A 23 year-old man severly burned himself after igniting a firecracker in his butt cheeks (link).

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I like to think of it as evolution in action. Hmmm, wonder whatever happened to the Darwin Awards? Aha, still going strong here

well ... youtube combined with a title that contains 'extreme idiots' ... can't go wrong with that, now can you?

how does that phrase go?

"I'm not saying we should kill all dumb people, but we could consider removing all warning labels and let the problem solve itself."

might have a good point.

To do suicide a man was heating the knife, to prevent infection. hahaha....

Similar to the redneck vasectomy (light the fuse and count to 15).

or redneck sex change operation :)

Rednecks only have to count to 10.

"Pain is temporary; pride is forever!"

commented: Hah! +0

Wear their shirts backwards

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