11 Topics

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Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Sometimes we want to not split by every space character, but we want to split only on those outside of brackets and quotes. This way we can have for example quoted string as single argument for command. EDIT: 1. Added hierarchical nesting of same kind of brackets. 2. Bunching multiple …

Member Avatar for gamesbook
Member Avatar for ruhestorer

I have huge csv file that i need to load into database using sql loader. In the file, there are columns enclosed by ", but some of them is not and in these columns there are single quotes and I would like to know how to deal with them (I …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for Farouq21

[b]. I have searched google and everywhere before asking this question. I have a forum that the posts support php bbcodes. All basic bbcodes like [b], [i], [h1], e.t.c are working well. I used the str_replace() function for the bbcodes. Now i have a problem on how to create the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for fatalaccidents

Hello everyone, I'm trying to basically get a cmd variable to pass into commands.getstatusoutput. The problem is that the command has a lot of single and double quotes in it and I can't seem to get it to store as a variable. When I print the cmd it comes out …

Member Avatar for fatalaccidents
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

Hello guys, today when I was try to install Joomla on my server it prevents me from continue because of Magic Quotes GPC = ON , so I red about this and saw many sites and PHP iteself recommended to shut this feature, my question is in my projects I …

Member Avatar for OsaMasw
Member Avatar for ritzz
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for saucy6969

just completed my sister's website and am having issues with the Quotes on the intro paragraph. Am I missing something in the script? http://www.dynamicfxfitness.com any help would be great!

Member Avatar for saucy6969
Member Avatar for eNnilla

I'm currently building a website for my friends and me, and I've decided to have the homepage use a news system. I have the page working with PHP to load articles from my MySQL Database, and that's working fine. My real issue is with the page that adds items to …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Hypalink

Hi guys, I´m attempting to write a simple "get quote" script, but need some advice about best practice. I want to structure it as follows, lets say a customer wants 1,2,3,4 or 5 apples - I want the quote to be $1. If the customer wants 6,7,8,9 or 10 apples …

Member Avatar for Hypalink
Member Avatar for aaloo

i have this code in a page called process.php to create a page dynamically. [CODE]$_SESSION['z']=$post; $string = '<?php $p='.$_SESSION['z'].'; ?> '; $fp = fopen("$post.php", "w"); fwrite($fp, $string); fclose($fp); [/CODE] if $post=big then it creates a page big.php with this code [CODE] <?php $p=big; ?> [/CODE] but i want to write …

Member Avatar for aaloo
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi, in this news you will see how in the past few years there has been some controversy over a bug or more commonly known as a feature which appears it may be removed as of php 5.4.0. According to the features list of php 5.4.0 beta there is the …

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The End.