7 Topics

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Member Avatar for Serafel

My basic problem is that I'm having a hard time implementing a Pthread that consists of a round robin dequeuing 4 arrays consisting of ints. Followed by a Pthread that creates random numbers with which to enqueue them with. I've written most of the code for the queue itself and …

Member Avatar for BLUEC0RE

I got it to run but for some reason they incorrectly implemented the "chown" call. Here are some examples of how it is implemented in their test scripts: chown ${n0} 123 456 (where path is first) -u 65534 -g 65532,65531 -- chown ${n0} -1 65532 (where options are set before …

Member Avatar for pikpik

Hi, As part of porting a (mostly C++) library[1] to a "new" operating system[2], I'm trying to link the library's semaphore class to the platform's semaphore implementation. The problem is that the library assumes that the semaphore implementation will be a modern POSIX one[3] but the operating system's semaphores are …

Member Avatar for Danny_501

Hi all, Is there a way to make thread pools in POSIX pthreads? (using c) I could only find implementations for java and c++, but I need it to be in c. Thanks.

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for bigtalk

I found this great piece of code for validating URL's. I've been trying to get it to work with preg_match() since eregi() is deprecated with with PHP 5.3: [code=php]// SCHEME $urlregex = "^(https?|ftp)://"; // USER AND PASS (optional) $urlregex .= "([a-z0-9+!*(),;?&=$_.-]+(:[a-z0-9+!*(),;?&=$_.-]+)?@)?"; // HOSTNAME OR IP $urlregex .= "[a-z0-9+$_-]+(.[a-z0-9+$_-]+)*"; // http://x …

Member Avatar for bigtalk
Member Avatar for katwalatapan

Hello, I tried to compile a posix mq_send and mq_receive application. The msg is sent on the queue successfully, but during the receive part, an error occurs. I have attached the send and receive part of the code, please do suggest any corrections. mq_send [code=c] #include <mqueue.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include …

Member Avatar for Protuberance
Member Avatar for katwalatapan

Hello everyone, I have installed Dev-C++ IDE on my system to run POSIX threads application. The program has compiled correctly. When I try to run the application, I am encountered with the following error Unable to locate component This application has failed to start because pthreadGC2.dll was not found. Re-installing …

Member Avatar for ajay.krish123

The End.