Re: Userprofile Programming Software Development by 1RealTruth …). I have even tried strPath = Environ("%userprofile%\MyDocu~1") and strPath = Environ("%userprofile%\My Documents") ===> Code <…;=== [code] strPath = Environ("%userprofile%" & "My Documents") If RDPConsole.Checked = True … Userprofile Programming Software Development by JohnKelly I have a VB6 app that uses the Environ("userprofile") command to determine the location of the My Documents … user data. The problem I face is the Environ("userprofile") still returns the local C Drive location for the… Userprofile Programming Software Development by JohnKelly … user's desktop location. I have used the Environ("userprofile" and the SHGetFolderPath. The first returns the standard profile… able to determine where the Roaming Profile has redirected the userprofile to. %USERPROFILE% equivalent Programming Software Development by PhiberOptik Hey, I am writing a program and it requires me to place a file on the desktop. I know in cmd prompt you can use %USERPROFILE% to do it. Is there java equivalent? Thanks PO Re: Userprofile Programming Software Development by QVeen72 Hi, Declare this API at the top : [code=vb] Private Declare Function SHGetFolderPath Lib "shfolder.dll" _ Alias "SHGetFolderPathA" _ (ByVal hwndOwner As Long, _ ByVal nFolder As Long, _ ByVal hToken As Long, _ ByVal dwReserved As Long, _ ByVal lpszPath As String) As Long [/code] to Get the path : [code=vb]… Re: Userprofile Programming Software Development by JohnKelly QVeen72 thanks for the update but is SHGetFolderPath part of the Win32 API. I can't find any record of that call. Re: Userprofile Programming Software Development by JohnKelly QVeen72 I have got it working, many thanks for your help I am waiting to see if it reads the clients profile on their system. Thank you once again. Re: Userprofile Programming Software Development by JohnKelly as an update to this post my client now says they don't use Roaming Profiles they use Folder Redirection. Does this affect the way I can read these locations ? Re: %USERPROFILE% equivalent Programming Software Development by Ezzaral [icode]System.getProperty("user.home")[/icode]will give you the users home directory. Re: %USERPROFILE% equivalent Programming Software Development by PhiberOptik Awesome thanks, also would you be able to tell me how to determine what operating system they are using? Thanks PO Re: %USERPROFILE% equivalent Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Take a look at the list of properties that are always available through [URL=""]System.getProperties()[/URL]. OS is one of them. You can also dump a list of all of them to sysout easily with the following code[code]System.getProperties().list(System.out);[/code] Re: %USERPROFILE% equivalent Programming Software Development by PhiberOptik Awesome thanks Ezzaral you rock!! Registry question Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by ingeborgdot@yah … Files Cookies REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\Cookies Desktop REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\Desktop Favorites REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\Favorites History REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\History LocalAppData REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application… JSP Pagination Using Servlets JavaScript and Bean Programming Web Development by SagarSe7en …while ( { userProfile user = new userProfile(); user.setUserid(rs.getString("…+ 1; int index = startRekodToShow; for (userProfile u : _collectionOfUserProfile) { tableuser += "<… Unexpected behavior of static variables in pyton Programming by Prateek_2 … , i get the following error AttributeError at /admin/TasksManager/userprofile/ type object 'UserProfile' has no attribute 'name' Request Method: GET Request URL… Version: 1.6 Exception Type: AttributeError Exception Value: type object 'UserProfile' has no attribute 'name' Exception Location: C:\Users\X\django_book… Re: Stop till the process finish Programming Software Development by Captain_Jack … strSysRoot As String strSysRoot = Environ("SystemRoot") USERPROFILE = Environ("HOMEPATH") Try Process.Start("…Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.UICancelOption.DoNothing) My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(USERPROFILE & "\Desktop\") MsgBox("… How to save files to %appdata% directory VB 2008 Programming Software Development by xXdragon15Xx … find the directory. Please note I've tried %Userprofile%, %userprofile% Nothing will work :/ What's wrong? And…Dim s As String = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UserProfile") Dim writeRes As New FileStream("C…:\Users\UserProfile\AppData\Roaming\.ProjectName\Data\Test.exe",… how to implement IUD Programming Web Development by erum …tbl_user where id =" + id); List<TBL_USER> userprofile = new List<TBL_USER>(); int table = Convert.ToInt32… { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[i].Rows) { userprofile.Add(new TBL_USER { id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["id… i want output in a window Programming Software Development by Aiban … picbackup(): source = ['-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\\*.jpg"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.bmp"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.tif"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\\*.gif"'] target_dir = '.\\' # Remember… Re: i want output in a window Programming Software Development by Aiban … picbackup(): source = ['-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\\*.jpg"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.bmp"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.tif"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\\*.gif"'] target_dir = '.\\' today… Please Wait ... Programming Software Development by Aiban … picbackup(): source = ['-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.bmp"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.tif"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.jpg"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\\*.gif"'] target_dir = '.\\' today… Progress Bar Issue Programming Software Development by Captain_Jack …Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click Dim USERPROFILE As String If ProgressBar1.Value < ProgressBar1.Maximum Then ProgressBar1… True) My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile("C:\hosts.txt", USERPROFILE & "\Desktop\TechSupport\hosts.txt", Microsoft.VisualBasic.… Re: mysql query inner join Programming Web Development by urtrivedi You are almost done, just add column names in the select list you want to access. Your query is alright. [CODE]$query="SELECT userprofile.profpic, userprofile.lastname, userprofile.firstname FROM userprofile INNER JOIN accntinfos ON accntinfos.accntnum=userprofile.accntnum";[/CODE] Re: i want output in a window Programming Software Development by Aiban … [code] def picbackup(): source = ['-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.bmp"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.tif"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\\*.gif"'] target_dir = '.\\' today = time.strftime… Re: i want output in a window Programming Software Development by Aiban …. [code] def picbackup(): source = ['-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.bmp"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.tif"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\\*.gif"'] target_dir = '.\\' today = time.strftime… Re: How to save files to %appdata% directory VB 2008 Programming Software Development by xXdragon15Xx …, I'm tryin System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\.DragonLauncher\DragonLauncherData.txt") And Upon application startup… find the file specified" But when I change the %userprofile% with my PC's name * profile* it will open the… Re: Unexpected behavior of static variables in pyton Programming by Gribouillis I know very little about django, but obviously it is a part of the ORM magic. You could try return str(UserProfile._meta.get_field('name')) It is a strange way to define `__str__()` anyway, because `__str__()` is typically an instance method. Accessing ItemTemplate server control properties in a gridview Programming Web Development by lagyossarian …(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "UserName"))); userProfile = Profile.GetProfile(memUser.UserName); Label lastName = (Label…)grdUsers.FindControl("lblFirstName"); lastName.Text = userProfile.LastName; firstName.Text = userProfile.FirstName; } }[/code] It's failing and … Output window not behaving Programming Software Development by Aiban … [code] def picbackup(): source = ['-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.bmp"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\*.tif"', '-ir!"%USERPROFILE%\\*.gif"'] target_dir = '.\\' today = time.strftime… Stop till the process finish Programming Software Development by Captain_Jack ….exe") My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(USERPROFILE & "\Desktop\", USERPROFILE & "\Desktop\W8\IEDiag.…, Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.UICancelOption.DoNothing) My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(USERPROFILE & "\Desktop\") MsgBox("…