Hi... I have this Web program running on UBUNTU... and I'm not familiar with Linux Systems...
Heres the problem...
I need to access the MySQL database on UBUNTU to create a report using VB.Net on WINDOWS...
I downloaded an ODBC driver(MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver) for MySQL then
I tried to test a connection via ODBC Data Source Administrator...(im using WINDOWS 7)
and the problem is, I can't connect...

Can you help Me...

Get yourself a mysql command line client (in the MySQL installation package).
Start it with the parameters you also use in ODBC. It might give you more precise error messages.
A common pitfall is the format of the password. If you are using an old database server and a new client you might have to tell the client to use the old style password encryption. (No, I don't know how to do that.)

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