Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH Ok, this is for all you stock market gurus out there.. Looking for a little bit of … dividends. It trades in the NYSE. It has a market capitalization of 8 billion, and profited 2.44% last …in the AMEX, and has a market cap. of 119.96 million.. I bought this stock at about $2.75/share,… as I am obviously not very knowledgeable about the stock market. Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH … bad idea to invest all of your savings in the stock market. If you want to do that, at least take half… and put it into a high yield CD or money market. I trade technology stocks, primarily up and coming companies that…, similar to most other Americans I was attracted to the stock market at the thought of making a high return, and earning… Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH … that don't move. Knowing what signals work under current market conditions. And then doing all of those. And for the… than a single pair.. The same is true for the stock market. It requires experience and education, but a lot of it… is also choosing the right time to invest, the right stock to invest in, etc.. luck. Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH [QUOTE=Infarction;376862]Enron's stock started turning down before it crashed. There were some pretty … his partners in crime. Luck is a factor in the stock market, and you're a fool if you think otherwise. Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani … bad idea to invest all of your savings in the stock market. If you want to do that, at least take half… and put it into a high yield CD or money market. I trade technology stocks, primarily up and coming companies that… Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Infarction …, similar to most other Americans I was attracted to the stock market at the thought of making a high return, and earning… that don't move. Knowing what signals work under current market conditions. And then doing all of those. And for the… Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH Hey, just wondering if anyone here does much trading. I've been trading in the stock market for a couple years or so.. I invest almost all my money that I have earned working. This year I haven't done too well. I've lost a little over a grand. Anyway, this thread is dedicated to any thoughts/suggestions about investing. Enjoy! Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by christina>you I'm afraid to trade in the stock market. Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH … me that there is absolutely no luck involved in the stock market at all.. If you invest in a company the day… Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Sturm play? Are you talking about poker or stock market trading? btw, I am not allowed to play poker either. My dad says pokers for losers.... Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH [QUOTE=Sturm;377635]play? Are you talking about poker or stock market trading? btw, I am not allowed to play poker either. … Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH ….. AND.. where is the best place for news on the stock market? (on t.v. and the internet) MSNBC? Thanks! Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by chuckbo … program to do all sorts of neat things with the stock market. My program has a webpage. [URL]… Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH damn.. I have already made $100+ from the stock market.. HDY is exponential!!!! Stock Feeds for Stock Market Game Community Center by fbocch … is a small Boston based, non-profit who has written stock market game software to be played at the middle and high… company to provide us a free or discounted real-time stock market feed for our game. Does anyone know if that's… Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH Market closed. Today's Change: $71.01 :) Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting …more, nothing less. My job is writing software for stock traders (and other traders and analysts in the financial … on luck, betting fortunes on minute changes in the market. Unless you have the time and equipment to be…different sectors, different exchanges) portfolio where losses in one stock will be compensated by wins in another. With a … Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting [QUOTE=Infarction;381230]some stock went up 45% today, sure... penny stocks, most likely, that … with that last year. New functionality to determine fast moving stock kept picking up inconsequential penny stocks going up 5 cents… banks and not people lured by spammers into trading penny stock). Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH … looked at the news prior to open, and bought some stock.. it rose to what I figured was the max, then… I sold, and bought another stock..All in all, I traded 3 stocks, and profited $87….. I would buy based on the current velocity of the stock, and a bit of info from MSNBC and online sources… Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH … else has lost me money. I've tried the big market stocks (you don't return much) and the penny stocks… invested in what I thought was a great pink sheets stock.. It had gone up 30% the last couple of days… Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Infarction … could go either up or down. I'd not touch stock on it, 'cause you have to pick sides. It might… 27.5 straddle with September or December options, but the stock'll have to move a few points in either direction… Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Infarction … is also choosing the right time to invest, the right stock to invest in, etc.. luck.[/quote] Replace luck with research… Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Infarction Enron's stock started turning down before it crashed. There were some pretty good signs that something was going down, if you knew where to look (especially at insider trading information). Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH Hmm.. Thanks for your advice. What stock do you think will do well in the months to come? Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH icic.. thanks. On Wednesday and Thursday (since I'm off work) I'm going to see how much I can make day trading.. I'll have MSNBC on, and try to find some stock that is in the news, and supposed to do well.. Buy, wait until inflection point (or somethn that I perceive as one) then sell.. :) Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH …[/I] go up.. I looked on Motley Fool, and some stock went up 45% today! If I can hopefully analyze information… Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Infarction some stock went up 45% today, sure... penny stocks, most likely, that you'd be hard pressed to find before they moved. By time you get anything from the mainstream media, they'll be reporting it [i]because[/i] it moved 45%. You won't earn your money back by jumping into this. All stocks [i]should[/i] go up, afterall. Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting … by 15 minutes or more. So when you see a stock updating that update actually happened 15 minutes ago (or longer… Re: Stock Market, anyone? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by twomers Why is this thread still open? On another note does anyone do those virtual stock exchange things? I can't remember the URL to the site I'm on about, but a friend of mine mentioned it. Might be a good guide to seeing how successful ye might be ... maybe Does the Stock Market Freefall Impact Your Job? Community Center by Brian.oco …Index (DJIA) -- the chief benchmark for the U.S. stock market -- had surpassed the magic 14,000 mark. Most companies,…lending markets, with the ensuing credit crisis taking the stock market down with it. With banks and other lenders … night, and financial pundits everywhere are touting the stock market's ills with all the intensity of a fight…