Homes Sales Boost Stocks (Somewhat); Verizon Rings Up Nice Earnings Digital Media Digital Marketing by Brian.oco Stocks are mixed today, which isn't really bad news considering … Medical Technology Stocks A Silver Lining in "Worst Market Week Ever" Community Center by Brian.oco …more downward movement in the stock market is medical technology stocks. Citi, taking time out from buying every brick …Wall Street, maintains a 'Buy' rating on Medical Technology Stocks BAX, COV and MDT. One Citi analyst says, "… Medtronic... Citi is lowering its target prices for all three stocks, however, as follows: BAX $72 (vs. prior $79),… Cell Phone Ticketing Could Lift Airline Stocks Community Center by Brian.oco I know that, technically speaking, airline stocks aren't technology stocks (although I can't think of a more …of champagne and Belgian chocolate in coach, should help airline stocks. They dropped sharply in May, thanks to rising energy…and losses. But it's worth noting that airline stocks often move opposite oil futures because fuel represents one of… Blue Light Special: Tech Stocks to Buy at Deep Discounts Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco …dow - would be an especially hard landing for stocks. Now I'm wondering if we won't …re facing the worst of it right now, stocks are going to become historically cheap in the …next few weeks. Two tech stocks that could prove resilient are that TV advertising …if we live to tell the tale, both stocks should be in the "too good to … Biotech Barack Play: Stem Cell Stocks Community Center by Brian.oco Stem cell stocks have been trading higher this week on reports President-elect … Obama, confirmed the Journal report on Sunday, the stocks of prominent stem cell stocks went up in Monday (AM) trading: -- StemCells Inc…-traded firms engaged in stem cell research, adult stem cell stocks are light years ahead of embryonic stem cell companies in… Halloween Scare: Five Weird, But Profitable, Internet & Media Stocks Community Center by Brian.oco …introduce five "weird" internet & media content stocks that might be more treat than trick. The list is…a few of the 'weird' selections might be high risk stocks for some investors. So be forewarned. Here goes: 1.… coffers. That's it . . . five offbeat media and internet stocks to ponder over this Halloween season. I'll keep an… Tech Stocks Still Getting Drubbed Community Center by Brian.oco I'm starting to think that technology stocks are at a breaking point. A few more sessions of …significant losses and you have to wonder when tech stocks will be back in the black. You can't really…) saw its stock take a beating. The only big-name stocks showing any hope are Cognos, which saw its stock on… Rough Week for Tech Stocks Community Center by Brian.oco … the whole stock market, for that matter. But technology stocks bore the brunt of it. Let's look at some … fairly bullish about the rest of the year for tech stocks, listing the following three reasons why we should be bullish… Tech Stocks Still Tied to Credit Mess Community Center by Brian.oco …teeing up the segment "For much of 2007, technology stocks outperformed as the sector was perceived to be largely immune… have seen a sea change in that view: Technology stocks have been among the hardes hit in recent months as… Invesco, appearing on Tech Ticker, told viewers that tech stocks are not immune to the subprime crisis because of its… JP Morgan: Outlook for Tech Stocks Bullish Community Center by Brian.oco Tech stocks have been lagging along with the rest of the stock … simple one - so simple most financial analysts miss it. Tech stocks will rise because capitalism - often brutally criticized in the mainstream… computers. So there is money to be made in tech stocks - you just have to expand your investment horizons to find… Tech Stocks Getting Defensive? Looks That Way Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco … high oil prices (now over $140 per barrel), technology stocks should be directly in the line of fire. But they…in assets under management. She made the case for tech stocks today on the Tech Talk pod cast, arguing that, …from Garnick? That for perhaps the first time ever, technology stocks have earned a reputation as a viable defensive strategy that… Spending Down, Outlook for Tech Stocks Muddled Community Center by Brian.oco … today (Thursday). That, however, is the good news. For tech stocks, it's all downhill from there, with shares of Dell… anything rash. Sooner or later, this virus will pass, and stocks - especially tech stocks - will rise again. Semiconductor Stocks Rise, But Trouble Lurks Community Center by Brian.oco … stability in the financial markets this week. Some tech stocks in the news include Advanced Micro Devices and Expedia. …Yoshikami of YCMNET Advisors, appearing on CNBC this afternoon, both stocks have issues, but they also have merit. ""…from short sellers cashing in. He adds that chip stocks have taken the brunt of bad news from the … Cramer Bearish on Tech Stocks, Citi Lending Again Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco … is on the stump with a new take on tech stocks. On CNBC last night, Cramer told viewers not to …would probably be lost. ” Cramer is also worried about semiconductor stocks, which continue to slide, unable to find that bottom that… Money" on Monday, agrees with Cramer that tech stocks like Apple and Research In Motion continue to perform well… Re: Tech Stocks Still Getting Drubbed Community Center by jwenting I wonder what indices you're looking at. The NASDAQ had quite a rally yesterday. And it's not just tech stocks that have been going down. There's been a general downturn in the market which only yesterday (or maybe monday in some regions) started to revert. 2nd Quarter Rebound in Tech Stocks? RIM Could Lead the Way Community Center by Brian.oco It’s been a lousy first quarter for tech stocks but the outlook for the second quarter of 2008 looks … already been discounted. So we’re seeing plenty of tech stocks falling to really good bargain levels.” Security software could be… Option Play: Goldman Sachs Bullish On Big Tech Stocks Community Center by Brian.oco … the backfield. Options are a riskier way of investing on stocks. Essentially, options allow you to buy or sell a company… key gauge of options prices, is the lowest for technology stocks since 2003 when compared with the Standard & Poor's… Not So Fast on Microsoft, Video Game Stocks "Recession-Proof"? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco … What does that list tell traders on Monday? That the stocks of companies like Sony, Nintendo, and Samsung, to name a… be the case for the big video game makers, whose stocks have remained relatively stable as adult consumers put their own… Smaller software stocks a good bet; Sprint Nextel Struggles Community Center by Brian.oco Are small company software stocks – especially medical technology companies -- a safe, even profitable, haven for … clients we have minimal exposure to oil. “The valuations on stocks have come way down over the past 10 years. “Starting… French Fried; Hot Tech Stocks Community Center by Brian.oco …!" “The NYTimes had it right when they said that stocks rallied because, "Investors found the financial news not as… from a near death experience for this to occur.” Hot stocks today? CNBC has some poppers in the tech sector, including… [HELP]Calculations in[retail and wholesale(stocks)] Programming Software Development by jez9 … database field : CODE, Stocks_WS, Stocks_retail, cnt , numexpected Stocks_WS - stocks for wholesale Stocks_retail - stocks for retail cnt - the number of times where the… listview :low stocks in database hightlight background of listview Programming Databases by PEM_1 … want to change the forecolor mu value of stocks in listview in a column stocks..not all column..pls guys help me:( Re: listview :low stocks in database hightlight background of listview Programming Databases by pritaeas > forecolor mu value of stocks in listview in a column stocks In C# this works for SubItems. Am sure you can convert it to what you need in VB.NET: lvItem.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false; lvItem.SubItems[2].BackColor = Color.Orange; // 2 should be the right column index Re: [HELP]Calculations in[retail and wholesale(stocks)] Programming Software Development by jez9 please guys help me. i tried another code but the result is the same. It only works when i buy 1 item only but when i try two or more items, it keeps reducing the stocks number for wholesale even though i buy in retail. Tech Stocks Ease Into Holidays Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco It should be a slow week for technology stocks, what with the holidays fast approaching and a dearth of … Tech Stocks on the Rebound Through Mid-Week Trading Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco … hoopla yesterday that I forgot to mention how well technology stocks are doing so far this week. Sure, today's trading… Semiconductor Sector Rare Bright Spot in Tech Stocks Community Center by Brian.oco … as being the trigger for a run-up in chip stocks late last week, although I like the numbers that National… Tech Stocks Weather the Storm, Yahoo Board, Shareholders Square Off Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco ….S. unemployment rate rose to 5.7% today). Still, tech stocks seemed to navigate the tumult of bad news in surprisingly… Amid market Gloom, Buy Back Programs Look to Kick Start Tech Stocks Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco … weakness, would indeed likely trigger a bounce-back in tech stocks of large companies like Microsoft, Apple and HP. Hey, it… Steps to Financial Stability; Hot Tech Stocks Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco … stock market, some observers are actually seeing opportunity in tech stocks. Tim Bajarin of Creative Strategies, certainly does. “Technology is not…