With Rapid Tech Advancement, Beware the Pitfalls of Centralization Community Center by Johannes C. …**centralized logic and organization**. They are subject to the control of an institution (i.e. the government) that vouches…program, while the contents can be individually edited by each user. > > This is the system theory that… new domain. **Today, a handful of tech giants control most of our communication, our personal data, what we… ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. …. In retort, he proposes a provocative International Control Treaty.** ![header-agitalks-demetrius.jpg](https://static…, craft **personalized psychological profiles** for every computer user. These profiles are then used to tailor propaganda… regulatory powers derived from a **Universal AI Control & Non-Proliferation Treaty**. This approach … Re: How to enable gpedit on Windows 10 & 11 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Lethabo … the Group Policy Editor using a script, allowing them to control updates more effectively. Re: Shared Printer Problem Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by marythodge4 … the issue. Let's go through some potential solutions: Check User Permissions Ensure that the "Guest" account has proper… is physically connected. On the desktop (host) computer: Go to Control Panel > Printers and Faxes. Right-click on the shared… Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … User Control Programming Web Development by mystic2230 Hi, I have created one menu user control. This contorl is referenced by all the web pages part …. The issue i am encountering is that wheni refer this user control and then click on any button, there is no action… button in the application called: Generate Report. When the menu user control is refernced and the button is clicked, no action takes… user control Programming Software Development by PM312 i have created a user control for text box to enter date. I have saved time and effots to type for each text (date) box code to check date validity and key typed. but i have lost text and locked property of text box as it is not available on user control. can this text and locked property of text box on user control can be accessed any other way. Re: user control Programming Software Development by abelingaw …property of text box as it is not available on user control. can this text and locked property of text box on… user control can be accessed any other way. [/QUOTE] Do you mean… be set to True if you wish to lock the control ' Locked property can also be set at design time [/… User Control Programming Web Development by a496761 I am creating a user control in ASP.NET 2.0 that includes a DropDownList. Does … the opening and closing tags of my custom control into the DropDownList inside my user control? I feel like I should know this… Re: User Control Programming Web Development by a496761 I'm trying to make a custom user control which has the same functionality as a DropDownList, except with … #End Region End Class [/code] So they can implement this control as follows: [code] <tr><td>Test… User Control Programming Web Development by mansi sharma Can somebody tell me how to create a User Control that consists of two textboxes & button..On button click,i want to show just the msg textbox1.text & " " & textbox2.text,, Tell me how to use the user control on two forms!!! User Control Programming Web Development by mansi sharma I want to ask that y there is need to add user control in web.config & when we add it?? If we want to use user control in different pages,we can just drag & drop it on the form,then y we add it in web.config file. Re: user control Programming Software Development by AndreRet You can drop the user control, its crap. Have a look at the attached sample, I have added the code you need. Also have a look at the references in the application to see why its working. Re: User Control Programming Web Development by serkan sendur create your user control using the vs.net designer, then create an html table … them the colors appropriately. create a public property in the user control for the array list as follows : your usercontrol code behind… User Control Programming Web Development by standoh Hi y'all I need to create a user control on a web page and I have no idea whatsoever of how to go about it. The control should consist of a 3 by 3 grid, with each grid cell having its own color, and also the capability of displaying a value passed to it from an array. I am using VB.NET 2003. Thanks Stanley user control to disappear when another item from menustrip is clicked Programming Software Development by bettybarnes I'm having a problem with user control.. how can i disable from the panel the user control if another user control is selected from menustrip??? here… User Control Custom Properties Programming Software Development by justMarshall …created a user control with a simple text box and a corresponding label and added a few custom control properties. When…I can evaluate the property when I check each user control on the form by name, but not by using… cleaner. Any ideas? [CODE] For Each cntl As Control In Me.Controls If (TypeOf cntl Is MyUserControl) And… Re: user control to disappear when another item from menustrip is clicked Programming Software Development by lolafuertes Remove te offending cotrol from the Panel.Controls collection, or fully clear the panel.Controls before adding the new user control. Hope this helps user control in C#.net Programming Software Development by judithSampathwa hi, i am creatnig an windows desktop application. and in the main form i have a menu stript. what i want to do is attached one user control to eacn menu stript. each user control has a different design. how can i do this??? any tutorial Re: user control in C#.net Programming Software Development by nick.crane Judith, you asked a similar question in [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/csharp/threads/375715"]this thread[/URL]. What effect are you trying to achieve? [Edit] What do you mean by "attach one user control to each menu strip"? User Control Panel not working Community Center Meta DaniWeb by John A Hey there, Whenever I try to load my user control panel, I just get a blank page. Perhaps this is … user control missing Programming Software Development by mistyfy_t … avoid this happen> because i used to face the user control all dissapear at the lay out there! user control in asp.net with c# Programming Web Development by santhoshvarma.a hi, i want some examples regarding user control in asp.net with c# and how to retrive data from main page and send it other pages thankx & regards A.Santhosh kumar User control problem Programming Web Development by sonia sardana … (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString()); } } [/code] I call user control in Frmlogin.aspx page. First time i run the form… Re: user control Programming Software Development by selvaganapathy Hi, Change the Modifier of TextBoxes to Public in the User Control. Or Make Appropriate Properties to Access the Textbox for example … Re: User Control Programming Web Development by SheSaidImaPregy … things much more clear. I have never created my own control, so no idea on that part. However, I don't… sorting through data a cinch. I can bind a datalist control with the following code: [code]'Bind datalist: TryConn() SetCmd(....) 'handles… Re: user control Programming Software Development by PM312 i want to transfer date from textbox to database or from database to text box in user cintrol. in the attached example when i type date in text box how can i display the date in massage box when i click on command button. thanks Re: User Control Programming Web Development by SheSaidImaPregy You want to use list items within the control, like an attribute right? How do they expect to have a ton of different list items then if they won't follow a little formatting? Re: User Control Programming Web Development by guru_sarkar Do you mean custom controls or normal Web user controls? The reason to add entry to your web.config is you don't have to register them on every single page you are planning to use them on. This shows that: [url]http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2006/11/26/tip-trick-how-to-register-user-controls-and-custom-controls-in-web-config.aspx[/url]