75 Topics

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Member Avatar for IndianaRonaldo

If I write windows API application using vc++ 10,does the .exe file work in any windows computer or is vc++ a necessity in the other computer also?

Member Avatar for play_c
Member Avatar for Vivek0909

Here is the VC++ code [code]SVisFileDescriptor filedescriptor1; ZeroMemory(&filedescriptor1, sizeof(SVisFileDescriptor)); filedescriptor1.has_alpha_channel=CVisImageBase::IsAlphaWritten(); filedescriptor1.jpeg_quality=0; filedescriptor1.filename=currentpath1; pframe->SetTimer(22,5000,NULL); imageS1.WriteFile(filedescriptor1);[/code] This block is basically replicated in 3 different functions which in essence save 1 image EACH from a camera connected. I am not sure why this is happening. But my hunch is there is an overlap …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for mahendra maurya
Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for GaidinDaishan

I am just starting MS Visual Studio 2005. My laptop has a 64 bit Intel microprocessor and the OS installed is 64 bit Windows 7. I created a DLL in VC++ 2005 using a Export Definitions File (.def) and then created an application on VB to test it. The entire …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for duskofanera

i have two projects on visual studio 2005 one in vc++ & other in vb.net now i want to both programs to work cooperatively acc to me i have following ideas but dont know how to implement them 1 - if i create third project and integrate/merge/combine other two in …

Member Avatar for tamoghnaroy

Hi, I am a rookie coder. My goal is to incorporate the magick++ features of reading and converting different image files to an existent project. So how do I go about this? Should I download the binary installer or the source files? And what to do after that? I am …

Member Avatar for kitty.naz

I m work'n on a project to control the cursor with my finger. I've used openCV in VC++ to track my finger but have no idea how to link the mouse with my finger i.e control the mouse motion with finger. can someone please....!! tell me how do you control …

Member Avatar for kitty.naz
Member Avatar for becool007

Hey so my project is an Average Calculator to calculate the average of a set of numbers. Anyways, I must make it in a GUI and I have chosen Win32. My problem now resides while trying to do the following: - When there is a paint request, to paint anything. …

Member Avatar for becool007
Member Avatar for becool007

Hey daniweb forums, Okay so my question is, what is the difference between VC++ (visual C++) and C++ with any other IDE (or none at all). I know for a fact that VC++ is an IDE but according to some people that I have met. They say, stay away from …

Member Avatar for becool007
Member Avatar for imobby

Hi, i am working on visual C++ Express Ed and winforms to make a simple Word processor. What can be the basic functionality like spell check etc i have to put in it and algos to follow? is there any help on the Internet that u know can help me.

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for shawnhanna

Hello, I am new to C++ windows programming and have only taken 1 class in c++ in my life (I have experience with other languages and OOP). I'm using Visual C++ 2008. and my project is created by the wizard for a Windows Forms Application. (I'm guessing this means CLI …

Member Avatar for shawnhanna
Member Avatar for alone882

Hi, I`m new here and, of course, have a small problem. I need to create a program with VC++ 6 Builder where: Press ENTER once - open picture, Press ENTER Twice - start a music. I can`t figure out how to check if user press ENTER twice, can anybody help …

Member Avatar for jeff.reith
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

I have been doing strait-up c++ for a while, now I want to learn VC++. What are some easy commands? like a show form command and some others. Thanx, JT

Member Avatar for jackmaverick1
Member Avatar for Kamal_Java

Hi guys, I like to design a workplace or form(not decided) in VC++ (MFC) or (C++) where I can select and place different objects like car , bike etc and move them programmatically.Each object has its own properties(which is already designed) I have no problem in moving them by changing …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey people , i am a c++ biginner , i am self tought , this mean i have no teacher to help me . now i arrived to graphics . but i have got a small problem , i am programming with my laptop. my laptop is a mini laptop …

Member Avatar for Basteon
Member Avatar for amit_tare1

hello, I am Amit tare (India) currently i am working with the C++ server. which having the facilities of:: run on all the platforms(Operating systems), memory management, thread safety, and handlers.... pooling features...... I am using VC++ IDE on Windows platform.... [B]please help me to build the core features of …

Member Avatar for seanbp
Member Avatar for shakssage

Hello. I'm trying to print some text using printDocument. I've managed to print out the text I need into a pdf. The text is taken from the database which is initially made when the windows form loads. The problem is: Once it prints, it shows the pdf, which is fine …

Member Avatar for shakssage
Member Avatar for pato wlmc

Well, I know that for this I need a graphic library but which one do you recommend? I'm working on Windows, with VISUAL C++, and I know I can use windows libraries, or something, but there are a few problems with that (Mainly that I don't wanna use them). Also, …

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for pato wlmc

Well, i'm really new to this programming thing, but i don't have a teacher or anything like that, i'm an autodidact so I really have a lot of questions on this matter. I'm trying to do a project using Augmented Reality. As far as I know, there are two main …

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for shakssage

Hello. I've got a problem that I haven't been able to solve after a long time searching. It's a simple problem. I have two forms. 1) Form1 2) Form2 I need to get from Form1 to Form2 and vice versa. I can get from Form1 to Form2 easily, but I …

Member Avatar for shakssage
Member Avatar for Nemo_NIIT

HI Friends i need to convert TCHAR to Boolean value [COLOR="Green"][B]This is what i want[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][CODE]_TCHAR gstrEnableproxy="false" o/p: boolean x=false[/CODE] [/COLOR] [B] and the code i have written is [/B] [CODE]void convertStringBoolean(String* TCHAR) { bool boolVal = false; try { boolVal = system::Convert::ToBoolean(TCHAR); } catch(System::FormatException*) { System::Console::WriteLine("The string TCHAR* …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Scoppio

Hi, i'm doing a small program that communicates with my first SQL Server, but I'm having some troubles with the C++ (I'm usued to C only, and use it for developing microcontrolers firmwares). What Im trying to do here is it: Write the USER and PASSWORD in a form, then …

Member Avatar for Scoppio
Member Avatar for pstrohma

I'm using VC++ 10.0 Express to create an app that will find all visible drives (C:, USB drives, Memory Sticks, Lettered network drives, etc.) and populate a checked list box with those available drive letters. The app currently is loading the prefab list of A: through Z:, with the eventual …

Member Avatar for pstrohma
Member Avatar for pstrohma

Hello all, Does VC++ Express 10.0 even support the ability to get text from a text box? I've seen related threads having conflicting solutions, none of which actually work. Ex: must have SDK version x.y. This functionality seems to be so basic and necessary that solutions would be all over …

Member Avatar for pstrohma
Member Avatar for Garrett2011

Beforehand I know how to define a macro in a file like header file by using #define directive but I want to know, regarding Visual C++ compiler, is there any kind of file which is specifically used to hold a macro so that we can use it anywhere in our …

Member Avatar for Garrett2011
Member Avatar for neoraghav

Hi, i have created dll and lib files using vc++ 6.0.. how can i use this files in my program.... i want to know how to link the lib and dll file in which ever program i want using vc++ 6.0 please help..... thank you....

Member Avatar for neoraghav
Member Avatar for Garrett2011

considering visual C++ compiler, Lets say I've got a file with whatever extension and it contains 100 bytes of data which are exactly the data that I want to initialize an array of char data type with a length of 100 characters with, Now apparently one way is to read …

Member Avatar for civus

Hi Guys, I'm wondering if someone can help me out with a problem I've been having with VC++. I'm obviously just beginning to learn C++ and have been working with CodeBlocks and VC++ 2010 Express. My problem is that the following code compiles in CodeBlocks but gives me numerous errors …

Member Avatar for civus
Member Avatar for ramilol

ok so im trying to use double buffer to make smooth animation but i can't get it to work here is the code for my drawing [CODE] VOID onPaint(HDC hdc,HWND hWnd) { HDC hDC=GetDC(hWnd); HDC memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); HBITMAP hMemBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC,300,300); HBITMAP hOldBmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(memDC,hMemBmp); Graphics graphics(memDC); Pen pen(Color(255, …

Member Avatar for dmane

Dear All, I am developing an app that will hook on to the ExtTextOutW and capture the text to be displayed on the screen and log it to a file. I am doing this on Windows XP and VC++ 2008. I have managed to do the above for a notepad …


The End.