703 Topics

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Member Avatar for සශික

I'm making money lending system. On that I use mysql database. I want to find customer's who skipped their daily instalment. I try this code. But It has error. ***Prveious code:*** SELECT l.loan_id, l.custormer_id,custormer_name FROM loan l JOIN income i ON l.loan_id = l.loan_id WHERE l.loan_id NOT IN (SELECT loan_id …

Member Avatar for සශික
Member Avatar for pranay1995

Hi all I have a system that im working on the the code works fine it, but theres a part thats giving me issues below is the code that loops through the number of records in the table and generates the same number of update queries with the random numbers …

Member Avatar for pranay1995
Member Avatar for saideepak89

hi..... i am searching for the query for retrieving the deleted data from the table.From the web i got "flashback" method to get the dropped table.Any one has any idea pls,help me thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Maclean_1
Member Avatar for Ts91

Hi Guys! im making a small website based around a very simple and basic mvc pattern (in this case just seperating files into different folders) Im currently stuck on selecting data from the database and displaying it. My model looks like this: <?php require_once('../Controller/config.php'); class Readings { public $dbconn; public …

Member Avatar for referag

please i need to query 2 tables at once and display the content in table. here is the code: <?php include 'database.php'; $pdo = Database::connect(); $sql = 'SELECT producs.*,validation_superviseur.* FROM products ORDER BY product_id DESC ,validation_superviseur ORDER BY id DESC'; foreach ($pdo->query($sql) as $row) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'. $row['cat_id'] …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for Lloyd_4

Hi Everton one, I have the following search statement that works great, But what I would like to do is expand this to include multiple LIKE '%$search%' $STM = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM tblname WHERE col=:lsecure'); $STM->bindParam(':lsecure', $search); $STM->execute(); $count = $STM->rowCount(); $results = $STM->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); What I would like to do …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for awi

i need help. my teacher told me to create a program on java gui that can send everything you input to notepad. then when you input another info in java gui. another notepad file should be made..

Member Avatar for Raul Perez
Member Avatar for සශික

I'm making money lending system. In my database there are two mysql tables which are custormer AND income. All custormer info stored in custormer table. When I give loans these loan details stored in loan table. After I received loan amount from custormers(daily payments) these records stored in income table. …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri

Hello guys, im trying to learn how to use dynamic data table, which means i want to use data table as my searching result table. but i dint know how to make it because when the search result filled in the table, the sort and other "DataTable" function is not …

Member Avatar for Federico_1

i try to use phpoffice/phpexcel to do this but i haven't an idea of do it... i have this form in html <body> <div align="center">ELENCA TABELLE PRESENTI NEL DB</div> <form action="index.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table> <tr> <td> Filename: </td> <td> <input type="file" name="file" id="file"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right"> <input …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for janicemurby

hi im attempting to get all selected checkboxes to show in a database column. But ive tried adding a sql string for database to the code below to add the selected to database but nothing is coming up. where is it best to add the string <?php $aDoor = $_POST['formDoor']; …

Member Avatar for Galbatorix
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to get a posts comments within a Facebook group? I have tried using https://graph.facebook.com/{POST_ID}/comments?access_token={ACCESS_TOKEN} but all it returns is Array ( [data] => Array ( ) ) even though there are comments on my post.

Member Avatar for Florea

Hy there! I have a strange error to my prestashop. If I deactivate the module block contact without container the whole theme for mobile is ruined....Please see photo https://www.dropbox.com/s/1pst1w9ivuw4v3a/2016_01_03_12.25.10.png?dl=0 The error appears only to mobile and tablets. For desktop everything is okay. The same problem I get if I activate …

Member Avatar for Florea
Member Avatar for wikit

I have a working search database and it's query code says $criteria = $_POST['criteria']; $query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE '%".$criteria."%' Order by Appeared asc"; but I want it to omit results that contain the word but are more then the word example the criteria might be …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for Siberian

Hi, I was hoping I can get some help. I've been searching and searching for a lightbox that works with SrcSet so I can display different images based on viewport width. Most to which I have found; don't support SrcSet but presentation wise, are exactly what I want, somewhat a …

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for Shabbir_1

this is my code $sql = "SELECT * FROM `sale_history` WHERE `date` BETWEEN :fromdate AND :todate"; $stmt = $PDO->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':fromdate', $_POST['fromdate'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(':todate', $_POST['todate'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); $total = $stmt->rowCount(); while ($row = $stmt->fetchObject()) { echo "$row->date"; echo "$row->product"; echo "$row->username"; echo "$row->quantity"; } but its not working, where is the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Jatinder_1

When I login same script works for first user but for other user, it gives error in connection. More over i want to fetch data from database Main File is <?php include_once("../init.php"); validation_check($_SESSION['SID'],MEM_HOME_ADMIN); $msg=''; $dir ='../'.USER_PIC; $sId = $_SESSION['SID']; $query = mysql_query("select * from user WHERE user = ".$sId) or …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello. I have created a filter result using php but it is not properly working for me when i filter result it is not showing me up with any products <form method="POST" action="product.php?cat=<?php echo $cat; ?>"> <div class="price-box"> <h5>Price</h5> <input type="hidden" name='price_range' class="range-slider" min="0" max="600" value="23" /> </div> <div id="filters"> …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Sukanya_1

this code doesnt save data in db as 1 when i click on yes button.. <table id="main" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <th>Date</th> <th>Amount</th> <th>Approve</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $i= 0; foreach($purchaseorder as $tdata): $i++; ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $tdata['pay_date']; ?></td> <td><?php echo $tdata['amount']; ?></td> <td><td><?php if ($tdata['approve']=='1') { ?> …

Member Avatar for Sukanya_1
Member Avatar for amith_ami

Hi all, I am trying to select single record from each year of last ten year. Given below is the code what I am using now. But its taking too much time to get the result. Is there any way to make it fast? $sql_cond ="SELECT Close_Price FROM (SELECT Close_price …

Member Avatar for amith_ami
Member Avatar for UK-1991

developed an admin panel in which users can add products from there and I put fields over there as size and color for the dresses dresses sizes and color would be more then 1 so I made 2 more tables in the database named prod_size and prod_color here is the …

Member Avatar for amigura
Member Avatar for Stephen_10

Hello All, I have been working on a registration form for opencart for a while now. I think I am nearly there in how I have coded it. However I just do not know where I am going wrong with it. It is a standard form with text input fields …

Member Avatar for davecoventry

I'm trying to load dxf files CAD into a database for searching. Some of these files are huge with hundreds of thousand of separate entites. I've separated the file into the following tables: * drawings * layers * style * entities * points * flags * floats * text The …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Khalida_1

Following is my code effort.... I want to read first line of file(comma separated) & then create table in JavaDB but stuck here... Please someone help me how to do next???? public class DatabaseDAO { public void FileRead(String st) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException{ String []tokens=null; try{ try (FileReader fr = …

Member Avatar for Igho_1

Please i need help in writing a code showing online friends on a chatting site

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Florea

Hy there! I have prestashop and i want to export database clients in CSV through Mysql. I want all the fields possible. Is possible to export their passwords also?I mean MD5. Can you please help me? Best regards, Florea Uwe

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for sangi1981

Hi all, If I have two table of cod-desc, T1 and T2, and I need to create all possible combination, other than using cartesian product, is there another way more optimal to do that? Suppose every table has 1M rows. RDBMS= Oracle 11G. Thanks sandro

Member Avatar for sangi1981
Member Avatar for Abdulrasheed_1

Please Can Any one tell me How do I Greet a user with his name after he submited His form into my Data base /please i need your help.

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Natsu123

Hi guys, I really need your help. I am Programming an app where a teacher logs in with a username and password. After the login a new Fragment in the app opens where the Teacher see all his students in a ListView. To Login I only type the username and …

Member Avatar for Natsu123
Member Avatar for halovalo

Hi all! I have a simple procedure which should return an 'id' field if parameter is passed. The problem is that if I provide the single letter parameter it returns no records although there are matches. But if i provide the whole word as it's written in a table, I …

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The End.