please help with deleting records using checkboxes Programming Web Development by fortiz147 …(); timeString = ""; timeString += days[Day]; timeString += ", "; timeString += " "; timeString += months[Month]; timeString += " "; timeString += Date; timeString += ", "; timeString += " "; timeString += Year; return timeString JavaScript's window.opener Programming Web Development by sooim3 …41;; window.opener.document.getElementById&#40;'timeString'&#41;.appendChild&#40;timeNode&#41…;#123; window.opener.document.getElementById&#40;'timeString'&#41;.removeChild&#40;timeNode&#41…41;; window.opener.document.getElementById&#40;'timeString'&#41;.appendChild&#40;timeNode&#41… Can anyone check my code!!!! Programming Software Development by Eng_Girl … array for each attribute unsigned char tempString[MAXSIZE]; unsigned char timeString[12]; unsigned char latitudeString[11]; unsigned char latitudeCardinalString[3]; unsigned…; while(*(pChar+j) != COMMA) { //loop until a comma is found timeString[k] = *(pChar+j); //save in the time string j++; k… Compilation problem Programming Software Development by argus512 … int init_vars() { FILE *in; register int i; char timestring[MAXSTRING]; if( !(in = fopen("random.txt","…i<LISTSIZE; ++i) { do { fgets(timestring,MAXSTRING,in); }while( !atol(timestring) ); curval[i] = (DWORD)atol(timestring) * BWMSECS; } fclose(in); list_index = npulse_num… change update method with time.sleep into after method Programming Software Development by Pi …"{:02d}:{:02d}".format(*divmod(t, 60)) timeString.set(lcd) try: root.update() except TclError: …sleep(1) return root = tk.Tk() setMinutes = IntVar() timeString = StringVar() label_font = ('Verdana', 30) L1 = tk.… Re: JavaScript's window.opener Programming Web Development by sooim3 …41;; window.opener.document.getElementById&#40;'timeString'&#41;.appendChild&#40;timeNode&#41…;#123; window.opener.document.getElementById&#40;'timeString'&#41;.removeChild&#40;timeNode&#41…41;; window.opener.document.getElementById&#40;'timeString'&#41;.appendChild&#40;timeNode&#41… Calculating Price in JavaScript Programming Web Development by Rblalock …() preloadimages[i].src=imageclock.digits[i] } imageclock.imageHTML=function(timestring){ //return timestring (ie: 1:56:38) into string of images instead var… sections=timestring.split(":") if (sections[0]=="0") //If… Modifying calcPrice() function in JavaScript Programming Web Development by Rblalock …() preloadimages[i].src=imageclock.digits[i] } imageclock.imageHTML=function(timestring){ //return timestring (ie: 1:56:38) into string of images instead var… sections=timestring.split(":") if (sections[0]=="0") //If… Re: Modifying calcPrice() function in JavaScript Programming Web Development by Airshow …(); preloadimages[i].src = imageclock.digits[i]; } imageclock.imageHTML = function(timestring){ //return timestring (ie: 1:56:38) into string of images instead var… sections = timestring.split(":"); if (sections[0]=="0") { sections… I need Help... Programming Software Development by Man1919 ….Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor messagestring = Chr(13) & VB.Left(TimeString, 5) & " " & DateString charcounter = 1 Timer1.Enabled….Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor messagestring = Chr(13) & VB.Left(TimeString, 5) & " " & DateString charcounter = 1 Timer1.… Re: How to solve "\n" problem in textfile Programming Web Development by adam.adamski.96155 … $datestring = date("d/m/y "); $timestring = date("H.i.s"); $data = …"$firstname ; $lastname ; $mood ; $datestring : $timestring\r\n" ; $data .= "$firstname ; $lastname ; $…mood ; $datestring : $timestring\r\n" ; fwrite($fh, $data); fclose($fh… Writing to an XML without overwriting data Programming Software Development by Tamir09 …Date.Today()) 'DateValue(Now) NewData.TimeStamp = CDate(TimeString()) 'find out how to display the date and time…CDate(Date.Today()) 'DateValue(Now) NewData.TimeStamp = CDate(TimeString()) NewData.Gap = gaptext.Text NewData.Diameter = diatext.Text… How to solve "\n" problem in textfile Programming Web Development by PriteshP23 …["humeur"]; $datestring = date("d/m/y "); $timestring = date("H.i.s"); $data = "$firstname ; $lastname… ; $mood ; $datestring : $timestring "\n" "; fwrite($fh, $data); fclose($fh); Actual… Re: How to solve "\n" problem in textfile Programming Web Development by PriteshP23 …["humeur"]; $datestring = date("d/m/y"); $timestring = date("H.i.s"); $data = "$firstname ; $…lastname ; $mood : $datestring : $timestring\r\n"; fwrite($fh, $data); fclose($fh); $time_end = microtime_float… How to retrieve multiple rows form database to datagridview? Programming Software Development by acaisan …Cells.Item(3).Value = DateString() + " " + TimeString() Notify.BalloonTipTitle = "New Tag" Notify.BalloonTipText = Microsoft….Item(3).Value = DateString() + " " + TimeString() grid.Rows.Item(i).Selected = True Notify.BalloonTipTitle = "… encryption and decrytpion Programming Software Development by Christopher_12 …") message.Subject = ("Logged in:" & TimeString & " | " & DateString) message.Body =… ("Logged in:" & TimeString & " | " & DateString) MsgBox("You are… Index was outside the bounds of the Array exception Programming Game Development by IconiCxPimp …int seconds = (int)(totalSeconds % 60); string timeString = minutes.ToString() + ": " + seconds.ToString(); lblTime….Text = timeString; }//end if }//end updateTime private void movePlayers()… Re: How to solve "\n" problem in textfile Programming Web Development by adam.adamski.96155 $data = "$firstname ; $lastname ; $mood ; $datestring : $timestring\r\n"; How to check if a file is empty Programming Software Development by Tamir09 …() NewData.DateStamp = CDate(Date.Today()) 'DateValue(Now) NewData.TimeStamp = CDate(TimeString()) NewData.Gap = gaptext.Text ExistingData.Add(NewData) Dim SaveStream As… Can anyone tell me why this causes an infinite loop on shutdown? Thanks! Programming Software Development by ayarton ….OK Then txtShowFileCopy.AppendText(vbNewLine & "----------" & DateAndTime.TimeString & "---------------" & My.User.Name & "----------"… problem timer in listbox. Programming Software Development by ayoba01 … e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick ListBox1.Items.Add(TimeString) ListBox1.Items.Add(DateString) End Sub[/CODE] here is i… problem in process Programming Software Development by ayoba01 …, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick TextBox1.Text = TimeString TextBox2.Text = DateTime.Now.Date End Sub Private Sub btnsecurity_Click… small factors numbers by sieve and other method timed with decorator Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … factors. I have included my timing decorator, which uses my timestring function, so I included that and imports for decorator in… Problem with converting old project Programming Software Development by Man1919 ….WaitCursor messagestring = Chr(13) & " " & VB.Left(TimeString, 5) charcounter = 1 Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub… Re: Problem with converting old project Programming Software Development by Man1919 ….WaitCursor messagestring = Chr(13) & " " & VB.Left(TimeString, 5) charcounter = 1 Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub… Re: Problem with converting old project Programming Software Development by Man1919 ….WaitCursor messagestring = Chr(13) & " " & VB.Left(TimeString, 5) charcounter = 1 Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub… Re: Problem with converting old project Programming Software Development by Man1919 ….WaitCursor messagestring = Chr(13) & " " & VB.Left(TimeString, 5) charcounter = 1 Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub… UPDATE statement Programming Software Development by lrhimma …;@VTDate", txttripdate.Text) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@VTTime", TimeString) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Timme_OUT", txttriptime.Text) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery… BlueJ - How do I print strings from subclasses? Programming Software Development by Derek_4 ….) */ public void display() { System.out.println(username); System.out.print(timeString(timestamp)); if(likes > 0) { System.out.println(" - "… date and time Programming Software Development by Xiao_1 … System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick lbltime.Text = "Time:" + TimeString End Sub End Class