornography charges to teach them that lesson," said… Libraries Have Right to Block Internet Content, Court Rules Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher …avoidance, phishing, "adult materials," gambling, nudity, pornography, web chat, instant messaging, malware, and spyware, the …com domains, FortiGuard blocked 536 web pages as pornography or adult materials and 64 were blocked in error… to include a book with three pages of pornography and three hundred pages that are not pornographic,… Porn Sites Security Risk, Study Finds Hardware and Software Information Security by slfisher ….onlinemba.com/blog/the-stats-on-internet-pornography/"]released [/URL]statistics earlier this year about…million a day) are related to porn. [*]The top pornography-related search terms are "sex," "adult…quot; There are some 116,000 searches for "child pornography" daily. [*]35 percent of downloads are pornographic. … Tor network hacked by Feds, Silk Road turned into honeypot? Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … anything from drugs and guns through to child pornography. In amongst the depravity and illegal excess, of… the FBI were investigating Freedom Hosting on child pornography distribution allegations and employed a NSA security contractor … to see those supposedly responsible for distributing child pornography get arrested nor their sites taken down. I… Re: Teens Getting Arrested for Sending Nude Pictures of Themselves Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by kubathemaster1 Young girls and boys teen pornography[URL="http://boyreview.com"].[/URL] is more dangerous than Drugs and needs tight controls. Need help - Blocking Porn ... Hardware and Software Information Security by notverygeeky …too many details. I need to block all access to pornography on our computers (networked). I am not being an …overbearing wife, my husband has an addiction to pornography of an illegal kind and it is destroying his life…need to protect myself by ensuring that this sort of pornography can never enter my home again. My husband has agreed… Second Life and Skype cannot take all the blame for child sex scandals Hardware and Software macOS by happygeek …approached by pedophiles inviting the reporter to attend ‘child pornography meetings’ within the very virtual environment. Although this …and was contacted by dealers in very real child pornography as a result. Second Life is, of course,…mature rated regions of the Second Life environment where pornography is rife, but rather just not have access… What do piracy and porn have in common? Hardware and Software macOS by happygeek …imagine. For starters, both are hugely popular online. Pornography has traditionally been something of a driver of e-…do just that. Many countries have rallied against online pornography, perhaps the most notable being China. Was it …has had some success in the ongoing fight against pornography, with hundreds of arrests and thousands of sites … Punishment or publicity: what is the truth behind Google child porn complaint? Community Center by happygeek … filed a 16 page complaint alleging Google profits from child pornography has ignited discussion of censorship, responsibility and technology. Yet I… URLs that would reveal the extent of online interest in pornography. Google, quite rightly in my opinion, refused to comply. Why… Young women are OK with porn, evil Internet to blame Hardware and Software by happygeek … led to a sea change in how women react to pornography. The full study is to be published in the Journal… said the same.) A whopping 20 percent admit to viewing pornography daily compared to a meagre 3.4 percent of young… Re: Young women are OK with porn, evil Internet to blame Hardware and Software by hkdani … and should be punished in a civilized society. And likewise, Pornography is wrong and it's spread and use should not… society. The basic unit of society is the family. And pornography breaks down a person's resistance in other moral areas… Remote workers like to surf for sex Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … people working at home are more likely to view online pornography than those stuck in an office somewhere. I mean, it… when we, or rather those remote workers, look beyond the pornography and start straying into what ScanSafe refer to as 'extreme… Keeping the Friendly Skies From Being *Too* Friendly Community Center by slfisher … correct points -- that nothing's stopping people from looking at pornography they bring on their hard disks now, or even books… to legitimate sites; and who's to say what's pornography anyway. And all these are valid. On the other hand… Woman Loses Teaching License Due to Porn Malware Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher …[/URL] to a fourth-grade classroom that suddenly turned into pornography, the school district focused instead on how the problem happened…'s important to ensure that children are protected from seeing pornography. On the other hand, it's also important to make… Guess Who Buys the Most Online Porn Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher A recent study shows that, while the consumption of online pornography doesn't vary a lot between states, the states with … of broadband access available in a region, and looked at pornography consumption by zip code. The most-subscribed state, by a… Justice Department Offers Grants Against Internet Predators Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher ….g., peep shows), the manufacture, distribution, and possession of child pornography; and online enticement of children by sexual predators, the DOJ… children by sexual predators, child exploitation, and child obscenity and pornography cases. Most programs will take 12 to 24 months but… My pussy downloaded that porn Hardware and Software macOS by newsguy … police detectives discovered more than a thousand items of child pornography downloaded to his home computer. Griffin denies any involvement, and… has been charged with just 10 counts of possessing child pornography after detectives made the discovery on his computer, has told… 9th Circuit Limits Use of Seized Computer Data Community Center by slfisher … a fishing expedition with the data, such as looking for pornography on a seized hard disk unless there was some reason… the identification of well-known illegal files (such as child pornography) without actually opening the files themselves," the ruling said… 'Sexting' with a Twist: Boy Sells Pictures of Girlfriend for $5 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by slfisher ….daniweb.com/news/story220410.html"]slapped [/URL]with child pornography charges, simply by virtue of the fact that the subject…- or herself. However, now there's a case where the pornography charge may be justified: An 8th grade boy in Massachussets… Brits prefer news to porn (but only just, and Tweeting trumps them both) Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek …/Britons-spend-more-web-time-reading-news-than-looking-at-pornography.html"]The Telegraph[/URL] was rather comforting: Britons spend… more web time reading news than looking at pornography. That's one big finger flipped up in the face… Eek! Wikipedia Accused of Harboring Pedophiles Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher … information, particularly images, that could be considered to be child pornography from the electronic encyclopedia, the site is being accused by….) Fox News had also been behind the expose' on child pornography images in Wikimedia, resulting in [URL="http://www.boiseweekly… Can K9 keep porn off your kid's iPad or iPhone? Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by happygeek … identifies over 110,000 pages of new or previously uncategorized pornography and adult content. I installed the K9 browser app and…, others will be shocked to find that sex education and pornography are treated as one and the same thing: unsuitable. [attach…