Long-caped superheros are running on cracked rooftops, HASTILY.

Long-caped superheros are CHASING on cracked rooftops, hastily.

Long-caped superheros are chasing OVER cracked rooftops, hastily.

Long-LEGGED superheros are chasing over cracked rooftops, hastily.

Long-legged GIANTS are chasing over cracked rooftops, hastily.

Long-legged giants are LOOMING over cracked rooftops, hastily.

Long-legged giants are looming over cracked VOLCANOES, hastily.

Long-legged giants are looming over cracked CRIMINALS, hastily

Long-legged giants are looming over cracked criminals, KNOWINGLY.

long_legged POLICE are looming over cracked criminals, knowingly

Long_legged police are looming over HEARTLESS criminals, knowingly

Long-WINDED police are looming over heartless criminals, knowingly.

Long-winded police are looming WITH heartless criminals, knowingly.

Long-winded police are SLEEPING with heartless criminals, knowingly.

Long-winded police are sleeping with heartless LEISURE, knowingly.

Long-winded police are sleeping with heartless leisure, HAPHAZARDLY.

smartly QUANTUM processors are calculating through inverted fractions, hastily

STOLEN quantum processors are calculating through inverted fractions, hastily

stolen PHANTOM processors are calculating through inverted fractions hastily

OPERA phantom processors are calculating through inverted fractions hastily.

opera phantom MOVIES are calculating through inverted fractions hastily.

Opera phantom BROWSERS are calculating through inverted fractions, hastily.

Opera phantom browsers are calculating through inverted PAGES, hastily.

Opera phantom browsers are calculating through inverted pages, HOPELESSLY.

opera phatntom DEMONS are calculating through inverted pages hopelessly

opera phantom DEMONS are calculating through inverted pages hopelessly

Take no notice of second post it posted the same one twice

Opera phantom demons are calculating through inverted BIBLES, hopelessly.

Opera phantom demons are READING through inverted bibles, hopelessly.

Opera phantom demons are reading through inverted bibles, RIGHTEOUSLY.

Opera phantom PRIESTS are reading through inverted bibles, righteously.

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