Well I am not really new here but I never posted a formal intro. I am an Information Technology student and i simply love programming and most things tech. I frequent the python forum since it happens to be my favorite language, however I do know others (C++(gross I know), Java, C#(Only on windows, I am not a huge fan of mono)).

I run Debian linux as my main desktop environment simply because it is more secure. No dual booting here, though I am hoping to get a new laptop with windows 7 for x-mass!

I am also a resident evil fan-boy! I own 7 of the books, 4 movies, and 6 games! Also my current desktop wallpaper is an umbrella corp logo :).

Well thats all you really need to know, thanks for reading!

Recommended Answers

All 4 Replies

prompt = "Did you get your new laptop with windows 7? (y/n) "
answer = raw_input(prompt).lower()
if 'y' in answer:
    print "Phantasmagoric!"
prompt = "Did you get your new laptop with windows 7? (y/n) "
answer = raw_input(prompt).lower()
if 'y' in answer:
    print "Phantasmagoric!"
    print "Epic Fail"

$Did you get your new laptop with windows 7? (y/n): n
$Epic Fail

prompt = "Did you get your new laptop with windows 7? (y/n) "
answer = raw_input(prompt).lower()
if 'y' in answer:
    print "Phantasmagoric!"
    print "Epic Fail"

$Did you get your new laptop with windows 7? (y/n): n
$Epic Fail

So what bad did you do so Santa didn't bring you the thingy down the chimney?

I dont know, I better be a good boy this year.

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