There are Complementary Goals in profile page. Where can I find the list of goals and what does this used for ?

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These are the goals of the user that complement your own goals. For example, if you have specified in your profile that you're looking to mentor people, and this person is looking for mentorship, then it will show up as a complementary goal.

You can specify your goals on Page 2 of the Business Networking settings page. Go and remember to click Continue to Step 2 at the bottom of the form.

commented: thanks Dani +0

remember to click Continue to Step 2 at the bottom of the form.

Your user profile does not have sufficient privileges.

Really?!?! That's what happens when you click on page 2?

Really?!?! That's what happens when you click on page 2?


But you can get to page 1 just fine?

Can you tell me the specific URL it sends you to when you click on Continue to Step 2?

Yes, page 1 (Business Networking ) is fine.

Here the url after button continue to step2 of 2 clicked.

This should be fixed now. Thanks for catching this!!

thanks for the fix :)

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