
I am writing a geometry engine using homogeneous coordinates (4D representing 3D Euclidean coordinates) used for perspective projection. This is handled by two classes a 4-Vector "fourVector" and a 4x4 Matrix "fourMatrix". For speed I have not (yet) separated class and member function declaration from definition.

class fourVector{
	float x,y,z,w;
	// float w;
	// Vector v;
	// use int variable in argument to limit values
	// first constructor converts existing 3vector to corresponding four vector
	fourVector(Vector &q, int i):x(q.x),y(q.y),z(q.z){
		w=float(i); // convert boolean true/false to a float
	fourVector(Vector q, int i):x(q.x),y(q.y),z(q.z){
			w=float(i); // convert boolean true/false to a float
	//fourVector(Vector(float x,float y, float z), int i):x(x),y(y),z(z){
	//	w=float(i);
	fourVector(float x, float y, float z, int i): x(x),y(y),z(z){
	fourVector(Vector &q, float f):x(q.x),y(q.y),z(q.z),w(f){

	fourVector operator*(const fourVector &q){
		return fourVector(x*q.x,y*q.y,z*q.z,w*q.w);
class fourMatrix{
	fourVector i,j,k,l;
	// take four COLUMN 4-vectors i,j,k,l to form 4-Matrix
	fourMatrix(fourVector &i, fourVector &j, fourVector &k, fourVector &l): i(i),j(j),k(k),l(l){
	fourMatrix(fourVector i, fourVector j, fourVector k, fourVector l): i(i),j(j),k(k),l(l){
	// take rotation 3-matrix m and translation 3-vector q to form homogeneous 4-matrix i.e. pad i.z,j.z,k.z,l.x,l.y,l.z with 0's and set l.w to 1.0
	fourMatrix(Matrix &m, Vector &q){
	// use this constructor for determining projection matrix
	fourMatrix(Vector &q){
		// check whether q.z > 0
		if (q.z!=0.0) k=fourVector(0,0,1,1/q.z);
		else k=fourVector(0,0,1,INFINITY1);
/*	 i.x=1.0;i.y=0.0;i.z=0.0;i.w=0.0;
	 if ((q.z!=0.0) > 0) k.z=1/q.z;
	 else k.z=INFINITY1;


	// multiply 4-matrix with 4-vector
	fourVector operator*(const fourVector &q)const{
		return fourVector(i.x*q.x+j.x*q.y+k.x*q.z+l.x*q.w,i.y*q.x+j.y*q.y+k.y*q.z+l.y*q.w,i.z*q.x+j.z*q.y+k.z*q.z+l.z*q.w,
	fourMatrix operator* (const fourMatrix &m) const{
//		fourVector a,b,c,d;
//		fourMatrix n;
		fourVector a(i.x*m.i.x+j.x*m.i.y+k.x*m.i.z+l.x*m.i.w, i.y*m.i.x+j.y*m.i.y+k.y*m.i.z+l.y*m.i.w,
					 i.z*m.i.x+j.z*m.i.y+k.z*m.i.z+l.z*m.i.w, i.w*m.i.x+j.w*m.i.y+k.w*m.i.z+l.w*m.i.w);

		fourVector b(i.x*m.j.x+j.x*m.j.y+k.x*m.j.z+l.x*m.j.w, i.y*m.j.x+j.y*m.j.y+k.y*m.j.z+l.y*m.j.w,
					 i.z*m.j.x+j.z*m.j.y+k.z*m.j.z+l.z*m.j.w, i.w*m.j.x+j.w*m.j.y+k.w*m.j.z+l.w*m.j.w);

		fourVector c(i.x*m.k.x+j.x*m.k.y+k.x*m.k.z+l.x*m.k.w, i.y*m.k.x+j.y*m.k.y+k.y*m.k.z+l.y*m.k.w,
					 i.z*m.k.x+j.z*m.k.y+k.z*m.k.z+l.z*m.k.w, i.w*m.k.x+j.w*m.k.y+k.w*m.k.z+l.w*m.k.w);

		fourVector d(i.x*m.l.x+j.x*m.l.y+k.x*m.l.z+l.x*m.l.w, i.y*m.l.x+j.y*m.l.y+k.y*m.l.z+l.y*m.l.w,
					 i.z*m.l.x+j.z*m.l.y+k.z*m.l.z+l.z*m.l.w, i.w*m.l.x+j.w*m.l.y+k.w*m.l.z+l.w*m.l.w);
		fourMatrix n(a,b,c,d);

		return n;
	// this returns a 3-Vector containing projection of points (x,y,0) into MLC coordinates
	Vector projection(Vector &e,fourVector &d){

		fourVector f;
		fourMatrix m(Vector &e);// construct 4-Matrix m from 3-Vector e using special constructor;
		// m=(Vector &e);
		if (f.w!=0.0) return Vector(f.x/f.w,f.y/f.w,0);
		else return Vector(0,0,0);
	// as above but with 3-vector e and c and integer i as arguments
	Vector projection(Vector &e,Vector &c, int i){
		fourVector d(&c,i); // construct fourVector d from 3-Vector c and i;
		fourVector f;
		fourMatrix m(fourVector &e);// construct 4-Matrix m from 3-Vector e using special constructor
		if (f.w!=0.0) return Vector(f.x/f.w,f.y/f.w,0);
		else return Vector(0,0,0);

Below is the error message

‘fourMatrix fourMatrix::operator*(const fourMatrix&) const’:
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:52: error: call of overloaded ‘fourMatrix(fourVector&, fourVector&, fourVector&, fourVector&)’ is ambiguous
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:7: note: candidates are: fourMatrix::fourMatrix(fourVector, fourVector, fourVector, fourVector)           
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:5: note:                 fourMatrix::fourMatrix(fourVector&, fourVector&, fourVector&, fourVector&)       
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h: In member function ‘Vector fourMatrix::projection(Vector&, fourVector&)’:                                  
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:71: error: no match for ‘operator*’ in ‘m * d’                                                             
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h: In member function ‘Vector fourMatrix::projection(Vector&, Vector&, int)’:                                 
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:77: error: no matching function for call to ‘fourVector::fourVector(Vector*, int&)’                        
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:21: note: candidates are: fourVector::fourVector(Vector&, float)                                           
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:18: note:                 fourVector::fourVector(float, float, float, int)                                 
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:12: note:                 fourVector::fourVector(Vector, int)                                              
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:9: note:                 fourVector::fourVector(Vector&, int)                                             
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:6: note:                 fourVector::fourVector()                                                         
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:1: note:                 fourVector::fourVector(const fourVector&)                                        
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:80: error: no match for ‘operator*’ in ‘m * d’

My problem occurs with the

fourMatrix operator*

. This multiplies 2 two 4x4 matrices and (should) return the result, by first calculating the four column 4-Vectors (a,b,c,d) which form the final (product) 4-Matrix as an intermediate step (for clarity). In particular the line

fourMatrix n(a,b,c,d);

line 45 in fourMatrix extract. I should point out that I am still a rather inexperienced C++ programmer, but I am trying... (and this is not for an assignment, it is a real problem that I'm trying to solve)

Alternatively does anyone know of open source code/libraries (C++ ideally) that will do perspective projection with homogeneous coordinates to prevent further headaches and grey-hairs!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and in particular to any that may respond

fourMatrix(fourVector &i, fourVector &j, fourVector &k, fourVector &l): i(i),j(j),k(k),l(l){	}	
fourMatrix(fourVector i, fourVector j, fourVector k, fourVector l): i(i),j(j),k(k),l(l){

those two are the same prototype.U can declare only one of them.

Let me explain:

Say u have two functions:

void test(int x);
void test(int &x);

when u invoke them

int c=3;

which function should get invoked?

This bring ambiguity. Read the error properly that u had which clearly said that.

home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:52: error: call of overloaded ‘fourMatrix(fourVector&, fourVector&, fourVector&, fourVector&)’ is ambiguous
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:7: note: candidates are: fourMatrix::fourMatrix(fourVector, fourVector, fourVector, fourVector)
/home/mark/Vega_lib/Source/Geom.h:5: note: fourMatrix::fourMatrix(fourVector&, fourVector&, fourVector&, fourVector&)

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