41 Topics

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Member Avatar for emsd123

Hello, everyone. I have generated a treeview loading from database, learned from a book. But I have no idea how can I save the view state of my treeview, I have tried the following code to do, through it, I can only keep expanding the first layer of treeview, but …

Member Avatar for emsd123

Hello everyone, I am currently doing a treeview control in asp.net. I want to [B]load the database from MS Access into my treeivew[/B], but I don't know what should I type in my .apsx.vb file. [B]Please help me with the codes [/B]to make my treeview connect to the MS Access! …

Member Avatar for TommyRay

Hi, I've made a browser project and beyond making it a default browser, I am having a problem with the Favorites feature TreeView control saving, loading and repopulating it with the users data. It's tough finding the correct code as there are so many variations of this control in various …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Alexpap

Hi all, I was always a bit confused about how to create a recursive function, so thats where i need you help. :) I have a treeview, in wich the user adds/removes dynamicaly nodes and a button wich should save the treeview structure in a database table when clicked. The …

Member Avatar for gusano79
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How do you insert a child node in a TreeView Control in WPF C#? I have a TreeView control that I have created in XAML in a WPF program using C#. After adding a couple nodes at the root level, I have written code that loops through the tree structure …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for csharp12

Hello I want to parse html in treeview. I haven't made it because some html tags <br> not close. How can I load html content with parsing in a treeview

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for softx

I would like to make a tree menu with category and sub category in Php. When i click on category then display subcategory with link that subcategory page. it is with mysql database. I m tiered to make this but i can't. Please help me. I m providing a Example....... …

Member Avatar for vitana
Member Avatar for azolfaghari

Hi list, I am trying to create a treeview in which each node has a check box and in the front of each node I would like to draw a box (a rectangulare box) which lets me click on and change the colour property of things which are related to …

Member Avatar for Kenyaweb

Hello, I'm searching for something that can be used for our side navigation that is better than TreeView Control in Visual Studio for .Net. Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca

I would like to know how to do the code for creating a new Folder that the user can rename it instantely after being created. Like in Windows Explorer: [URL="http://www.file.si/files/2zjwzcmya5woaokschgo.jpg"]PICTURE![/URL] When user clicks on "Make New Folder" it creates inside already selected folder and it colors blue (focus is on …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for moorcroft

Hi I have a TreeView object created on my website using the following code: In my Page_Load method I call BuildDocumentNavigationTree() as in: [CODE=C#]private void BuildDocumentNavigationTree() { TreeNode rootNode = new TreeNode(currentDocumentStructure.Label); rootNode.Value = currentDocumentStructure.UniqueId.ToString(); rootNode.Value = rootNode.Value + " : " + currentDocumentStructure.Title.ToString(); AddChildElementNodes(rootNode, currentDocumentStructure); TreeView1.Nodes.Add(rootNode); } private static …

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The End.