174 Topics

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Member Avatar for Bheeman89

Hello Daniweb. I have an issue here about my LAN network. I want to redirect all the web traffic that is happening in my LAN to a proxy server before it reaches the router and the Internet. Now, my infrastructure is like this where client makes request, request go through …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for daniel36

i have the code in my project- <Script language="JavaScript"> function goto(form) { var index=form.select.selectedIndex if (form.select.options[index].value != "0") { location=form.select.options[index].value;}} </SCRIPT> <FORM NAME="form1"> <SELECT NAME="select" ONCHANGE="goto(this.form)" SIZE="1"> <OPTION VALUE="">-------Choose a Purpose------- <OPTION VALUE="<?php echo base_url()."admin_panel/post_pmb/project"; ?>">Project Discussion </option> <OPTION SELECT="SELECTED" VALUE="<?php echo base_url()."admin_panel/post_pmb/general"; ?>">General Discussion</option> </SELECT> </FORM> in this code …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for darrinkeller

I'm trying to redirect about 40 web addresses from an old site to a new site. I was able to redirect all of the pages that DO NOT have a ".aspx" in them to the new site using .htaccess but I cannot figure out how to redirect the .aspx links. …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ShadyTyrant

I am working on a redirect script for a fancybox that loads a video, and then redirects the user to a new webpage when the fancybox is closed. I have the loader, and the redirect working. However every video that is loaded redirects to the same page. I believe this …

Member Avatar for Octet

Ok, I am having a 'WTF' moment, I cannot see what is going wrong and it is really beginning to bug me. I am attempting to send a user to an error page if the username or password is incorrect but it keeps redirecting to a page which doesn't exist …

Member Avatar for Octet
Member Avatar for bilfus01

I am hoping this is an easy question. I am not well versed in Java, I am a ITSM admin, but the ITSM product we use comes with Tomcat as it's web server. I am trying to find out if there is a simple way to set index file (welcome …

Member Avatar for Imby
Member Avatar for dougsix

A web site I'm trying develop has several pages that won't open unless the user is logged in. If not logged in, the user is redirected to a login page that tells the user why they were reditrected. Prior to the redirection, a SESSION variable stores the path back to …

Member Avatar for dougsix
Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hello everyone! I want to monitor my network using wireshark 's tshark command line tool. What i want to accomplish is to redirect tshark's output to a c++ application, so i can examine data and output a more comprehensive analysis without keeping a huge amount of data. I am working …

Member Avatar for ktsangop
Member Avatar for devin2203

Hi In my application I have a test for distance using google maps api. As you can see above if the postcode is within range the page is redirected to the menu page. I have created a very simple lightbox using css and the onclick function. I want that div/lightbox …

Member Avatar for KeithMon

I'm using PHP code from: [DetectMobileBrowsers.mobi](http://detectmobilebrowsers.mobi/) to redirect mobile users to a mobile site. I've got this code at the top of my page but I'm not experiencing any redirects. include('mobile_device_detect.php'); mobile_device_detect(true,true,true,true,'http://mydomain.com/mobile.php','http://mydomain.com/index.php'); I don't want to include the code from the website mentioned above because I believe it's copyright. Is …

Member Avatar for KeithMon
Member Avatar for vindom

Hi! Im a noob to PHP but had to use it instead of ASP because I couldn't retrieve images from database using ASP + MS Access... Anyways.. I have couple questions: Number 1: How to retrieve and displaymultiple(!) images(jpg) from mysql DB? NUmber 2: I have a main page that …

Member Avatar for grant.baker
Member Avatar for vindom

Hi! Im a noob to PHP but had to use it instead of ASP because I couldn't retrieve images from database using ASP + MS Access... Anyways.. I have couple questions: Number 1: How to retrieve and displaymultiple(!) images(jpg) from mysql DB? NUmber 2: I have a main page that …

Member Avatar for vindom
Member Avatar for Dani

We have permalinks for each individual post in the forum in the format `/posts/jump/123`. These URLs do a 301 redirect to the post in the full article, such as `/full-article-url#post123`. The landing pages have canonical URLs set to the full article URLs. I just recently started having the issue of …

Member Avatar for poly11
Member Avatar for wisedave

Hello, I have decided to move away from my current web designer and host and go with Word Press and a completely new web host. I am going to use a new brand specific domain name (my company name) instead of my current keyword domain. I want to work on …

Member Avatar for isoconsultant
Member Avatar for koduruabhinav

i have image on my web application. When i click that i will be redirected to track jsp.What that jsp does is track the image that is clicked and redirect to that image url .At present i asing response.sendredirect(URL) which will redirect in same window.Is there any possiblity to open …

Member Avatar for CrazyDieter
Member Avatar for 3tplus

Hi, How can i create a link in my PHP code (index.php) that when a user click on that link it will: 1. call doSomething() function within index.php 2. then call Myhtml.html Thanks for your help

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for fheppell

I want to create a redirect for anybody using: Mozilla Firefox 1.0.x Internet Explorer 1.0-5.x Safari 1.0-2.0.1 Opera 1.0-9.x I'm not sure how you do this (and yes, these are the browsers with jQuery problems. I need a jquery compatibility check)

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Stretty

Hi I have a form page (form.php) which calls a seperate PHP page to insert a new record (insert.php). Insert.php then redirects to a listing page (list.php) using [CODE]header('Location: list.php?z='.$access);[/CODE] ($access is the user id and priveledge level and is passed through all pages as our company does not allow …

Member Avatar for Stretty
Member Avatar for ginG3R

Hey guys, am a newbie and I searched I didn't see this question somewhere. If it exist, forgive me. I need help in redirecting url. I want to redirect users from [url]www.ammotorllc.com[/url] to [url]www.ammotorsllc.com[/url]. I want it that when people type the first, it will automatically switch them to the …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for brickbuilder

Hi ! I'm trying to learn about sockets using winsock in c++. What I want to do is have one computer (my computer) act as a mini server for my friend to connect to directly from his house (different ISP). I am wondering if it is possible using sockets to …

Member Avatar for Squit

hello ppl :) i use .htaccess for my PHP site to redirect without changing the URL in the adress bar for example: [url]http://www.example.com/news/This.is.a.new[/url] my .htaccess sends from /news/ folder sends the user to [url]http://example.com/news.php?id=142151[/url] ... and i can't send another variable to the [url]http://www.example.com/news/[/url] folder because is redirected to news.php?id... …

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Member Avatar for arihantphp

Below is the code which is supposed to redirect to a page once the whole form is filled up, the code works like a charm on my XAMPP server (localhost) , but as i uploaded my pages to my hosting area, the page stops redirecting, all it does is come …

Member Avatar for vaishalrs2007
Member Avatar for patrick1981

I have a blog with a domain that I moved to a new host and now it doesn't have SSL certificate installed on it. There are certain links to that domain that where bookmarked using https and now that SSL is not installed on the new server users who access …

Member Avatar for patrick1981
Member Avatar for andy106

Hi We are moving from one shopping cart to new one. we have about 4500 product links. is there anyway to make a general to move domian.com [url]http://www.domain.com/SearchResults.asp?Search=1234-111&Extensive_Search=Y[/url] to domain.com/search/q=1234-111 I don't really care about the -1111 (last 4) is there anyway to make this dynamic so I don't have …

Member Avatar for manojsamtani
Member Avatar for magicmarkuk

Hello I wonder if anyone could help me with the following please? I have scratched my head and played around but not been able to move forward. I am creating a script to redirect a user to a random link on my site. The first part of the code extracts …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for Marty1963

Sorry I'm still very new at this and there is probably an easier way to write this code. I want to have a contest page automatically redirect to another after a certain date. I have the code to turn on and off content after a certain date and I have …

Member Avatar for Marty1963
Member Avatar for andy106

Hi We have moved our site with a new system with a new structure. the domain is the same just structural changes, and I cant seem to get the htaccess right. Here is what i am trying to accomplish: move this: [B][url]http://www.domain.com/chairs/519.htm[/url][/B] to: [B][url]http://www.domain.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=519[/url][/B] we have over 5000 links so …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for BenzZz

Hi, I've already created registration and login scripts for my application, however i now want to include an option for registered users to reset their password if they have forgotten it and cannot log in. As currently, passwords stored in my database are encrypted, they cannot just be emailed to …

Member Avatar for BenzZz
Member Avatar for LegoBeast

Dear All I have made a successful html form with mail.php "thing" my only problem is I want to be able to redirect to 2 different thank you pages based on a value entered in the html form. Value field is "Type1" and people can enter either burger, farm or …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for sjsanjuan

Hi, I'm having a trouble with dynamic redirection. I've searched for everything and did $_GET and $_POST but still not working. The $id is not returning any results. Here's my code: include_once("includes/connection.php"); global $result; putenv("TZ=Asia/Manila"); $arrErrors = array(); $oid = isset($_GET['oid']) ? intval($_GET['oid']) : 0; $package_id = isset($_GET['package_id']) ? intval($_GET['package_id']) …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.