Funny :)

And a very interesting way to deliberately misinterpret a statement made to mean something else entirely.

100,000 dollar reward is offered for anyone who can email evidence to them? I'm taking a picture tonight and sending it in.

not enough.
You'd have to take him there without his ever having the impression that it's a hoax (you know the Apollo astronauts never left the planet, instead they were taken to a secret base where they were told they were on the moon? They even believed it (or maybe they were part of the conspiracy)).

I wonder if they people who actually came up with this believe it? This sort of reminds me of the crap people came up with during the assination of JFK. I mean, some were logical, but a few were close to saying there was an alien hiding in the bush. I bet some people believed this who read it. Just like the time in California when some guy said aliens were coming to get them, so a bunch killed themselves.

Whatever idea you can come up with, there's always someone who'll believe it (in fact there's always someone who'll believe something that's even further out there).

I doubt the people that made this site believe the stuff, it's too obviously a jab at conspiracy theories :)

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