Hey I'm new to the website but I've been a friend of Dani for a little over a year and attend the DaniWeb meetups. I know I'll need coding help and as a noob I'll be seeking out the help of you experts in javascript w/ jquery & ajax, php, and mysql. Thanks!

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Hi and welcome to DaniWeb :)

Thanks! Looking forward to posting more

Sounds good. Let me know if I can be of any assistance. Welcome to our lil community on the web.

Hello and welcome.

Thanks Dani. I've got a question for you. If you go to http://edudating.com/index.html you will see a default landing page from the prefab php dating site software I bought. I can't edit that directly. It's through a template system which I'm trying to figure out. Now, it has a content management system that someone built, but it kind of sucks and needs some major editing. I'm thinking it might be MVC but I'm not sure. The software doesn't provide me with anything that good but it's a framework and something to work with.

So my question is: do you think I should scratch this software and start from scratch or stick with it?

Hello and Welcome.

Hi Carl - welcome to DaniWeb. You would do well to post your question above in the Web Design forum rather than here. This is just for saying hello and telling us about yourself, rather than getting help with stuff :)

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