Re: Python - Optimization Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by Salem … make guesses, find evidence) For example, if the program is spending a lot of time waiting for I/O (aka the… much (it will just wait more efficiently). If it's spending a lot of time talking MySQL, then research alternative methods… Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by varone … far so it should work i think , you said about spending some hours but not for this i hope ? VSC is… Re: Best way to increase ROI of ads camapign Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by AndyBeohar …. Monitor closely for the first 10 days and check on spending 4. Add or pause overspending keywords that provide no conversion… Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by spuriousgeek … get the answer you need with various prompts, instead of spending the time using existing knowledge to resolve it yourself quicker… Spending Down, Outlook for Tech Stocks Muddled Community Center by Brian.oco …out with a statement today reiterating its point that tech spending is weak and that it is now negatively impacting … out with new research stating that, for 2009, technology spending estimates have dropped from plus-9.4% to plus-6… sell to consumers. So while a decline in tech spending may help cash-strapped consumers buy good computers on the… Financials Hurting Wall Street; Small Business Tech Spending on the Rise Digital Media Digital Marketing by Brian.oco … issued by Compass Intelligence on business technology spending trends. Spending will be solid but companies are also … will represent 32% of information and communications technology spending this year alone. The Compass report, entitled …: New Challenges & Opportunities in Business ICT Spending," predicts that small and midsized firms will… Security spending to outpace other IT spending in 2010 Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …; Specific areas of projected security-related software spending growth in 2010 includes security information and event… The survey showed that security services spending will also outpace spending in other services areas, with budgets…that new threats or vulnerabilities may require security spending that exceeds the amounts allocated, and should… Good Tech News? Online Ad Spending Is Slowing - But Not by Much Digital Media Digital Marketing by Brian.oco …world's financial markets. By 2010, Zenith says Internet ad spending will reach $67 billion, up from $61 billion previously…. Online ad spending has experienced a rough ride in 2008. I've been… when the economy picks up again and people start spending again. That's why the Zenith numbers are encouraging… Small Business Outlook Wary, But Hope Springs Eternal for IT Spending Community Center by Brian.oco … from the folks who do most of the IT spending -- small business owners. According to the numbers from…2008. On the surface, that should negatively impact IT spending. According to Discover, only 28 percent of small …for technology companies. The report adds that plans for spending on business development increased this month, with 32 percent… Key Software Benchmark: No Country for Old Software Spending Trends Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco … One key benchmark, the ChangeWave corporate software spending survey, has seen a shift into negative territory… a powerful indicator of a very tough corporate spending environment. The survey also looked at specific software …Virtualization (9%) and Enterprise Resource Planning (7%) spending appear similar to that of the previous survey. … Financial Meltdown to Bleed IT Spending? Not So Fast Community Center by Brian.oco … next. But that's only IF companies stop spending money on information technology products and services. Right …ago, and have actually begun to improve spending in recent months. Spending on infrastructure, compliance-driven projects and … technologies, “is seen as non-deferrable.” The spending environment is not expected to be as severe as… Tech Sector Spending; Cramer's Tech Play Community Center by Brian.oco … with a strengthening dollar and the decline in consumer spending, the technology sector is looking at "multiple … writes Barrons. "They simply can't revise spending fast enough to keep up with the precipitous decline …-happy 1990's saw some years of double-digit spending growth. Bernstein hardware analyst Toni Sacconaghi told Barrons that… More States Put Spending Information Online Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by slfisher … for ordinary people to see what their governments are spending their money on, more entities -- from city to…quot;"]a number of other states[/URL] …quot;"]publicizing[/URL] ones that did not … As UK economy grinds to a halt, online spending surges upwards Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek …. However, [URL=""]it seems[/URL] that the credit crunch… Capgemini e-Retail Sales Index for July shows that online spending actually increased during that month. With a total market value… Online Ad Spending Down; What the Next President Should Do About the Economy Digital Media Digital Marketing by Brian.oco … the tech sector, more numbers are out on Internet advertising spending for 2009 - a bellwether for the entire economy in 2009…. He estimates that the U.S. market for online ad spending will hit 11 percent to $7.95 billion for the… Re: Good Tech News? Online Ad Spending Is Slowing - But Not by Much Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani Please see [url=]this story[/url] for a correction. Re: Key Software Benchmark: No Country for Old Software Spending Trends Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by patelmiteshb ya this is good joke Spend, Spend, Spend: it's good news for IT Digital Media Digital Marketing by newsguy … the industry should show continued and steady growth with spending in 2011 projected to surpass $3.5 trillion, or… for computing hardware specifically, Gartner is forecasting that worldwide spending will reach $353 billion in 2010, that's a…quot; which means that, if you look at IT spending in exchange-rate-adjusted dollars terms, will actually grow… European debt crisis hits global IT spend forecast Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek … quarter of this year Gartner was forecasting worldwide IT spending to growth of 5.3 percent based on the …healthy PC sector accounting for some two-thirds of total spending in this area. Gartner expects PC shipments to remain…year, and to enable growth strategies, CFOs expect increased IT spending" Gordon says, however he warns that "CIOs … IT Industry Growth Community Center by Brian.oco … the Boston-based consultancy, growth in global technology spending will slow next year, rocked by a potential U…for the technology sector in 2008: -- Worldwide IT spending will grow at a slower pace in 2008. Economic… similar attention as suppliers seek out additional pockets of spending. -- Market Leaders Embrace Online Delivery Models. The … a "Sell"? Tech Jobs Continue Falling in '09 Community Center by Brian.oco … United States. Compare those numbers to 2008, when global tech spending rose by 6.1%, according to Gartner. "Certainly, …. All is not dark, however. Gartner says that tech spending will rebound in 2010, and bring more tech jobs back… with it. The firm says that tech spending will increase by 3.4% in the United States … No Recession After All? Good News for Tech Businesses Community Center by Brian.oco …, business activity and corporate profits continue to rise. Consumer spending is continuing at a rate of 2 to 2.5… to dangerous levels, the Board adds. Although real consumer spending grew at above 4 percent in mid-2005, it has…. “Americans have enjoyed over two decades of continuous consumer spending growth, which is one of the causes for the large… Dell Due for a Bounce Back? Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco … of good tidings for the technology sector, though. Technology spending, adds Wu, "is turning out a little better…, from Intel to HP to Apple and Microsoft; the spending has been stronger than feared," Wu said. Of… competitors, so any continued stagnation in U.S. consumer spending, especially on the business side, might bring Dell’s… Bernanke Bounce, Twitter-Google Rumor Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco …term view is rosier, as Gartner now sees 2010 spending rebounding just 2.4%, rather than the 5% …According to Gartner, the new forecast suggests overall IT spending won’t surpass the 2008 level until 2011. For …Until global financial markets stabilize, global GDP growth, including IT spending, is unlikely to strengthen.” Elsewhere, there’s a rumor… I need a second eye on my code. Programming Software Development by dlmagers …std; int main () { // variables double incomes = 0.0; double spending = 0.0; int totalIncome = 0; int totalSpending = 0; int …;; cin >> incomes; counterIncome += 1; } while (spending >= 0) { totalSpending += spending; cout << "Enter week " <<… Good News, Bad News for Holiday Retailers Digital Media Digital Marketing by Brian.oco …only one year. The bad news indicates that holiday spending is likely to decline from 2006 levels for many consumers…Burst study, one-quarter (25.6%) expect to reduce spending, 36.1% will spend the same amount as the …prior year and only 16.8% expect spending to increase. These conservative spending estimates are true even among the highest income… High Oil Prices Taking Toll on Tech Industry Community Center by Brian.oco …rising oil prices) is the potential impact on consumer spending, which accounts for about 70 percent of U.…1 billion out of overall spending. Taxpayers getting rebate checks designed to revive spending and get the economy moving…facing an outright consumer blackout this summer. Discretionary spending is down and forecasters are downright dour about … States Graded for Stimulus Transparency Websites Community Center by slfisher …in each state's grade included: [LIST] [*]Planned spending totals by broad categories (energy, housing, transportation, … specific programs; [*]Data on the distribution of spending among the state’s counties (or other geographic… location of the projects; [*]Descriptions of specific spending projects and the contracts associated with them; [*]… Need help... Programming Software Development by jackbauer24 …5 >>> paper_round = 30 >>> spending = 10 We’ve just created variables named ‘chores’, ‘paper …round’ and ‘spending’. We can then re-type the equation to get: … = 7 >>> print (chores + paper_round - spending) * 52 1404[/QUOTE] What do they mean by [QUOTE]then… Help with credit card method, OOP Programming Software Development by moe11223 …credit card balance. spendingLimit. A double that stores the spending limit of the card holder. Bonus: additional fields that…'s corresponding member variables. The constructor should initialize the spending limit to $2,000 and the balance to $0… the balance to 0. Increase Spending Limit: ask the user how much the spending limit should be, and call …