Re: How well will React.js construct an SEO-friendly site? Programming Web Development by Dani React.js, being a front-end JS framework, means that the UI gets rendered dynamically by the … perfect. Therefore, if your front-end is dynamically generated via JS, it's recommended to use static site generation. How well will React.js construct an SEO-friendly site? Programming Web Development by bijutoha I am currently studying React JS, and my eventual goal is to create a website using React JS that is optimized for SEO. Someone told me using React JS to construct a website will make it less search engine friendly. I'm curious; what are your thoughts? And how will things go with React.js in terms of developing an SEO-friendly site? a hover button in react.js Programming Web Development by widy.guilias hi guys... i want to make a hover button in react.js.. so there is a button.. when the mouse in on … is my code so far var Category = React.createClass({displayName: 'Category', render: function () { return ( React.createElement("div", {className: "row… Re: How well will React.js construct an SEO-friendly site? Programming Web Development by bijutoha > **it's recommended to use static site generation.** Dani, I appreciate you pointing me toward the right path. Could you please share some resources, experiences and insights related to it? Have you encountered challenges with Googlebot or found effective strategies to address SEO issues in React.js applications? React component will not render widget. Programming Web Development by jmann22 …Sorry i just started using react.js thanks !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0…https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter…js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); class JkpartyView extends React Opening and closing a nested list in React js Programming Web Development by phenny19 …I used to create the list. list.js class List extends React.Component { render(){ return ( <ul…; ); })} </ul> ); } list-item.js class ListItem extends React.Component { handleCollapse(){ console.log('Open/Close: ' + this… fetch data json in react.js Programming Web Development by widy_1 … var listData = (SingleResult) { return ( React.createElement("li", null, data.display_name) ); }); return… Save Time with React Code-Snippets Programming Web Development by Lucas_Raza …create a '.js' file, type the short-hand in that '.js' file …quot;imr" import React from 'react'; "rcc" import React, { Component } from 'react' export default class …; ) } } "rfce" import React from 'react' function App() { return ( <div… Get secure user value by any js libarary or with js ? Programming Web Development by phoenix254 … ask you that which is good library(angularjs jquery react blabla or simple js)/method/technique to get safe input value from… Hi everyone, I'm digiomate Community Center Say Hello! by digiomate … organization on different stages like Ruby on Rails, Symfony, Angular JS, React. Js and Cake PHP and so forth. What is Web Design… all about web development Programming Web Development by anass_3 i'm intrested in vue.js react.js meta frameworks and web design replace a html element in reactjs . Programming Software Development by kamilacbe … h4 and then send to the render output markup in react js . I can do them in jquery but wanna try in… ReactJs Development Programming Web Development by Raja_2020 Please ask question and get to know answers from the Netizens about the ReactJs development. I'm also the learner of React JS and would like to seek job on that. Come join with me if you are looking for the same career. Hello. I'm Niun Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Hotkeysk … arround 5 months ago, and currently am trying to learn React.js I just finished (i hope i finished) my first project… Re: Get secure user value by any js libarary or with js ? Programming Web Development by diafol I don't think anything on the client will prevent CSRF or XSS - they're usually due to vulnerabilities on the server. Most of the libs you mention are built on js, so they are not any "better" than plain js, just a bit more convenient maybe. To what are you referring with bind data? Re: What programming languages should I learn to develop a social media Programming by odeskavita …-interact user interface to attract the audience on the web. React.JS library and PHP language have emerged as the most powerful… for building social networking sites. You can learn about the React.JS library for the front end and PHP as a server… Re: Pass JS variables to PHP Programming Web Development by diafol You need to send the data either via Ajax or by redirect or by form submission. You can't pass off data to php as once the page reaches the client it's done and dusted. It won't react to interactive elements / js on your page. You have to make a new call to the server. Re: all about web development Programming Web Development by Ethanbrody …-Side Languages: Such as PHP, Python, Ruby, Node.js, etc., used to develop the server-side logic, manage…. Frameworks and Libraries: Front-End Frameworks: Like React, Angular, Vue.js, which simplify and speed up the development of…Frameworks: Such as Django, Ruby on Rails, Express.js, providing pre-built structures and components for faster back-… Re: Get secure user value by any js libarary or with js ? Programming Web Development by phoenix254 i didnt know what is angular so i was googling about that then i found it(bind data). i tried too search this but i dont understand very well. so i asked this question with above question. please tell me what is data bind ?and which method is best to use for chat get post in ajax ? Re: Get secure user value by any js libarary or with js ? Programming Web Development by diafol This is extending the original question somewhat. I think you need to ask a more specific question with regard to "data binding" with "angularjs" in a new thread as this thread title gives no clue as to the discussion you wish to have. Re: Get secure user value by any js libarary or with js ? Programming Web Development by Taywin As diafol said, there is NO WAY to prevent CSRF and/or XSS from input values. The rule of thumb, NEVER trust any input from user. You must SANITIZE the value if security is concerned. Either way (`document.getElementById()` or `$('#id/.class');` is the same. When you are talking about `bind data`, what are you binding the data to? The meaning of … Re: Get secure user value by any js libarary or with js ? Programming Web Development by phoenix254 any tip to sanitize the value ? Re: Get secure user value by any js libarary or with js ? Programming Web Development by diafol Sanitizing will happen on the server. You provide no info about what yur using or doing on the server, so can't see how we can help. Re: Embedd REACTJS to existing NODEJS + MYSQL Code Programming Web Development by pankaj_patel … at hashnode: where I explained how to… Header color and font style not changing Programming Web Development by John_165 … require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme') module.exports = { content: [ './pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}', './components/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}' ], theme: { extend: { fontFamily: {…13.0.5", "react": "18.2.0", "react-dom": "18.2… Trouble uploading files with aws s3 Programming Web Development by Victor_20 …exports = router; ========================================================================== fileUploadController.js const fileUploadService = require('../services… the client ============================================================================ USED IN REACT Axios pulled from profile page… I am a Web/UI Developer with 8 Years of Exp Programming Web Development by praveen_29 Hi This is Praveen, I am working since 8years as a FrontEnd Developer with strong Knowledge in below mentioned Skills HTML 4 HTML 5 CSS CSS 3 JavaScript jQuery Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 Angular 2 to 8 React PWA (Angular and React) Require JS KnockOutJS NodeJS Magento 2 FrontEnd Web Chat Thing (similar to Meebo). Help. Programming Web Development by TotoTitus …build up from scratch a chat-based application in PHP/JS/HTML/MySQL/Web Stuff. Nobody has told me how … Javascript. On to the chat application. I need a JS framework which will offer be the possibility to create "… a buddy list, a chat window, with the possibility to react to specific events). About AJAX - suprisingly, AJAX was easy … pass arguments to event handler Programming Web Development by diafol Hi all, I'm a bit of a jobber with JS, so please excuse me. I'm use prototype quite a …(window, 'load', function() { Event.observe('myid', 'click', runme); }); [/CODE] to react to [CODE]<li id="myid">Click… Problem with sending form Programming Web Development by sassenach … are as follows: Name, Email, Tel, Comments. This is my JS file the validates the form and sends to PHP file… used, return the boolean value so that //ajax script can react accordingly //1 means success, 0 means failed } else { echo $result…