Re: Long Paths/File names/Ext's Programming Software Development by rory jackson Hi Mr Freaky, Yeah it can be a real headache, I tried LongPath Tool Program to good effect thanks Rory Re: If Moore's Law is in Danger, What's Ahead for Other Famous Laws? Programming Computer Science by Madisson If Moore's Law is in Danger, What's Ahead for Other Famous Laws?" explores the potential impact on other technological principles if Moore's Law, which predicts the doubling of transistors on a microchip approximately every two years, faces challenges. This discussion includes examining the future of laws like Metcalfe's Law (network value) … Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jkon … an expert in AI either ;) . I have just created some real life applications using AI models and Python ( I tried so… is still hard to connect the AI advancements to the real world, some of these are in production quietly (without making… With Rapid Tech Advancement, Beware the Pitfalls of Centralization Community Center by Johannes C. … evolving, improving, and increasingly blurring the boundaries between what’s real and what’s not. The biggest stakeholders are the usual… Re: The powerful of ChatGPT Community Center by jkon … and call it a day. I don't know any real life project that is a file of code. Yes you… LLM and get a result , and this is useful , but real life projects aren't like that , are complex systems involving… Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim I'd definitely follow that. My older son does a fair bit of AI work and he exclusively uses Python with Pytorch. I would strongly recommend that over C++. Also, if you aren't familiar with Jupyter notebooks I suggest you have a look - I found that vscode was the interface that was the easiest to set up and use. Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jkon Hello , I have started writing it ( in my free time ) but it is a little difficult because I want it to be safe but also for someone that doesn't know a lot about Python. So I have to start from what pyenv is and why you should use virtual environments in Python. Less than half a year ago , I have written Python here and there in my life (or more… Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani I would absolutely love, of course, if you could write a tutorial, or series of tutorials, on how to use LLM without a ChatGPT API. I did not even realize that there were open source LLMs available these days!! (Perhaps I'm just behind the times?) Yes, just create a tutorial draft and then you can manage it from the [Editorial Workshop](https://… Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by Johannes C. … users, it is increasingly challenging to tell what's real and what's not. These developments breath new life …tech-savvy users on Reddit sometimes fail to distinguish between real and manipulated content. For example, one user reposted a …photoshopped, and mocked the gullible people who took it for real. However, it turns out that both the photo and… Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by m_624 … see online is created by bots or automated programs, not real people. This includes social media posts, comments, and even articles… a place filled with fake or manipulated content rather than real interactions between people. App development - Lobby functionality optimisation Programming Mobile Development by manmohan419 … suggestions or best practices for optimizing the lobby functionality in real-time multiplayer games like ours, particularly in terms of reducing… What is your biggest fear with the current A.I. revolution? Community Center by jkon … opinion that A.I. will "leak" to the real world piece by piece and that will be barely noticed… How has digital media transformed the landscape of marketing Digital Media by Pratham_2 … has revolutionized advertising and marketing strategies, offering unparalleled targeting capabilities, real-time analytics, and interactive engagement opportunities. From social media advertising… ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. … simply too perfect – adoring, pliable, devoted, and available – for any real person to contend with. And we can all envisage what… Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by Johannes C. … just heard: **build your brand**. The leak, along with countless real-life examples, suggests that a strong brand is the best… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner … in @(one of domains that I own), (not even a real email address) and form emailed successfully. And by changing only… Re: What are good ways to learn to become the best digital marketer? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Bunker To become the best digital marketer, start by learning from online courses, reading industry blogs, and practising hands-on with real projects. Analyze successful campaigns and keep experimenting to discover what works best. Stay updated with trends and tools in the field. Re: What is third-party cookie ?Why are they being phased out? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani … future versions of Chrome, citing privacy concerns. Many believe the real reason is so that they can become more of a… Re: How can I log in? Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Peter_136 From this I gather the real problem is that Daniweb was the source of the data … Re: How can I log in? Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani > From this I gather the real problem is that Daniweb was the source of the data … Re: Best Cloud Accounting Software? Programming Software Development by lucytaylor01 My personal favourite is FreshBooks why because it is simple to use, responsive mobile design, easy to track your expenses, real time tracking and excellent reporting features in it. Re: Forum Backlinks Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani … to create throwaway email addresses instead of using their one real, legitimate email address and being a productive member of the… Re: Does Tools give 100% correct answers? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by bijutoha …, and highlights that these tools are estimates, not gospel. The real value lies in **how you use these tools**. They can… Re: Does Tools give 100% correct answers? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Umar_35 … sets and algorithms, which can lead to discrepancies compared to real-time data from sources like Google Analytics and Search Console… Re: Which is the best SEO tool used to track exact ranking? Digital Media by Synergy_1 The best SEO tool for tracking exact ranking is SEMrush. It provides accurate and real-time data for keyword tracking, competitor analysis, and overall website performance, making it a top choice for tracking SEO rankings. Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by jkon … but in a very few occasions and never on the real content) . What you need different in a mobile web app… Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by Reverend Jim Seems like an extension of Sturgeon's Law which states "90% of everything is crap". Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by Nina0X So, what can we do to prevent the web from dying? I guess web3 is the answer! If the technology enables then the internet should not only be used for connecting and sharing some kitties! The whole of humanity's wealth will be held on the Internet.. Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by pcbugfixer I believe it is. With AI involved and the misleading and duplicate information tells me that the WWW is corrupt and becoming useless. And it is the Spammers, Hackers and the like that did it. Time will tell Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by m_624 The Dead Internet Theory suggests that the internet is dying or already dead due to the prevalence of bots and automated content. However, the internet continues to grow and evolve, remaining a vital part of modern life.