Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes slickNav is in the html, #menu - and js <script>. I think it is working only because the accord is the second call. SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by solomon_13000 …> <link rel="stylesheet" href="slicknav.css" /> <script src="jquery-1…**initialize.js** $(document).ready(function() { $(window).load(function() { $('#menu2').slicknav({ label: '', duration: 1000, easingOpen: "easeOutBounce", //available with jQuery… Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes …8"/> <link href="css/slicknav.css" rel="stylesheet" type=&… type="text/javascript" src="js/slicknav.min.js"></script> <…script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $('#menu').slicknav(); }); </script> </head> <body>… Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by diafol Bit confused here. This thread is about slickNav. But I see no slickNav references or binding in your fiddle. Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes … links that I'm using: <link href="css/slicknav.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css…; <script type="text/javascript" src="js/slicknav.min.js"></script> <script type… Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by solomon_13000 [Click Here]( Advanced Demo Section Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes What is the solution? I am getting a Firefox message that TypeError: $(...).slicknav is not a function. Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by diafol Show your js code in full. Sounds like you haven't included/linked to the slicknav js file. Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes I fixed that one, yes I did need to link to the slicknav js code. Now I've found that my problem is that I'm also using accordion-ui and appear to have a js conflict. I'm still learning the forum, should I post to jsfiddle and show the link? Or post directly here? Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes Firefox says: TypeError: $(...).accord is not a function accord.js:2:3 The accord.js is the one on jsFiddle. I think it's in conflict with slicknav, but I don't know how to fix it. Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes …; <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $('#menu').slicknav(); }); </script> </head> Is that what you… Php code to Upload image to admin Programming Web Development by Princecrich …; <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/slicknav.min.css"> <!-- amchart css --> <link…;</script> <script src="assets/js/jquery.slicknav.min.js"></script> <!-- start chart… Re: Two compact mobile phone menus, I need to remove one. Programming Web Development by gentlemedia The HTML of that `slicknav_menu` section gets added dynamically by `jquery.slicknav.min.js` (I think) and it's not in use by your theme, so you can just delete (or comment out first) the slicknav related js and css files from your HTML. Re: Two compact mobile phone menus, I need to remove one. Programming Web Development by hericles There must be some reference to slicknav in your code somewhere, you need to fnd and remove it, but in the meantime you can always hide it by editing your custom style sheet. `.slicknav_menu {display: none!important;}` That will hide the entire dark grey strip the menu button is in Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by pritaeas Not sure why you use `load` inside the `ready` function. It's usually one or the other. What exactly is not working? Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by solomon_13000 The menu doesn't appear in the way it should appear. Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by pritaeas Perhaps you know how it should appear, I certainly don't. Without you explaining it it'll be hard to find an issue. Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by pritaeas > prependTo:'#demo2' I don't see a tag with id `demo2` Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by solomon_13000 I solved the problem and will post the solution later in the day :) Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by diafol As long as you just show the relevant snippets (not ALL your code, heh heh) - post away, great. If you have a link to a fiddle, include that too - it will save people a lot of time. Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes Thank you. When I resize to 750px, I receive an error message from Chrome that says: Uncaught TypeError: $(...).accord is not a function My code is here: [Click Here]( Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by diafol Well I'm looking at the fiddle you supplied and I can't see it anywhere: Am I missing something? Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by diafol Seeing as you have not posted any code, just provided a link to the fiddle - the fiddle is all we have to go on. Your fiddle is missing a head area - so there are no scripts included, other than the js code you include in the panel. Therefore we have no way of testing your page. Sorry but I'm not going to download all these various scripts in … Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes if (window.matchMedia("(max-width: 799px)").matches) { $('.accord').accord({heightStyle: 'content', collapsible: true, active: false}); 'use strict'; var parentDivs = $('.accord div'), childDivs = $('.accord h3').siblings('div'), grandDivs = $('.accord h4').siblings('div'); 'use strict… Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes Is this what you needed? Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes forgot css: @media screen and (max-width: 799px) { #menu { display:none; } .slicknav_menu { display:block; } .arrow1{ display:none; } #wrapRight { clear:both; float:none; width:100%; margin:0 0 1em 0; } #wrapLeft { clear:both; float:none; width:… Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes Do these help? Re: SlickNav - No effect Programming Web Development by KoniKodes Thank you for taking the time to try to help me. I found the answers! I must remember to keep it simple.... Re: Php code to Upload image to admin Programming Web Development by Dani I'm super confused by what you're asking, and reading 800 lines of uncommented code doesn't sound very fun.