My girlfriend...yummy

Do you use mustard or strawberry jam to go along with that meal?

I had planned to grill a bunch of steaks in the backyard for my visitors. However, there are raindrops in the desert this afternoon, happens about three times a year. Maybe we will have beef stew instead.


mix of sea food...

Do you use mustard or strawberry jam to go along with that meal?

I had planned to grill a bunch of steaks in the backyard for my visitors. However, there are raindrops in the desert this afternoon, happens about three times a year. Maybe we will have beef stew instead.

I'll try strawberry 'coz she likes strawberry.

chicken soup....

furaido chicken!


what is p-man?

what is p-man?

pacman? lol

p-man is a banana fries, there are chocolate and cheese inside it. really...really delicious.

p-man is a banana fries, there are chocolate and cheese inside it. really...really delicious.


p-man is a banana fries, there are chocolate and cheese inside it. really...really delicious.

Sounds good! Does this stand for pack-man? The word p-man does not sound too appetizing in English.

Sound like a heart attack

fish fry...

Cheese burger

My girlfriend...yummy

White wine goes very well with that meal!

Triple Cheese Pizza.

White wine goes very well with that meal!

Hehe, and when the meal gets too old, you can always drink the wine then.

I can't shake the darn cold I have, so it will be chicken and noodle soup for me.

It's one of those nights:
1. B/cue chicken
2. Steam Fish
3. Curry
4. Rice n pease
5. Bread pudding
6. A bottle of whiskey
7. Roast potatoes
8. Chicken strips with pasta
9. Roast Beef
Darn...there goes the 10lbs i lost in the past 2weeks....These people wanna kill me!

White wine goes very well with that meal!

Hahaha. I'll try that one.

Hehe, and when the meal gets too old, you can always drink the wine then.

And if ever you'll get drunk, the meal will be tender and fresh again. *chuckles*

And if ever you'll get drunk, the meal will be tender and fresh again. *chuckles*

Ah, the pleasures of mixing wine and eating.

I am getting tired of chicken noodle soup! I think I will practice on some fresh fish and angel hair pasta for dinner.

Crab ...

I'm going to try mixing my garlic flavored biscuit and my tomato ketchup.

i'm going to eat at carl's jr.

i'm going to eat at carl's jr.

Carl's Burgers is a nice place, do they have them in Florida? I thought they were only out West.

I am getting the hots for a juicy steak (bloody rare), and a baked potato with sour cream and chives. Hope to wash it all down with plenty of dark beer.

stew beef with rice!

Mixed veggies and fried fish tail.


Maddie, our cook, told me that she has a salmon fillet on a spinach bed in the oven. She will serve that with skinny mashers and a babeurre caper sauce. Yumm!

Maddie, our cook, told me that she has a salmon fillet on a spinach bed in the oven. She will serve that with skinny mashers and a babeurre caper sauce. Yumm!

My God Lardmeister, you are making me drool!

It will be pasta in the form of long, thin strings, cooked by boiling and served with a tomato basil sauce for me. As an extra, I will throw a few cow meat balls over the top.

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