Something to reveal product keys? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by ApprenticeDave …’d like to find a freeware product that will unequivocally reveal the product keys to Microsoft products such as the operating… key. I’ve also tried ProduKey, but this will not reveal the product key to Office products. Any suggestions? I guess… Kraken bot cracked open to reveal source code Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … be detected or blocked." Although it is unusual to reveal the source code of such an exploit, PC Tools has… Minor problem/question with hide/reveal content javascript Programming Web Development by farsen … of my text and image layout, I want the hide/reveal text to be in a dedicated cell. But this example… What did you all think of the xbox reveal? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by aVar++ What did you all think of the xbox reveal? JavaFX ListView Slide to reveal Button Programming Software Development by Doogledude123 … when I slide and adjust the position of the Cell, reveal the Button? Re: JavaFX ListView Slide to reveal Button Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Maybe... use a panel with the cell contents and the button, then animate it to slide left or right to reveal or hide the button? Re: HELP! jquery CSS reveal sliders!! Digital Media UI / UX Design by _mike_ I've tried that and can get everything to work asides from those tabs! I think the scriptaculous code it uses is for the top navigation, ive grabbed all the .js files and css and images, still wont work, the hide reveal below them does and so does the top nav!!?? Reveal Content with Checkbox Programming Web Development by Reliable Hey everyone, Got a problem. I don't know JS and I've googled my problem. Either I'm not find what I need or I am not understanding what I've found. As the title says I have a form which check boxes. The last check box is labeled "other". What I want is that when the user clicks other my text field contained in my hidden "… Re: Reveal Content with Checkbox Programming Web Development by @developer Try this..Not sure whether thats what you require. [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function toggleDiv() { var boxChecked = document.getElementById("other").checked; var myDiv = document.getElementById("details"); boxChecked ?"block""none"; … reveal element with animate() Programming Web Development by Violet_82 Chaps, something that occurred to me today. If I have a div with `display:hidden;` and I want it to unhide it and animate it at the same time with `animate()`, how do I achieve that? I had a look at the jquery API and it says that `animate()` unlinke `slideDown()` etc doesn't unhide the element so it has to be done in a different way. I am aware of… Re: reveal element with animate() Programming Web Development by iamthwee try using fadein() or Re: reveal element with animate() Programming Web Development by Violet_82 Hi iamthwee, yes sorry I should have said I have looked at the other options too, but I specifically wanted to use `animate()` if possible. With the element hidden I got it back with changing the opacity to "show" which is quite odd because even when the element has display:none; the opacity seems to be 1. This is the script: $(… Re: reveal element with animate() Programming Web Development by iamthwee A few things... Maybe try setting the property to visible as well if the initial div is hidden. Or instead of using hidden maybe set the div to a alpha transparency of background and use animate to change the alpha transparency so it is now visible. Also posting an example of what you have tried on jsfiddle would help. Re: Something to reveal product keys? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by hughv Magical Jelly Bean: [url][/url] Re: What did you all think of the xbox reveal? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Stuugie It will be in my rec-room when it comes out! Re: What did you all think of the xbox reveal? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ancient Dragon Looks great -- maybe I can now get rid of all my remote controls. Re: What did you all think of the xbox reveal? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by aVar++ I'm not sure which one i prefer - PS4 or xbox one. The PS4 with DDR5 RAM, Video recording capabilities. But the xbox with the air gestures, talking, switching etc. Re: What did you all think of the xbox reveal? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ketsuekiame > The PS4 with DDR5 RAM It's important to distinguish that this is **G**DDR RAM not plain DDR. Although nowadays they're pretty interchangable, GDDR is built with Graphics chips in mind and will operate better in a graphics context. Whereas DDR is more adaptable and can qork quickly in a much more generic concept. I believe the idea behind … Re: JavaFX ListView Slide to reveal Button Programming Software Development by Doogledude123 Like a stackpane? Here's my current code. How could I manipulate it to accomplish that? //Package Code //Other Project Imports import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.geometry.Pos; import javafx.scene.control.ListCell; import javafx.scene.control.ListView; import javafx… Re: JavaFX ListView Slide to reveal Button Programming Software Development by Doogledude123 Anything? Re: Change-a-Letter-or-Two-Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by GreenDay2001 reveal Two Scripts Causing Problem. Programming Web Development by salman4aslam …=="cancel"&&!this.showing){this.cancel();this.reveal(); }}}}catch(c){this.element.setStyles({display:this.options.display,visiblity…;);}};Element.Properties.dissolve=Element.Properties.reveal;Element.implement({reveal:function(a){this.get("reveal",a).reveal(); return this;},dissolve:function(a){this… HELP!So I'm write the mines game and so far I have just some of the coding Programming Software Development by hamzah_1 …dict): Game state xray (bool): Whether to reveal all tiles or just the ones allowed by …dict): Game state xray (bool): Whether to reveal all tiles or just the ones allowed by …dict): Game state xray (bool): Whether to reveal all tiles or just the ones allowed by … How to configure GD Programming Web Development by ryy705 …'echo get_cfg_var("mysql.default_password") ; and reveal this password! And of course, any users with…read access to this ; file will be able to reveal the password as well. mysql.default_password = ; Maximum…access to this ; file will be able to reveal the password as well. mysqli.default_pw = ; Allow… "redeclared as different symbol" yet this is not the case in the code? Programming Software Development by kotkata … 5, 6, 6}, {7, 7, 8, 8}}; int Reveal[ROWS][COLS] = {{ 0, 0, 0, 0}, //the …getchar(); return 0; } void displayBoard (Board[][], ROWS, Reveal[][], ROWS) //this is where the problem lies { const… i = 0, i <= 16, i++) { if (Reveal[x][y] == 1) { cout << Board[x][y… What is the error... please Help! Programming Software Development by rhoit …* r; Table(short, short, short); Table(Tptr); void reveal(); }; Table::Table(short N, short B, short Ar)…void RSimplex::show(Tptr T) { #ifdef TestMode T->reveal(); #endif if(T==NULL) { cout<<"…endif } Tptr RSimplex::cutPlane(Tptr T1) { T1->reveal(); cout<<"\n\nInteger Progam: "; … stored memory Programming Software Development by PuQimX …r1--; c1--; r2--; c2--; {//reveal System.out.print(" 1 2…} System.out.println(); } } }//reveal public static void fillboard (int cards[][]) … Is my code or Visual C++ 2010? Programming Software Development by eggberto …;< "Press ENTER if you are ready to reveal c/v.\n"; cin >> junk; …;< "Press ENTER if you are ready to reveal c/v.\n"; cin >> junk;…;< "Press ENTER if you are ready to reveal c/v.\n"; cin >> junk;…;< "Press ENTER if you are ready to reveal c/v.\n"; cin >> junk;… Re: Is my code or Visual C++ 2010? Programming Software Development by eggberto …;< "Press ENTER if you are ready to reveal c/v.\n"; cout << "\…lt; "Press ENTER if you are ready to reveal c/v.\n"; cout << "\…lt; "Press ENTER if you are ready to reveal c/v.\n"; cout << "\…lt; "Press ENTER if you are ready to reveal c/v.\n"; cout << "\… Re: Div swap Plus Font color change Programming Web Development by macgurl70 …;div id="triggers"> <div onclick="reveal('meet');"> <a id="nav-btn"…;</a> </div> <div onclick="reveal('schedule');"> <a id="nav-btn"…lt;/a> </div> <div onclick="reveal('contact');"> <a id="nav-btn"…