Guys i am offended by having one of my posts deleted by happy geek,
and i decided not to post in daniweb again.
ofcourse i will be posting in other websites under "serkan sendur".
So you can join me there if you like. i am well known with following my principles, most probably i am not going to come back.. if you have questions, email me at SNIP


You have been so helpful for the past two years. i also like to thank Dani for maintaining a website like this. For c# forum, i will join one of the official microsoft ones. for c and c++ i will join also official ones like gnu or ibm. i wont continue my way of posting technical and nontechnical things in merge mode. i know some of you are very fond of it. but unfortunately it is not maintainable in such infraction system.

I hope everything will be the way you like after i am gone.



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All 17 Replies

Well serkan, glad to have met you. You have always been yourself. I appreciated that very much. See ya!:)

Take it easy man... it was fun while it lasted.

The happy police strike again. It was good knowing you serkan -- I will make it very dry for you.

The posts in question were deleted after being flagged as bad by other DaniWeb members. Upon investigation it turned out that not only did they have no bearing upon the thread/topic/forum in which they were posted but they also expressed a general hatred of Turkish people.

DaniWeb is a global community, where members of all races and nationalities are welcome. We do not tolerate postings which might cause offence to members based upon race, sex or religion.

Now I am sorry that some people seem to think that such postings are OK and should not be deleted, but our community would be a very unhappy place indeed if everyone was able to post messages of hatred and intolerance with impunity.

Remember you, remember me,
And if at all, we should disagree,
To help with you, remember me.

You didn't invite me to the goodbye party, so I thought I would make an entrance... Best wishes Serkan.

DdoubleD, i thought about adding you, but that was just a title and must be kept short. All these colorful appearance of daniweb makes me get the impression that this site is friendly and supports freedom of speech until one ... turkish flagged my post as bad. i know when i am creepy and when i am not. that time i wasnt. you can reach me at my email which is my name underscore my last name @, happy geek for some reason deletes this info too. but scott knows, you can ask him.

DdoubleD, i thought about adding you, but that was just a title and must be kept short. All these colorful appearance of daniweb makes me get the impression that this site is friendly and supports freedom of speech until one ... turkish flagged my post as bad. i know when i am creepy and when i am not. that time i wasnt. you can reach me at my email which is my name underscore my last name @, happy geek for some reason deletes this info too. but scott knows, you can ask him.

It is forum practice to remove email addresses, no matter who the poster is. All staff have an obligation to do so, not just happygeek.

> All these colorful appearance of daniweb makes me get the impression
> that this site is friendly and supports freedom of speech until one ...
> turkish flagged my post as bad

This site doesn't support freedom of speech and hence is friendly. Like I have previously mentioned elsewhere, if you want to vent your personal frustrations and let the world know what you think of XXX, creating your blog would be a nice idea. Posting disturbing things like cursing a religion or nation which seems to be your idea of "freedom of speech" is not allowed here, and for a good reason IMO.

Anyways, good bye and thank you for your technical contributions to Daniweb. Maybe one day when you'll gain enough wisdom to understand what you did wrong by posting such things on a public forum, Daniweb would welcome you again.


Is this about how I how I was a bad internetmate? I mean I'm sorry about the time I dropped your toothbrush in the toilet, and forgot to tell you about it.

Pity you feel the need to leave, you were a sort of comedic relief. Not many of those left, you know? :'(

Serkan you can't leave :( I need the combination of you, scott, dan, ramy, adatapost, and double to answer the wide range of questions I throw out. Who's going to help me out when it comes time to set up a custom installer? Anyways, I wish you the best.


You'll be back! :)

I don't understand why you're leaving after having a post deleted. If you post normally and make sure they don't break any rules, you'll be fine. If you don't come back, then Cya.

You'll be back! :)

That's what I expected of jwenting when he left. So far nothing.

>I don't understand why you're leaving after having a post deleted.
Just another childish person stomping off in a huff when things don't go his way. The best way to deal with such pitiful theatrics is to ignore them.

When did JWenting leave? I have been away for a while, I must have missed that. :-/

When did JWenting leave? I have been away for a while, I must have missed that. :-/

According to his profile his last day of activity was September 19th, 2008.

Crikey, I have been away longer than I thought then; to have missed that!

Crikey, I have been away longer than I thought then; to have missed that!

From what I remember he didn't make any announcement, he just changed his signature and never came back.

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