PlayingByEar 0 Newbie Poster

Just stopping by to ask someone who really knows what they're doing.;)

Friends & fellow Realtors think I'm a techie because I figured out Frontpage & can manage a few lines of html on forms. You can fool some of the people some of the time...

I also found out I can make pretty good flyers. Some surprise because I can't draw, never could get over a "C" in art & until the computer, decided I was completely untalented in the visual arts field.

Helping people sell homes is how I like to spend my time & I'm completely and utterly fascinated by all the things the computer can do to help me. I went to a sales forum for websites back in 1997. I was salivating for a website but was completely broke. I did have a laptop and a Publisher program. Withing months, that nagging feeling that I could make a website opened up into the idea of exploring the Publisher program I made flyers with. Voila! Make a flyer and launch it onto the free space from the web provider.

Within a couple of years, the website got too big and my husband got me Frontpage for Christmas. After a couple of months, I had that figured out enough to continue building my site and am continuing to this day. All you need to do is imagine something, and it can be done on the computer in technocolor! Actually, I spend hours playing and finding out new things that have been right in front of my eyes for years on the computer. It is my creative outlet: like a cross between painting and figuring out a roubix cube.

Well, in my email program, there is something right in front of my eyes that doesn't belong there and it has to do with "". It seems that my computer has developed some sort of sales campaign of it's own and a bunch of the emails are bouncing (I wonder how many didn't!!!) so I'm off to find the forum for computer "nasties".

Chow! :)