Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by aishamushtaq Absolutely, I appreciate the reminder. If you're experiencing difficulties with your CRM's workflow feature, it might be beneficial to provide more details about the specific steps you've taken so far to troubleshoot the issue. That way, others in the community can offer more targeted assistance or suggest alternative solutions based on your … Apple Owns the Holidays, Forced Layoffs for Tech Workers Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco …is not much going on in the economy. In the tech sector, though, it’s becoming apparent that there is …of the iPhone. Elsewhere this holiday season, a lot of tech workers will be taking it easy – whether they like it … weapon for technology company bean counters. Says the Times; “Workers at some of Silicon Valley’s biggest companies will find… New Study Says Tech Workers at Greater Risk of Heart Attack Community Center by Lisa Hoover As if tech workers didn't have enough to worry about, now there's …/2003429804"]study[/URL] claiming people who work in high-tech industries are 50% more likely to develop heart disease than… Does the Tech Industry Need Lobbyists? Community Center by Lisa Hoover …but wonder what other tech-oriented groups would benefit from a similar group. Would IT workers? What would they… but none that I know of specifically targeted at tech workers. Due to the unique nature of their jobs, …] in nearly every aspect of our daily lives, tech workers are also becoming crucial to our infrastructure. Despite years… 4 Ways to Insult IT Workers Programming Databases by Lisa Hoover …to manage it. If you're in the market for tech workers, or already employ a team to handle your infrastructure, …. Piggybacking on the point I made above, trust your tech workers to know what tools work best for which job. If…. Trust their judgement. [B]Lowball your IT contractors[/B] - Tech workers are a highly skilled group that spend a lot of… Stress Taking its Toll on IT Workers Hardware and Software by Lisa Hoover …know they are easily replaced by the legions of tech workers churning through colleges in the U.S. and those…it to continue. The chief long-standing complaint of tech workers is how they are expected to produce results with… In his article, Kaneshige tells story after story of tech workers who struggle to keep their jobs, dignity, and sometimes… Consumers Dour, But Tech Sector Begs to Differ Community Center by Brian.oco ….S. cybercities — those with the most technology workers — added high-tech jobs in 2006, and are at the top …., in the heart of Silicon Valley, with 225,300 tech workers; and Boston with 191,700. - Silicon Valley had the… nation's highest concentration of high-tech workers with 286 industry employees for every 1,000 private sector… Obama's Plans For Infrastructure Mean New Tech Jobs Community Center by Lisa Hoover … records a reality. Obama's plan will need skilled tech workers in order to make those promises a reality, so …open source software, or a combination of both. Smart tech workers will get up to speed on what works best in… Under Obama's plan, the healthcare industry will need more tech workers, too. "...we must also ensure that our hospitals … Business Partners Create New IT Workers Group Hardware and Software by Lisa Hoover …://"]Betsy Harter writes[/URL],…members with many of the important challenges facing IT workers today, including legal guidance, acquisition of healthcare, … similar for years -- but anything that helps tech workers organize to fight outsourcing and 60-hour workweeks … Paulsen Facing Fire; Tech Sector Needs to Buckle Down Hardware and Software by Brian.oco … to the impact of the current economic crisis on tech workers, but first a word on U.S. Treasury…leader talking about that. Clearly, the impact on tech industry and tech workers has been significant. As Computerworld points out this…a prospective employer's financial strength." Help for tech workers could come from Congress in the form of tax… Should Tech Workers Worry About Their Bank Deposits? Community Center by Brian.oco …of our financial system." To counter that argument, Tech Ticker had Nouriel Roubini, of New York University's…;slow-motion run on retail banks" occurring nationwide. Reports Tech Ticker . . . That "run" could accelerate … key to surviving a potential bank run for American workers is to diversify. "The intent here isn'… Microsoft Ties the Hands of Tech Workers They Seek to Train Community Center by Lisa Hoover …lot on employment -- or lack thereof -- in the tech sector. I'm always on the lookout for ways IT…Elevate America[/URL], that's designed to strengthen the tech sector even though I'm not so sure about… and tomorrow." The Elevate America program promises to give workers a fundamental education in: [LIST] [*] Beginning information, technology… New Survey Tries to Sell Reasons Why Female IT Workers Are Unhappy, But I'm Not Buying Hardware and Software by Lisa Hoover … that seem to lay the blame for unhappy female tech workers at the feet of businesses without looking at all …success (Last time I checked, long hours for IT workers are par for the course in this field, no matter… government recruit, retain, and develop women leaders in high-tech fields, resulting in higher levels of technological innovation." … Amgen Ignites Stock Rally; Tech Job Layoffs Slowing? Community Center by Brian.oco … restaurants, hotels, and financial services. That should help some tech workers sleep a bit better at night – the Labor Dept.… I thought number five was interesting: Goldman expects big tech stocks to rebound nicely in ’09, as companies like…the back of Barack Obama's economic stimulus programs. Tech was unfairly sold off ahead of, and during, this… Re: New Study Says Tech Workers at Greater Risk of Heart Attack Community Center by tiger86 I think places like mcdonalds should start selling brown bag lunches that are 100 percent healthy! People would buy them up! Re: New Study Says Tech Workers at Greater Risk of Heart Attack Community Center by michinobu_zoned I kind of wonder if stress plays a bigger role in this than eating habits and exercise alone. French Fried; Hot Tech Stocks Community Center by Brian.oco Tech employees are starting to take matters…execs in doling out the pink slips, Sony workers “detained” Sony France chief executive Serge Foucher … of negotiations. According to Reuters, Sony employees Workers had forcibly locked managers inside the facility at… stocks today? CNBC has some poppers in the tech sector, including AT&T, which is up… Re: Tech Workplace Environments Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting …where a union decided to lay off 500 of its workers, and thought they could get away with not giving …that that same union always demands companies provide their workers in mass layoffs... Workers went to court (union of course, of …here is illegal, refused to cover the legal cost the workers were entitled to under their union membership, not that … Tech Workplace Environments Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Nathaniel10 … to skewer Amazon over the stress it places on its workers. I read today that Dustin Mosokvitz confirms such high stress… Re: Tech Workplace Environments Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting … parties, screaming how "evil companies don't care about workers". Re: Tech Workplace Environments Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting … lot of employees are on leave. While Amazon hires temp workers to help out during those periods those can't replace… Re: Tech Workplace Environments Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jkon … something really stupid or dangerous and like when their co-workers consider them at the edge of technology. So we create… Re: Tech Workplace Environments Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting … yes, or the manager who NEVER gives praise to the tech people when something goes right (when things work well, a…, even if it's caused by external factors to the tech team, the techies get blamed. Prime example I've of… Re: Tech Workplace Environments Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Nathaniel10 … there are only a handful of unionized workplaces in the tech industry. If a programmer cannot find a union workplace, then… Re: Does the Tech Industry Need Lobbyists? Community Center by MarcoFioretti " Does the Tech Industry Need Lobbyists?" I don't know, but I … Re: Stress Taking its Toll on IT Workers Hardware and Software by ravishankarkota … there is less collision.If it is not possible Senior tech leads and managers should come to aid in elaborating the… Re: Should Tech Workers Worry About Their Bank Deposits? Community Center by jwenting Why worry? There's nothing you can do about it anyway... If you have large deposits, almost certainly they're locked into life insurance policies or similar instruments that you can't clean our or move to other institutions without the bank or insurance firm holding the account cleaning you out through massive penalties (often amounting to as … Re: Microsoft Ties the Hands of Tech Workers They Seek to Train Community Center by airbourne It's their software and their training offer, so in my view they can offer it on any platform they want. I would support the same of any private enterprise. However, that's not to say I agree with them, but I understand. This is just one more item on a long list of because we cans. I suppose there really is no downside for Microsoft if they … Re: Microsoft Ties the Hands of Tech Workers They Seek to Train Community Center by Techwriter10 Hi Lisa: Great post. I'm the first person to get on Microsoft when they screw up, but when you look at the overall program, yes there is probably an ulterior motive there, but ultimately they seem to be trying to be good corporate citizens. Sure, they could have made the materials platform agnostic, but my guess is the people that made them didn… Shaming Companies Into Paying Employees What They're Worth Community Center by Lisa Hoover …://"]Silicon Alley Insider wants to talk to …organizations[/URL] that have formed around the rights of tech workers. [URL="…." So, where's the pressure relief valve? Tech workers deserve better compensation, but businesses can't afford it.…