9 Topics

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Member Avatar for vegaseat

This 'sticky' thread is for working examples of Python GUI code. Note that most wxPython examples have their own thread. Please use comments in your code to help the reader. The example code should be usable as a template, so folks get a feel for the toolkit and can use …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for philcm

Hi ; I'm trying to add a simple menubar to my lister window : ------------------------------------ #!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess import os, stat, time import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk folderxpm = [ "17 16 7 1", " c #000000", ". c #808000", "X c yellow", "o c #808080", "O c #c0c0c0", …

Member Avatar for xunilxunil

Hello. First of all I am a newcomer to programming languages world and of course very new to Python. In my job, we are using Linux systems. Time to time I need to check some command and script outputs on the terminal. So, I wanted to code a small application …

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Member Avatar for kumarantechie

Hi, I am trying to run an application that is developed in python and compiled in python 2.5 I have upgraded fedora 10 to fedora 13 now i am trying to install that application and run it fedora 13 it gives me an error File "kb.py", line 8, in <module> …

Member Avatar for kumarantechie
Member Avatar for tehbrozor

Hello! I am trying to display a FITS image, if your not familiar with the extension its fine (gtk.Image.new_from_file() isn't either). I can get my image data to a numpy array (2D (256x256 to be exact)) I am having the most difficult time getting this into a grayscale image. I've …

Member Avatar for tehbrozor
Member Avatar for Patagonikus

I need to put a digital (or analogic) clock in a pygtk window with a exit button. I was looking a example with Tkinter but I do not know how to integrate in a pygtk window [ICODE] from Tkinter import * import time root = Tk() time1 = '' clock …

Member Avatar for Patagonikus
Member Avatar for wtzolt

Hi, I've made a small program which has 2 buttons and each does certain thing. Here's a simplified version of the code. Thing is it works fine except that the button freezes and stays in a clicked position and whole GUI freezes until the command is completed. As far as …

Member Avatar for jcao219
Member Avatar for dev777

Hi My question relates to Python GTK I have an image -a JPG - which I draw onto a drawing area. I want to reveal a portion of the image -say a 10pix by 10 px square -only where the mouse pointer is currently at. Everything 10 x 10 px …

Member Avatar for pankti

I want to reset the ComboBoxEntry when the arrow symbol on it is clicked, but could not find any method that is called when arrow symbol on dropdown list is clicked. None of the signals button_press_event, key_press_event or focus_in_event works. This all are called when the text area on dropdown …

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The End.