Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by Oven …} type ant struct { roomNumber int } func parseInput(textfile string) (farm, error) { var farmInfo farm content,… err := ioutil.ReadFile("examples/" + textfile) if err != nil { return farmInfo, err } lines … Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by toneewa …([]string{room}, shortestPath...) } return shortestPath } func parseInput(textfile string) (farm, error) { var farmInfo farm farmInfo.roomCoordinates…content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("examples/" + textfile) if err != nil { return farmInfo, err }… Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by rproffitt This assignment would get a failing grade if you used GPT or found code. Toss all that out and write it yourself. Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by Oven Sadly, like i said GPT is not working anymore. My team coded this one. And AI & Ready code is acceptable. But it has to simple because we must understand the code. I found the working code but its 800 rows. So no we cant use it either. Even if anybody can explain the algorithm, that would help a lot too. Its like onion, we are thinking we … Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by rproffitt Then you have to design and create the algorithm before you write code. There's a lesson here about writing code before the design is done. Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by Oven True. Wish we had able to. We cant manage it, thays why im seeking some help. Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by rproffitt This is some academic assignment so the lesson isn't about fixing this found or GPT generated code, it's not even about coding. It's about designing before code. Without a design, how would we code? Or if we use AI to write code, it's a lesson about how we still have to understand the code that it generates. Now for those that just want it … textfile problem Programming Software Development by jerome2467 … login with 2 textboxes (username & nip) i got a textfile defining different username and their nip: Korben Dallas,D001 Jerry… to affilliate the nip from my customers textfile to the nip of my account textfile(which is : C,D001,10001,457.98… out how to proceed to match the nip from Uer textfile to nip from Account textfile thanx by advance Textfile in Resource.resx file not working Programming Software Development by MrCapuchino Hello, I have a textfile added to a resx file. The resx file is called …, and I want to create a filestream object with the textfile. I swear it was working, but now it throws me… exception here is my code FileStream fsTextFile = new FileStream(Resources.TextFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Thanks Re: Textfile in Resource.resx file not working Programming Software Development by ShahanDev … FileStream(Application.StartupPath.Replace("\\bin\\Debug","\\Resources\\TextFile.txt"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); [/CODE] *EDIT**** When you… write this: Resources.TextFile it refers to the contents of the file which may… Textfile data to datagridview? Programming Software Development by Hiddenshadows57 …, I cannot figure out how to take data from a textfile and throw it into the DGV. I know how to… grid. Anyways, is there any way I can read my textfile data into an array and then iterate the data and… textfile input of hex, convert to binary, then output textfile Programming Software Development by DEBASCOGUY Please am new to java and i need an assistant on loading hexadecimal from a textfile and converting it into binary(Loader class) then the binary will be kept in another class(memory class). then the binary will be forwarded to another output file. TextFile + ComBoBox Programming Software Development by Yogesh Sharma Suppose mine textfile contains the foll. records-- Sunday, July 13, 20086:29:55 … Textfile python brick snippet Programming Software Development by efregoso … bricks for the game brick breaker. I have a the textfile labeled as level1, and the coordinates are -5,9,0… Re: textfile to sql database Programming Software Development by aldeene … catches an event from an external app. then save the textfile data to sql okay i'll give you an example… that I will develop will fetch the data from the textfile.. get it? or should I say the system that I… will develop will save only the textfile to database after the process from the external application finishes Delete From TextFile Programming Software Development by ruchika beddy I have a TextFile that contains Records. On Form Load I m… are deleted from the ListView & Then From The Textfile. Mine Code is as Under. Plz tell me how… to delete records from the TextFile. Mine TextFile Records- 1^^Neha 1^^Mohit 2^^Ritu 3^^Ruchi… me how to delete that record from the TextFile Cz I have no idea how to do it?? How to open multiple textfile Programming Software Development by royaloba … the solution in this site on how to open the textfile and save it to the database, i'm using mysql…) as i mention i was able to open a textfile but, one textfile only..what i want to do is, i will… a date i.e october 10 to 12.. all the textfile that is in the range of the selected date, and… Deleting First Half of a Textfile Programming Software Development by bbowsh54 … a machine has run. I have a textfile with timestamps and the amount of minutes my…first half of the text file, once the textfile exceeds 1 MB... I have a check …go about deleting the first half of my textfile log? Do you recommend storing the second …way to remove the first few lines of a textfile? Thank you for the advice! Hardware guy, … Re: How to open multiple textfile Programming Software Development by royaloba … have two quetions for you how can i output the textfile in a accending order,sample I have READER A which…..? my second questions is how can i make the textfile read only, the textfile would not be editable..! is that possible? thanks… Re: How to open multiple textfile Programming Software Development by royaloba … download the attendance it's over write the existing file textfile, it should not over write the existing… Re: Delete From TextFile Programming Software Development by selvaganapathy … this record?. [QUOTE]how to delete that record from the TextFile Cz I have no idea how to do it??[/QUOTE… How to read and sort data in a textfile (ascending order) Programming Software Development by chubzyko … a good example of reading and sorting data from a textfile.:pretty: But I can't find a good one that… of reading and sorting data from a textfile in ascending order plz? :icon_neutral: The textfile will just contain numbers and name just… Read-, sort- and save textfile ("movie-library") Programming Software Development by foxmulder … which can read-, sort- sand save a textfile (.txt). For example, I have a textfile containing 5 movies, this file is going… alphabetical order) and then saved to a new file. My textfile (movies.txt) is the following: Jurassic Park Superman Returns Batman… remove multiple instances from a textfile Programming Software Development by nouth this time I have only one textfile and I want to remove all duplicate lines so that … line in it is unique unto itself. with open("textfile") as w: for line in w: W = line with… open("textfile") as d: c = 0 for line in d: D… Re: remove multiple instances from a textfile Programming Software Development by nouth …the `oldFile`? no not like append with open("textfile") as w: for line in w: W =… line with open("textfile") as d: c = 0 for line in d… notice I am still opening the same "textfile" twice and then making a new variable for… Reading from a textfile Digital Media UI / UX Design by YA RAMSAMKER Is it possible to display the same information on a textfile on a web application so my programme can read directly from a textfile ? so if any changes happen on my textfile it must also take effect in my programme without me doing anything Re: How to open multiple textfile Programming Software Development by royaloba ….e. 11012006 to 11302006 there is a error, when the textfile is not present in the textlog directory i.e. 11052006… Search function in textfile? Programming Software Development by Fredszky … today to try to get a working searchfunction for my textfile, can someone please put me in the right direction? I… have this textfile, its a register over contacts: [code] Number Contacts = 3* James… Write to a TextFile Programming Software Development by ruchika beddy … on mine form. I save the Textboxes data to the TextFile on Button click. I want the data in the… TextFile as : STUDENT RECORD INFORMATION Roll : 1 Name : Ruchi Roll : 2 … How to switch lines/record inside a textfile? Programming Software Development by chubzyko … example on how to switch lines or records inside a textfile? I need to enter 2 numbers, there are 3 numbers… inside the textfile, which also means it has 3 lines. [QUOTE]1 name…