> Why has the "view first unread" button been removed?
Because now you can click on the icons to the left of the thread title for this functionality. It's explained in the legend :)

Member Avatar for diafol
A legend was added to the bottom of the forum listing pages yesterday. Guess you guys missed it.

Where's that? Forum listing pages, I mean. I most definitely would have missed it if I never visit the page. I saw this at the bottom of the php forum homepage (as of now):

Is that what you mean?

Doesn't seem to match what I see. OK Dani - you win, I'm totally out of my depth now. I have no idea what anybody is talking about.

There's a button I'm seeing that isn't listed in the legend. If you look at two of the posts with 0 replies in the attachment, you see that one of them has the 'New' button (although I don't know why it does, since according to the legend, it shouldn't?) but the other has a different button.

edit: Actually nvm, the legend makes sense, I must have read it wrong. And it makes sense logically, cuz a thread with only 1 post in it has to be a new thread if I haven't look at it yet. :p

> Why has the "view first unread" button been removed?
Because now you can click on the icons to the left of the thread title for this functionality. It's explained in the legend :)

"Read first, complain later". Ok, I got it. :)

in Seattle, we have a new downtown library. A Rem Koolhaus design, it's very nice. but the bathrooms are painted entirely in this horrible lime-green color that makes you want to get out of there as soon as possible.

they did that on purpose, you see. the research shows that the grating color deters people from loitering in the bathrooms, and thus keeps the homeless and the junkies from setting up shop.

Did you notice the library is laid out in a spiral that leads up to a dead-end that is a drop down to the main floor - seems designed for jumpers.

This doesn't make any sense to me.

Question Answered? Mark this Thread as Unsolved

Why would someone mark a "solved thread" as "Unsolved" if they got their questions answered ? :-/


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