Word Jumble Game

e-papa 0 Tallied Votes 622 Views Share

This is a simple word jumble game, I actually adapted it from one I used from practice.
It's written in Python 3.1 using the pyscripter. NO modules needed.

# Word Jumble
# The computer picks a random word and then "jumbles" it
# The player has to guess the original word
# Obasa Adegoke - 11/04/11(dd/mm/yy)

import random

#this function jumbles the word
def word_jumble(word):
    """takes a word as arguement and jumbles it"""
    while word:
        word=word[:position] + word[position+1:]
    return jumble

#this is a function that selects a sequence from a tuple
def picker(w):
    """selects a random word from a tuple"""
    return word

#this are the tuples contaning the word
terms = ('designing', 'programming', 'development', 'analysis', 'coding')
company = ('microsoft', 'IBM', 'apple', 'intel', 'google')
languages = ('java', 'cold fusion', 'python', 'jython', 'javascript', 'perl', )
systems = ('software', 'hardware', )
name = ('gates', 'jobs', 'yang', 'trovalds', 'filo')

#the various tuples are stored as a sequences in another tuple
combine = (terms, company, languages, name, systems)

#this function will prompt fo action to the taken after program execution
def decision():
    """prompts user for decision after program execution"""
    decide = input('Do you want to try again (Y/N)')
    decide = decide.upper()
    if decide == 'Y':
    elif decide == 'N':
        print('It\s either Y or N')

#this is the function that runs the program
def run():
    """this function runs the program"""
    word = picker(picker(combine))
    jumble = word_jumble(word)
    guess = (input('Your guess\n'))
    while guess != word:
        print('You\'re wrong, try again')
        guess = (input('Your guess\n'))
    print('You\'re right')

#contents are now being seen from here
print('---------------------------Word Jumble Game----------------------------')
print('---------------------------by adegoke obasa----------------------------')
print('      A certain word pertaning to computer science has been jumbled, \n\
                 You\'re are to guess the word that is jumbled')

e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training

I'm very sorry for the mistake in the Poll, that was suppose to Good, Please accept my apologies.

e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training

Please guys, comment on this code snippet, to know what I need to improve on.

TrustyTony 888 pyMod Team Colleague Featured Poster

word_jumble(word) == ''.join(random.sample(word, len(word))) Better to put all decision in one while True: instead of deeper and deeper recursion to decision().
You can center text by center() method, it has optional parameter for fill character:

>>> 'Word Jumble Game'.center(71,'-')
'----------------------------Word Jumble Game---------------------------'

You can avoid escaping ' by \ if you use " as outside quote. You can include line changes inside ''' or """ quotes (any single quotes inside OK):

print('''A certain word pertaning to computer science has been jumbled,
You're are to guess the word that is jumbled''')
e-papa commented: Good. +1
woooee 814 Nearly a Posting Maven

I thought you wanted a goose (but it won't come from me). Why do you call "picker" twice?

def run():
    """this function runs the program"""
    word = picker(picker(combine))

Also, you can reach the maximum recursion level since run() calls decision() which calls run(), etc. And there is more recursion in decision()

def decision():
    """prompts user for decision after program execution"""
    decide = input('Do you want to try again (Y/N)')
    decide = decide.upper()
    if decide == 'Y':
    elif decide == 'N':
        print('It\s either Y or N')
    decide = input('Do you want to try again (Y/N)')
    decide = decide.upper()
    while decide not in ["N", "Y"]:
        print("It's either Y or N")
        decide = input('Do you want to try again (Y/N)')
        decide = decide.upper()
    return decide  ## to run, decide is now "N" or "Y"

Then return the "decide" variable to run(), which will use it to test a while loop for "Y".

e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training

Thanks, will try to implement.

e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training

Please are you saying that once i call picker() it will automatically select a tuple and then make another selection from that tuple.

e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training

I've tried this

#this is the function that runs the program
def run():
    """this function runs the program"""
    word = picker(combine)
    jumble = word_jumble(word)
    guess = (input('Your guess\n'))
    while guess != word:
        print('You\'re wrong, try again')
        guess = (input('Your guess\n'))
    print('You\'re right')

but it fails to pick a single word from the tupe, and rather picks the entire tuple, so I think this

#this is the function that runs the program
def run():
    """this function runs the program"""
    word = picker(picker(combine))
    jumble = word_jumble(word)
    guess = (input('Your guess\n'))
    while guess != word:
        print('You\'re wrong, try again')
        guess = (input('Your guess\n'))
    print('You\'re right')

is okay

Will try the others too.

e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training
# Word Jumble
# The computer picks a word in computer science and then "jumbles" it
# The player has to guess the original word
# Obasa Adegoke - 11/04/11(dd/mm/yy)

import random

#this function jumbles the word
def word_jumble(word):
    """takes a word as arguement and jumbles it"""

    while word:
        word=word[:position] + word[position+1:]
    return jumble

#this is a function that selects a sequence from a tuple
def picker(w):
    """selects a random word from a tuple"""
    return word

#this are the tuples contaning the word
terms = ('designing', 'programming', 'development', 'analysis', 'coding')
company = ('microsoft', 'IBM', 'apple', 'intel', 'google', 'AMD', 'DELL')
language = ('java', 'ruby', 'python', 'jython', 'javascript', 'perl', )
sub_systems = ('software', 'hardware')
inventor = ('gates', 'jobs', 'yang', 'trovalds', 'filo')

#the various tuples are stored as a sequences in another tuple
combine = (terms, company, language, inventor, sub_systems)

#this function will prompt fo action to the taken after program execution
def decision():
    """prompts user for decision after program execution"""

    decide = input('Do you want to try again (Y/N)')
    decide = decide.upper()
    while decide not in ["Y", "N"]:
        print("It's either Y or N".center(70))
        decide = input('Do you want to try again (Y/N)')
        decide = decide.upper()
    return decide

#this is the function that runs the program
def run():
    """this function runs the program"""

    word = picker(section)
    jumble = word_jumble(word)
    guess = (input('Your guess\n'))
    while guess != word:
        print('You\'re wrong, try again'.center(70))
        guess = (input('Your guess\n'))
    print("You're right, it's %s".center(70) %(guess))
    answer = decision()

    if answer == "Y":
        print("Here we go again".center(70))

    elif answer == "N":
        print("Thank you".center(70))

#contents are now being seen from here
print('Word Jumble Game'.center(70,'-'))
print('by adegoke obasa'.center(70,'-'))
print("A word pertaining to computer science has been jumbled".center(70,'*'))
print("You're are to guess the word that is jumbled". center(70,'*'))


This is the snippet repackaged, from the contributions of wooeee and tonyjv.
Thanks guys.
Please run and let me know how good.

TrustyTony 888 pyMod Team Colleague Featured Poster

I formatted it little of excessive noise in output and here is that my suggestion of shuffle to jumble word. Infinity recursive calls replaced with 'while True's.

# Word Jumble
# The computer picks a word in computer science and then "jumbles" it
# The player has to guess the original word
# Obasa Adegoke - 11/04/11(dd/mm/yy)

import random

#this function jumbles the word
def word_jumble(word):
    """takes a word as arguement and jumbles it"""
    return ''.join(random.sample(word, len(word)))

#this is a function that selects a sequence from a tuple
def picker(w):
    """selects a random word from a tuple"""
    return random.choice(w)

#this are the tuples contaning the word
terms = ('designing', 'programming', 'development', 'analysis', 'coding')
company = ('Microsoft', 'IBM', 'Apple', 'Intel', 'Google', 'AMD', 'DELL')
language = ('Java', 'Ruby', 'Python', 'Jython', 'Javascript', 'Perl', )
sub_systems = ('software', 'hardware')
# Finnish guy's name is Linus Torvalds, What is 'filo'?
inventor = ('Gates', 'Jobs', 'yang', 'Torvalds', 'filo')

#the various tuples are stored as a sequences in another tuple
combine = tuple(word for section in (terms, company, language,
                                     inventor, sub_systems)
                for word in section)

def run():
    """this function runs the program"""
    while True:
        word = picker(combine)
        jumble = word_jumble(word)
        print('  '.join(jumble).center(30, '*'))
        while True:
            guess = input('Your guess (Q to quit, ! to give up): ').lower()
            if guess in tuple('q!'):
                print(("You did not guess that it was %r!" % word)
                        if guess == '!'
                        else 'Bye, bye!')
            elif guess != word.lower():
                print("You're wrong, try again!")
                print("You're right, it's %s!" % word)
        if guess == 'q':
            print("\n\tThank you\n".center(66, '*'))

#contents are now being seen from here
print(70 * '-')
print('Word Jumble Game'.center(40, '*').center(70))
print('by adegoke obasa'.rjust(74))
print('Instructions'.center(40, '*').center(70))
print("A word pertaining to computer science has been jumbled.".center(70))
print("You're are to guess the word that is jumbled". center(70))
print(70 * '-')


You might consider adding checking of not repeating words and getting hint on topic of the word.

woooee 814 Nearly a Posting Maven

Your picker code
word = picker(picker(combine))
first picks a tuple, then a word from the picked tuple. While this works, our "debug sensors" were alerted as this would not be obvious down the road when someone is debugging the code. A more accepted version is to combine all of the tuples and pick a random word from the combination by calling picker() once.

terms = ('designing', 'programming', 'development', 'analysis', 'coding')
company = ('Microsoft', 'IBM', 'Apple', 'Intel', 'Google', 'AMD', 'DELL')
language = ('Java', 'Ruby', 'Python', 'Jython', 'Javascript', 'Perl', )
sub_systems = ('software', 'hardware')
inventor = ('Gates', 'Jobs', 'yang', 'Torvalds', 'filo')
combine = terms + company + language + sub_systems + inventor
print combine
nezachem 616 Practically a Posting Shark

> What is 'filo'?

Probably Filo.

TrustyTony 888 pyMod Team Colleague Featured Poster

> What is 'filo'?

Probably Filo.

I am more familiar with LIFO
and yang must be http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YANG, even I never heard of it before ;) .

e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training

David filo, is one of the guys that started yahoo.

e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training

Your picker code
word = picker(picker(combine))
first picks a tuple, then a word from the picked tuple. While this works, our "debug sensors" were alerted as this would not be obvious down the road when someone is debugging the code. A more accepted version is to combine all of the tuples and pick a random word from the combination by calling picker() once.

terms = ('designing', 'programming', 'development', 'analysis', 'coding')
company = ('Microsoft', 'IBM', 'Apple', 'Intel', 'Google', 'AMD', 'DELL')
language = ('Java', 'Ruby', 'Python', 'Jython', 'Javascript', 'Perl', )
sub_systems = ('software', 'hardware')
inventor = ('Gates', 'Jobs', 'yang', 'Torvalds', 'filo')
combine = terms + company + language + sub_systems + inventor
print combine

Okay I understand now, and I think it understandable too.
Thanks for the comments, I've really gained a lot.

e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training

I formatted it little of excessive noise in output and here is that my suggestion of shuffle to jumble word. Infinity recursive calls replaced with 'while True's.

# Word Jumble
# The computer picks a word in computer science and then "jumbles" it
# The player has to guess the original word
# Obasa Adegoke - 11/04/11(dd/mm/yy)

import random

#this function jumbles the word
def word_jumble(word):
    """takes a word as arguement and jumbles it"""
    return ''.join(random.sample(word, len(word)))

#this is a function that selects a sequence from a tuple
def picker(w):
    """selects a random word from a tuple"""
    return random.choice(w)

#this are the tuples contaning the word
terms = ('designing', 'programming', 'development', 'analysis', 'coding')
company = ('Microsoft', 'IBM', 'Apple', 'Intel', 'Google', 'AMD', 'DELL')
language = ('Java', 'Ruby', 'Python', 'Jython', 'Javascript', 'Perl', )
sub_systems = ('software', 'hardware')
# Finnish guy's name is Linus Torvalds, What is 'filo'?
inventor = ('Gates', 'Jobs', 'yang', 'Torvalds', 'filo')

#the various tuples are stored as a sequences in another tuple
combine = tuple(word for section in (terms, company, language,
                                     inventor, sub_systems)
                for word in section)

def run():
    """this function runs the program"""
    while True:
        word = picker(combine)
        jumble = word_jumble(word)
        print('  '.join(jumble).center(30, '*'))
        while True:
            guess = input('Your guess (Q to quit, ! to give up): ').lower()
            if guess in tuple('q!'):
                print(("You did not guess that it was %r!" % word)
                        if guess == '!'
                        else 'Bye, bye!')
            elif guess != word.lower():
                print("You're wrong, try again!")
                print("You're right, it's %s!" % word)
        if guess == 'q':
            print("\n\tThank you\n".center(66, '*'))

#contents are now being seen from here
print(70 * '-')
print('Word Jumble Game'.center(40, '*').center(70))
print('by adegoke obasa'.rjust(74))
print('Instructions'.center(40, '*').center(70))
print("A word pertaining to computer science has been jumbled.".center(70))
print("You're are to guess the word that is jumbled". center(70))
print(70 * '-')


You might consider adding checking of not repeating words and getting hint on topic of the word.

Thanks for this I'll try to analyze and implement, I already thought of hints, but I don't know how you can get the name of a tuple to print or return, I think I'll try a dictionary.
I'm really sorry about the "torvalds", it's a mistake on my part. I apologize. The not repeating words I will really have to sit down with. THANKS AGAIN.

e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training

Thanks woooee, i tried combining all the tuples into a single a tuple, it worked just fine. Thanks.

e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training

I have been able to adjust the program, based on the recommendations, here it is

# Word Jumble
# The computer picks a word in the IT world and then "jumbles" it
# The player has to guess the word
# Obasa Adegoke - 11/04/11(dd/mm/yy)

import random

#this function jumbles the word
def word_jumble(word):
    """takes a word as arguement and jumbles it"""

    jumble = ''
    while word:
        position = random.randrange(len(word))
        jumble += word[position]
        word = word[:position] + word[position+1:]
    return jumble

#this is a function that selects a sequence from a tuple
def picker(w):
    """selects a random word from a tuple"""

    word = random.choice(w)
    #this line returns the word in uppercase
    return word.upper()

#this are the tuples contaning the words
terms = ('designing', 'programming', 'algorithm', 'debugging', 'coding')
company = ('microsoft', 'IBM', 'apple', 'intel', 'nokia', 'AMD', 'DELL')
company2 = ('cisco', 'acer', 'lenovo', 'compaq', 'toshiba', 'hp' )
social = ('facebook', 'myspace', 'youtube', 'blogger', 'wordpress' )
mail = ('gmail', 'yahoomail', 'hotmail', 'aol')
language = ('java', 'ruby', 'python', 'jython', 'HTML', 'perl', 'CSS' )
sub_systems = ('software', 'hardware')
inventor = ('gates', 'jobs', 'yang', 'torvalds', 'filo', 'zukerberg')
search_engines = ('google', 'excite', 'bing', 'vivisimo')

#the various tuples are stored as a single tuple
combine = terms + company + language + inventor + sub_systems + social
combine += company2 + mail + search_engines

#this function will prompt fo action to the taken after program execution
def decision():
    """prompts user for decision after program execution"""

    decide = input('Are you sure you want to quit (Y/N)')
    decide = decide.upper()
    while decide not in ["Y", "N"]:
        print('*'.center(40, '*').center(70))
        print("It's either Y or N".center(70))
        decide = input('Are you sure you want to quit (Y/N)')

#this is the function that runs the program
def run():
    """this function runs the program"""

    #picks the word to be jumbled, jumbles it and outputs it
    word = picker(combine)
    #this line creates a hint for the user
    hint = ("starts with %s, ends with %s" %(word[0], word[-1])).center(70)
    jumble = word_jumble(word)

    #interaction with the user starts here
    while True:

        #this lines accepts input and makes sure it's uppercased
        guess = (input('Your guess (Q to quit, G to give up)\n')).upper()
        if guess in ('Q', 'G'):
            print(("You couldn't guess that it was %s" %word).center(70)
                if guess == 'G'
                else "Too bad, you quit".center(70))
        elif guess != word:
            print(("Oops, try again").center(70))
            print(("You're right, it's %s" %word).center(70))
    if guess == "Q":
        print("Thank you" .center(70))

#contents are now being seen from here
#introducing the program
print('Word Jumble Game'.center(40,'*').center(70))
print('by adegoke obasa'.center(40,'*').center(70))
print("A word in the IT world has been jumbled".center(40).center(70))
print("Guess the word". center(40).center(70))
print("To quit [Q], To give up [G]". center(40,'*').center(70))

#the program actually starts to run here

#year of production
print('word jumble v1.0'.center(70))
print("copyright 2011".center(70))

Thanks again, your reviews will be highly welcome.

TrustyTony 888 pyMod Team Colleague Featured Poster

Looks like your code runs only until first correct answer.

TrustyTony 888 pyMod Team Colleague Featured Poster

And decision have no efect as it has no return value and if it had, it would not be used in line 87.

e-papa commented: I think I get it. +1
e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training

Looks like your code runs only until first correct answer.

Yes it does, I've been looking into a way I could correct that, but nothing for now, i will see what i can do.
Thanks again.

e-papa 13 Posting Pro in Training

And decision have no efect as it has no return value and if it had, it would not be used in line 87.

I think i should just move it into the run function, so has to reduce recursion, am i right.

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