Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by varone …); glfwSwapInterval(1); glfwShowWindow(window); GL.createCapabilities(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Set the projection matrix glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); float aspectRatio = 800.0f / 600.0f… Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by toneewa …glfwMakeContextCurrent(window); glfwSwapInterval(1); GL.createCapabilities(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Set the projection matrix glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); float aspectRatio = 800.0f / 600.0f… Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by rproffitt Is this the old Blinding Flash issue? Hack or workaround possible at Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by varone **toneewa** you are a very good programmer, your code is working properly ... how you know what to implement ? to think that available AI chats (copilot, chatgpt 4 , and some others) wasnt able to help in such matter is unbeliveable . so to sum up you just add glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DOUBLEBUFFER, GL_TRUE); in init … Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by toneewa This is what was left overs, after several different iterations. My thoughts: The idea was to hide the window, color it black, and show it when ready. From the first impression I got, it was clearing the frame color or not setting it resulting in a long white screen before getting to black. glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DOUBLEBUFFER, GL_TRUE); This… Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by varone i noticed (based on your first answer you gave above) that simpliest solving of issue is just move glfwShowWindow(window); to whatever method for example to drawAxes or whatever other will me during code developing like for example AxisArrowHeads() . I didnt noticed any errors so far so it should work i think , you said about spending some hours … Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by toneewa Correct. glfwShowWindow(window); in drawAxes(); Yeah, many hours for this. Trouble-shooting skills, with trial and error. I had more trouble getting the work envirnoment setup. The IntelliJ IDEA license was expired. "AI" has a long way to go. E.g., missing headers, identifiers, and all 4 types of dementia. Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by varone Wow dont waste so many time for anonymouse guy from the internet who ask for help, but really i appriciate that, thank you even much more by reading it , for your help and your time . I just tell you what i am seeing now - Java is very weird lang, free dev programs like eclipse or vsc have plenty of implementing errors (and IntellJ licence is… Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by toneewa I like C++. It has plenty of libraries. Like any language, find a good book or website with examples and write them. Understand how they work, then, try to create an example using the idea. It really depends on what you want to do with it. Learn them all. I've only encountered the following: C, C++, SQL, Node.js/TypeScript, HTML/CSS, C#, Java, … Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by varone Many thanks for your chat and help Toneewa 🙂🤗👍 Pushing projection below a selection Programming Databases by humor_me …when we push projections, it is quite usual for the projection to also remain where it is. Can there be situations… where when we push projections, we need not retain the projection at the same place and yet obtain an equivalent logical…q,r and we have the following logical query plan : Projection(p,q) (Selection(q=3)(A)) Would Selection(q=3… Re: What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …modelview transformation(s). However, at the last step (projection), they use the fourth component in this special … to compute those normalized screen coordinates. And the projection matrix only deals with vertices anyways (no vectors),…by OpenGL internally, after the projection matrix has been applied. So, you projection matrix should be good to … Re: What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by Mr.UNOwen … down the bugs/ things I don't understand to the projection matrix. Here's what I'm getting: Looking from the…; let me know if any of it is wrong: P = projection matrix M = model view matrix Vm = vertex in "world… Re: What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by uonsin … you should get familiar with how to do… Selection and Projection Operators Programming Software Development by MrJNV So I have this assignment in which I need to use Selection and Projection operators on n-ary relations. The book really doesn't cover it in a way I understand and doesn't explain it in terms of c++, so could someone help me out. Could someone give me a "c++ code explanation" on what these are? Thanks. Re: Selection and Projection Operators Programming Software Development by Fbody Not real sure what a "Projection" operator is, but your "Selection" operators are … What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by Mr.UNOwen … it's original value (a seperate issue). Given a perspective projection at 45 degrees with a near of 1 and a… Re: What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … your matrices correctly with regard to getting a correct modelview + projection transformation, the transformation back and forth should always work if… Re: What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by Mr.UNOwen … the identity back. So it's all pointing to the projection function, but nothing is standing out. Re: What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … be between 0 and 1 (if within the frustum)? The projection matrix takes the vector to the so-called "clip… Re: What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by Mr.UNOwen … just be able to feed this into opengl as the projection matrix (since this is gluperspective(...))? Re: Selection and Projection Operators Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon Never heard of them either. But after reading [URL=""]this[/URL] I tink its nothing more than the WHERE clause in SQL statements. [icode]SELECT Name,Office,Dep,Rank FROM mytable WHERE dep = 'CS';[/icode] That is an SQL example select … Re: Selection and Projection Operators Programming Software Development by MrJNV Ah. Now I sorta see what needs to be done. I never realized I needed an sqlapi library for this, and those WHERE clauses help. Thanks! Re: What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by Mr.UNOwen So fov is in radians and the reason data[_AP_MCC] and data[_AP_MDC] are not multiplied by -1 is because diffz is swapped.Thanks for the link, it may point to the flaw. Please let me know if anything else stands out. Re: What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by Mr.UNOwen So it looks like getting the inverse of the perspective works, but now I'm having trouble with the Orthographic view, which is weird as it's almost a scalar matrix (assuming left,righ top,bottom are equal in magnitude). So I keep getting about +/-0.4.. on the edges no matter what I set, even if it's (-100, 100) or (-1,1). Any clue what I'm missing… Re: What is the depth after a vertex goes through view and projection matrix Programming Software Development by Jean_4 Gosh, read the links that were sent to you. It's all explained in there... Android Native - How to load Album Art thumbnails Programming Mobile Development by dimitrilc … not needed var thumbnail: Bitmap? = null applicationContext.contentResolver.query( collection, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder )?.use { cursor -> val idColIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex… Brand New Panasonic TH-50PHD8UK 50 in Flat Panel Plasma TV Programming Web Development by ushtv …TV $400 Samsung HL-R5067W 50 in Rear-Projection DLP TV $450 Samsung LN-R268W 26 in…TV $300 Samsung HL-R4667W 46 in Rear-Projection DLP TV $400 Samsung LN-R268W 26 in… Sony Grand WEGA KDFE42A10 42 in LCD Rear-Projection TV $400 Sony Grand WEGA SXRD KDS-R60XBR1… Grand WEGA KDF-E55A20 55 in LCD Rear-Projection TV $550 Sony Wega KLV-S32A10 32 in… Problem with constructors and operator overloading for 3D homogeneous coordinates Programming Software Development by bobsta …mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h: In member function ‘Vector fourMatrix::projection(Vector&, fourVector&)’: /home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.…mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h: In member function ‘Vector fourMatrix::projection(Vector&, Vector&, int)’: /home/mark/Vega_lib/Source… Show lat and long in text box Programming Web Development by firedesire …?e?ia ia?eaoi?iaa i?iaeoey iiecaaia io Google {projection:"EPSG:900913"}*/ var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map…', {projection:"EPSG:900913"}, {controls:[ new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom(), new …