Show a Dice Roll (Python and Tk)

vegaseat 0 Tallied Votes 4K Views Share

This snippet shows you how to animate a dice roll with the Tkinter GUI, useful for many games that require a dice to give a random number from 1 to 6. An interesting use of Tkinter's grid(), grid_forget() and after() functions.

# select a dice image at random using Tkinter
# tested with Python24     vegaseat      23dec2006

import Tkinter as tk  # use tk namespace for Tkinter items
import random

def create_dice():
    create the dice canvas list as dice[0] to dice[6]
    dice = []
    dice.append(draw_dice('dot0'))   # empty
    dice.append(draw_dice('dot5'))   # center dot --> 1
    dice.append(draw_dice('dot4', 'dot6'))
    dice.append(draw_dice('dot3', 'dot5', 'dot7'))
    dice.append(draw_dice('dot1', 'dot3', 'dot7', 'dot9'))
    dice.append(draw_dice('dot1', 'dot3', 'dot5', 'dot7', 'dot9'))
    dice.append(draw_dice('dot1', 'dot3', 'dot4', 'dot6', 'dot7', 'dot9'))
    return dice

def draw_dice(*arg):
    draws the 7 different dice dots on the canvas
    w = 20
    h = 20
    c = tk.Canvas(root, width=w+3, height=h+3, bg='yellow')
    # set the dot specs
    x = 2
    y = 2
    r = 5
    if 'dot1' in arg:
        dot1 = c.create_oval(x, y, x+r, y+r, fill='black')
    x = w/2
    x = 18
    if 'dot3' in arg:
        dot3 = c.create_oval(x, y, x+r, y+r, fill='black')
    x = 2
    y = h/2
    if 'dot4' in arg:
        dot4 = c.create_oval(x, y, x+r, y+r, fill='black')
    x = w/2
    if 'dot5' in arg:
        dot5 = c.create_oval(x, y, x+r, y+r, fill='black')
    x = 18
    if 'dot6' in arg:
        dot6 = c.create_oval(x, y, x+r, y+r, fill='black')
    x = 2
    y = 18
    if 'dot7' in arg:
        dot7 = c.create_oval(x, y, x+r, y+r, fill='black')
    x = w/2
    x = 18
    if 'dot9' in arg:
        dot9 = c.create_oval(x, y, x+r, y+r, fill='black')
    if 'dot0' in arg:
    return c

def click():
    display a randomly selected dice value
    # start with a time delay of 100 ms and increase it as the dice rolls
    t = 100
    stop = random.randint(13, 18)
    for x in range(stop):
        dice_index = x%6 + 1
        root.title(str(dice_index))  # test
        dice_list[dice_index].grid(row=1, column=0, pady=5)
        if x == stop-1:
            # final result available via var1.get()
            var1.set(str(x%6 + 1))
        root.after(t, dice_list[dice_index].grid_forget())
        t += 25

# create the window form
root = tk.Tk()

# StringVar() updates result label automatically
var1 = tk.StringVar()
# set initial value
# create the result label
result = tk.Label(root, textvariable=var1, fg='red')
result.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=3)

dice_list = create_dice()
# start with an empty canvas
dice_list[0].grid(row=1, column=0, pady=5)

button1 = tk.Button(root, text="Press me", command=click)
button1.grid(row=2, column=0, pady=3)

# start of program event loop
WoBinator 0 Newbie Poster

how do i run this? i have not noob:rolleyes:

vegaseat 1,735 DaniWeb's Hypocrite Team Colleague

You copy and paste the code into your editor and save it as a Python file, for instance

If you have Windows, double click on the file name. If your editor allows it, run the file from within the editor. Editors like IDLE, DrPython or PyPE allow you to do this.

Jake_6 0 Newbie Poster

how would i place this in a different spot on a canvas? and use it to move counters by the amount set? is this possible?

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