68 Topics

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Member Avatar for sudhanshu2

I have written a code but I am getting run time error : I have introduced all the error functions , but no error comes . Debug it with gdb which says : Starting program: /home/sudhanshu/OpenGL_ES/example/cube/cube [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Program exited normally. What is the problem I am …

Member Avatar for weasel7711

I wrote a program to analyze a log file for a machine that my company repairs. The program that runs the machine spits output into a text file (.log) and my program will analyze it and return the results of different calculations to the user. The log file idealy looks …

Member Avatar for weasel7711
Member Avatar for khaos64

I had recently made a .bat file that read a couple lines from file.txt and assigned them as variables then went through the execution of the bat which ended up deleting the original file.txt and writing the new values to a new file.txt. Now I want to convert this to …

Member Avatar for Enzo85

Hello everyone, I am trying to read a .rtf file, does this have to be done using the RTFeditorKit? Can a .rtf file be read line by line like a normal .txt file, as I was planning to read it line by line (as a string) to remove punctuation first …

Member Avatar for Mabyboi

So im working through this and im having troubles finishing it off. Essentially im reading a text file, and tokenizing the numbers in the file, but what needs to be done is for each line in the file to be store in its own Queue, and then the Queue's need …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for jshoot

[B]Hi every one, I'm working in a code from 1 mounth, and now I finaly finished, it work, but there is the old problem in C++ language, the interface, once that I wan't to do a program that will be used for anothers users, I wanna to make the program …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Lelly

Hello, How can I do this: Implement the MergeSort algorithm in C++, Generate random numbers into a text file to read as input. The 2 parameters to the program are the input and output text files Thanks

Member Avatar for Lelly
Member Avatar for drogers76

I am using streamreader to read and streamwriter to write, i have put the lines into an array [text file contents] ********** Remove [ ] ***************** blah blah blah ;this is blah blah blah ;this is another blah [end of example file] i want to remove the lines that start …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for patrickgormally

I am reading a text file inside Python that contains salaries and the raise they will receive as a percent. I am trying to multiply the initial salary by the percent and print the salary after the raise has been applied. I keep receiving an error message which is as …

Member Avatar for patrickgormally
Member Avatar for hazeeel

Hi guys! I need help here, When ever I write onto my text file, i get null and then the value.Please help me! I don't want the "null"! Here is how it looks like in Notepad++: null1: 0.22056311934213296 2: 3.017771771149946 null3: 1.508399104807777 4: 0.07575171145562612 null5: 5.187081012091999 6: 2.049001095182013 null null …

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Member Avatar for Alexkid

Hi there, ok, im fairly new to c++ and have been trying to figure this out for ages: I have a text file i want to read in that contains lines and lines of lat long points; N50 42.22 W002 55.33 N50 42.22 W002 55.33 N50 42.22 W002 55.33 i …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for nawaf_ali

It was really great piece of code, I really liked it, does any body knows how to get more statistics? like word length, sentence length, paragraph length, and if possible how to plug the results into a prgram like excel or matlab to get graphs of our results? your help …

Member Avatar for nawaf_ali
Member Avatar for aram25

Hello All I'm new to VB and i need help on how to rename text file with textbox contents. I have a textbox and i would like to make it so once a button is clicked the text file is renamed according to the contents in the textbox. I am …

Member Avatar for aram25
Member Avatar for nrue

I'm trying to do a q & a program which will read a question, 4 choices. Then read the answer and compare it to the correct answer. Then increments the player score, My problem is, I always get null when I run the program. Could you please help me determine …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for nrue

How do I properly bubble sort through a text file by assigning the values to an array. In the code below I tried to assign the values from the text file to a string while there is still something to fetch. Then I used a for loop to assign the …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for vavazoom

I am trying to extract data from a 1.5 GB text file. The problem occurs when the program tries to open the large text file. It works perfectly on smaller files. Does anyone know how to successfully open a file of this size? Or, is there a better way to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vavazoom

I am trying to extract data from a 1.5 GB text file. The problem occurs when the program tries to open the large text file. It works perfectly on smaller files. Does anyone know how to successfully open a file of this size? Or, is there a better way to …

Member Avatar for ankilosado

Hi, there, I am also very new to Java. For class, I have to create an structure that reflects that of a document stored in a plain txt file. The hyerarchy of the classes is: Class document is made of //complex objects class Page objects, that are made of class …

Member Avatar for ankilosado
Member Avatar for g(valve)

Visual Basic 2008 Hey i was wondering if it was possilbe to change the colour of text in a textbox through a button in a simple text editor that i am working on any help would be appreciated. cheers

Member Avatar for g(valve)
Member Avatar for cac186

I'm taking on a new project and was hoping to get some help. I recently helped complete a Java application in which the user enters various inputs (of the type double or string)into text fields. The application then saves these inputs into a text document which is then used for …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for starlight849

Hi, I am looking for advice on the best way to achieve my current goal. I am reading a textfile and extracting information from each line. For example string1 and string2. I am then writing these string to a datatable. However, sometimes there will be repeats in string1 and string2. …

Member Avatar for starlight849
Member Avatar for Denxerator

Is there such a code when activated will create a new window and display a text file? Like e.g. (You open the debug), there is a button. If you click the button, a new window pops up and displays a certain text file on the hard drive. P.S. I am …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Bold Eagle

I have a txt file that I need to read into a listview, but I need to read from a specific line in that file. Can someone point me in a direction on doing this. Below is a sample of the txt file to read, 6400,3200,2,95.5,84,76.6,0 1,2,-20,15,0,0,0,"NO",0,0 TOTAL GPM= 6400 …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Holali

Hello I have this problem in pascal: I want to include a variable in file name while assigning a text file to variable of textfile. Example: I have a text file called 'numoffiles.txt' with one integer number in it I read it and set variable a to that number in …

Member Avatar for belthazor
Member Avatar for adaniel058

I have a problem where I need to be able to create an array using the data from the text file. The first line of the file is the array size and the following values need to be put into structs. There may be more than one array per txt …

Member Avatar for adaniel058
Member Avatar for becon

Hi everyone, I would like to parse this text file PREVIT:nmrValidate_166w.pdb atoms "A -750 -GLU -CG " and "B -54 -GLN -CG " 3.8759 A apart atoms "A -750 -GLU -CD " and "B -54 -GLN -CG " 3.8447 A apart atoms "A -750 -GLU -C " and "B -51 …

Member Avatar for becon
Member Avatar for Code_GrasssHopp

For this project i need to have the ability to analyze a file containing a number of .NET(3.5) class's from source code.. identify every class and then output each seperate class into their own text file i.e(this is what the file is like, contains a number of class's in it, …

Member Avatar for leiger

Basically I've got a text editor which revolves around a jTextArea. There are some settings (e.g. whether line wrap is enabled) that I'd like to save to a file when the application closes, and then load up again when it runs next. I've spent a few hours trying to get …

Member Avatar for leiger
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

I need a php code that will open and show a random text file(something.txt) in the webpage.I found so many scripts that open a random line in one textfile but i need a code in php that will open a random .txt format file in a specific folder to see …

Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar
Member Avatar for k1robert

I'm struggling on this on and would appreciate any help I can get. I have a huge text file which has about 4000 records. If I open the text file using Programmers File editor I can see that there are page breaks ( chr(12)) between each record. What I need …

Member Avatar for thines01

The End.