Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner … of code, everything worked again normally. Now if John Smith puts on the submission, I receive things again… Re: Does Tools give 100% correct answers? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani … and capture any single moment in time. That right there puts an end to your question, because accuracy goes out the… Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by aishamushtaq Absolutely, I appreciate the reminder. If you're experiencing difficulties with your CRM's workflow feature, it might be beneficial to provide more details about the specific steps you've taken so far to troubleshoot the issue. That way, others in the community can offer more targeted assistance or suggest alternative solutions based on your … puts() return value Programming Software Development by habib_6 Hi,I,m writing puts()function and I want to know that I which situations it returns EOF I know that when there is an error it return EOF but whad does it mean. can you give me an example? Re: puts() return value Programming Software Development by deceptikon If there's a write error to the destination stream, you'll get a return value of `EOF`. Typically this means something along the lines of the target device no longer being available or getting corrupted. However, since `puts` writes to `stdout`, this is rather unlikely unless you've redirected `stdout` to a volatile location. Re: Difference between puts and printf for strings Programming Software Development by Adak puts() adds a newline char to the end of the string. … Difference between puts and printf for strings Programming Software Development by newbiecoder … array, but it gave me different results when I used puts and printf functions. Can anyone tell me why such difference…;barbara dickens"; char b[8]; strncpy(b,a,7); puts(b); printf("%s", b); return 0; } [/CODE… Re: Difference between puts and printf for strings Programming Software Development by Narue … When printing a string (no format specifiers), the difference between puts and printf is that printf probably does more work for…is because printf needs to check for format specifiers while puts simply passes each character on to putchar. But your problem…gt;char b[8]; >strncpy(b,a,7); >puts(b);[/B] Your punishment is to write "I will… Windows Media Player crashing or puts a green screen instead of video... Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Loopah … either crashing after continuous tries of playing videos, or it puts up a green layer over the video but plays the… how to show java out puts in web browser Programming Web Development by rpjanaka hi all, i am using the tomcat server.. can i show the java out puts(System.out.println) on the browser that is issude from java classes, not from the jsp pages. i think there may be a way to change the configuration in the tomcat server.. thanks.. Re: how to show java out puts in web browser Programming Web Development by aniseed [QUOTE=rpjanaka;307934]can i show the java out puts(System.out.println) on the browser that is issude from … Re: how to show java out puts in web browser Programming Web Development by peter_budo … using the tomcat server.. can i show the java out puts(System.out.println) on the browser that is issude from… fgets/puts creates weird output Programming Software Development by anne_1000 …;,"r"); char mystring [100]; fgets (mystring , 100 , in); puts (mystring); fclose (in); return 0; }[/CODE] I appreciate any help… How to puts several values into value of input Programming Web Development by Manny7 …;).append(val(val+';;')); $(this).remove(); });[/CODE] I want the values puts into the input#frmfirstForm-specializace (the values are separated by… Inbuilt string fnn gets() and puts() Programming Software Development by snivas519 I have written the inbuilt gets() and puts() function.... Can anyone help me to make it much more simpler... Re: puts() return value Programming Software Development by rubberman When this happens, the function should also set errno to a known value to indicate the error that occurred. Re: dont use printf or puts functions Programming Software Development by iTaChi … string functions, you're wrong, string functions require printf or puts to output data..actually, we always use that functions in… Re: Difference between puts and printf for strings Programming Software Development by newbiecoder thank you, i have learned that i need to use null terminating character! Re: Windows Media Player crashing or puts a green screen instead of video... Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by mejorhaha i am having the asme problem too Re: Windows Media Player crashing or puts a green screen instead of video... Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jai614 try turning of overlays: [B]tools>options>performance [/B]tab>[B]advance[/B]>check [B]"Use high Quality Mode"[/B] Re: how to show java out puts in web browser Programming Web Development by rpjanaka thanks very much for your help.. Re: how to show java out puts in web browser Programming Web Development by masijade No, you don't need to. Anything you print to System.out will show up in the catalina.out logfile (as long as you have that activated). Re: how to show java out puts in web browser Programming Web Development by peter_budo [QUOTE=masijade;308117]No, you don't need to. Anything you print to System.out will show up in the catalina.out logfile (as long as you have that activated).[/QUOTE] LOL, always funn to search log file, personaly I do it as writen above your post :p Re: how to show java out puts in web browser Programming Web Development by masijade It's extremely easy. Prepend every String that you print through System.out.println with "DEBUG: " then simply grep out that word. Presto, there's your output, no fuss, no muss, no searching, and no special startup procedure. Simply rotate the log before you start tomcat (which you probably should be doing anyway, if you're debugging)… Re: fgets/puts creates weird output Programming Software Development by kvprajapati Welcome anne_1000, Google csv is unicode text file. Re: fgets/puts creates weird output Programming Software Development by anne_1000 Hi adatapost! Thanks a lot for the useful hint. Do you know of any straightforward way of either converting theGoogle csv file to ASCII, or reading a Unicode file in C/C++? I tried googleing how to do that, but the answers seem to be extremely complicated... Thnx, Anne Re: fgets/puts creates weird output Programming Software Development by kvprajapati anne_1000, [URL=""][/URL] [URL=""][/URL] Re: fgets/puts creates weird output Programming Software Development by anne_1000 Hi adatapost, thanks again. I tried using wstring, but the following code does not even compile, and I can't quite figure out why. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream myfile("F:\\filename.txt"); wstring line; if (myfile.is_open())… Re: fgets/puts creates weird output Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon You might want to read [URL=""]this thread [/URL]-- lots of good info about unicode files and how to read them. Re: fgets/puts creates weird output Programming Software Development by anne_1000 Thanks a lot. I have been trying all sorts of code from the internet to convert unicode strings to ascii strings, but so far nothing works. Most of the stuff that I find online is pretty long, and impossible to understand for me as a beginner. The following code should do it, but I get an error when compiling. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> …