I'm near dead!

How much caffeine will kill you... Take the quiz http://www.quizmymates.com/how-much-caffeine-will-kill-you_q_9365.html

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All 27 Replies

I don't drink soda, no option for that. Also doesn't say what sort of tea. Doesn't even have other things listed such as chocolate with caffeine. And tolerance is common with caffeine, so no accounting for that.

I don't drink coffee -- no option for that either, so I stopped at the first question.

Looks absolutely useless - except to spam ad links along the edges.

It was designed for a specific result - I could not answer most of the questions.

So - here is the scientific answer, the LD50 for caffeine is 192 mg/kg (rat, oral). This means that's the dosage that will kill half the rats tested. How well this translates to LD50 for humans is left up to the scientific curiosity of the individual.

I got caffeine free !
however I never dirk tea or coffee , but takes soda.
but not everyday.

Then I don't know about to speak about coffee. But
coffee is bad for the body shape too. To be a programmer
as I think you need to keep in low stress and have to ready
for stress. Then a slim body shape is good to keep. So
avoid coffee.

You don't actually know many programmers, do you?

I used to drink 5 mugs a day, now i reduced it to 3.
5 won't kill you. That's 1,5 liters.
Coffee is an antioxidant, it slows the aging process.
Read more here, if you wish:

<snip fake signature>

5 cups a day may not kill you but it sure wil wreak your nervous system.

5 cups a day may not kill you but it sure wil wreak your nervous system.

5 cups , I wonder !
may be the reason of cold ! am I correct (well I'm at a heat country )

5 cups a day may not kill you but it sure wil wreak your nervous system.

I use to have near a pot a day, plus teas, for a time. Could have been the cause to the blepharspasms I had, or it was post-delerium.... idk

The power drinks that you can get in many stores here can have up to 800 mg caffeine in them, and some students swig down 2 or 3 of those before an exam. That would be the equivalent of 12 - 15 cups of coffee! They fail the exam because their hands get so shaky they can't write.

Like most everything else, taken in moderation coffeine is just fine. BTW, dogs are very sensitive to caffeine, and the caffeine in one cup of coffee, or the theobromine (a compound related to coffeine) in a bar of chocolate is enough to kill a dog.

commented: Thanks for the info! I didn't know dogs are sensitive to caffeine :) +10

lol i should be dead going by that test but like others here some of the options like tea and soft drink dont apply to me as i dont drink tea and rarely drink soft drink but i gotta slow down on the coffee as i cant even keep count of how manny cups i have a day lol

lol i should be dead going by that test but like others here some of the options like tea and soft drink dont apply to me as i dont drink tea and rarely drink soft drink but i gotta slow down on the coffee as i cant even keep count of how manny cups i have a day lol

I can see how caffeine is affecting you already. You are typing without even taking a break to breathe! Slow down. :D

lol yeah i say that to myself all the time but to be honnest i think im gonna go make another cup ......... ill be up all night lol .

Not a cold country. I'm in Romania, summers of 40 degrees celsius, winters ~0 ... I just like it, and it gives me something to do since i gave up smoking...

Ha ha ha, i just finished my science assignment on Energy Drinks and their effect on the body. Most energy drinks only have about 80mg/250mL of caffeine. But in Australia there have been about 20 deaths a year occur from people getting all caffeined up and dying.

alot of em have come from mixing red bull and vodka tho

Usually I drink 2 cup of tea .. I got answer Caffeine Free! ....saying You're fine so drink up!

Lol I got 'Aren't you dead yet?'.

I don't drink too many coffees or energy drinks during the day, but I don't weigh much so I guess that's what got me, haha!

I may or may not be drinking a can of 'Mother' right now... :s

I don't drink any soda or redbull, but i didn't have the option on the test.
I think that you may complete the test anyway, and still get the same message.

Antioxidants are not only in coffee:
<snip fake signature>

Sorry for the signature..

"acne treatment for geeks"? well, that has to be the most randomly bizarre link i have ever seen in someone's signature.


I overdosed on caffeine once. Had to go to the hospital and drink charcoal and get a shot in the butt. Not cool.

i felt like i overdosed once.... "Iced King Mocha 6" had six shots of espresso. i was feeling good, so i followed it with a couple large fresh brewed coffees. then i wasn't feeling so good. i dont reckon the half pack of cigarettes helped matters.

final exams were rough that semester.

try it and tell use how it ends

Who try what?

I dont take cofee nor tea so no any options.........

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