Cite evidence for your point of view, please.

He's right. Fascism and communism are two very different things. Many consider Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hilter to be communist. But in fact, they opposed communism greatly. They were fascists and they believed in complete dictatorship.

He's right. Fascism and communism are two very different things. Many consider Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hilter to be communist. But in fact, they opposed communism greatly. They were fascists and they believed in complete dictatorship.

Exactly correct.

Cheers Christina.

How are fascists and anarchists similar? An anarchists should be just left of communist.

I disagree. Anarchists aren't even left or right. They have conservative economic views but liberal social views. As I said before there are more than just one dimension to politics. Not only that but I also didn't put those in any particular order.

Do some people really consider Musolini and Hitler communists? That just isn't right at all. Their number one enemy would be communists. Before Hitler ever mentioned Jews in Mein Kampf he demonstrated his hatred for Marxism and socialism (communism is an extreme form of socialsim).

I probably shouldn't have said that most people would agree but as far as citing information goes I typed that up using only my own knowledge. In my opinion, along with many people I'm sure, communism and fascism is as different as night and day.

Do some people really consider Musolini and Hitler communists? That just isn't right at all. Their number one enemy would be communists. Before Hitler ever mentioned Jews in Mein Kampf he demonstrated his hatred for Marxism and socialism (communism is an extreme form of socialsim).

Then why was the political unit (party? movement?) Hitler lead known as the "National Socialists"?

Then why was the political unit (party? movement?) Hitler lead known as the "National Socialists"?

Actually it was called the National Socialist German Workers' Party later known as the Nazi Party.

commented: Thank you for providing the correct name. -EnderX +1

workers and socialism = communism

It was explained to me once but I can't remember why. I do know that the name seems contradictory to its purpose. But there's no doubt about it, Hitler was most certainly not a socialist. I'll see if I can find the piece of literature that explains the name of the Nazi party.

This wasn't the piece of literature I was referring to earlier but it still explains it a little bit (if you consider wikipedia a credible source that is).

Unlike some other party members, Hitler was not interested in the “socialist” aspect of the national socialist doctrine. Himself of provincial lower-middle-class origins, he disliked the mass working class of the big cities, and had no sympathy with the notions of attacking private property or the business class which some early Nazis espoused. For Hitler the twin goals of the party were always German nationalist expansionism and anti-Semitism. These two goals were fused in his mind by his belief that Germany’s external enemies – Britain, France and (later) the Soviet Union – were controlled by the Jews, and that Germany’s future wars of national expansion would necessarily entail a war against the Jews. Although the party’s 1925 program made some rhetorical concessions to the socialist element, this was never central to the party’s policies. For Hitler and his principal lieutenants, national and racial issues were always dominant. This was symbolised by the adoption as the party emblem of the swastika or Hakenkreuz, of Indian origin and supposedly a symbol of the “Aryan” race."

Actually it was called the National Socialist German Workers' Party later known as the Nazi Party.

I bow to superior statementing. I don't think the full name changes my point any, though.

workers and socialism = communism

Hitler was anti-communist. The word 'workers' in the name served no purpose.

It was explained to me once but I can't remember why. I do know that the name seems contradictory to its purpose. But there's no doubt about it, Hitler was most certainly not a socialist. I'll see if I can find the piece of literature that explains the name of the Nazi party.

Yes, I know what you are talking about.

I'm not so sure that Hitler was 'Anti-Communist' as that he was 'Pro-Hitler'. I vaguely recall (will attempt to find specific sources) reading that Hitler's agents were the ones that got the German Communist Party 'riled up' (that is, encouraged them to take action) in the first place. Hitler then stepped in and used their actions, and his own retaliation, as a springboard to further power/authority. Again, I'll try to track down and post the source on this.

I'm not so sure that Hitler was 'Anti-Communist' as that he was 'Pro-Hitler'. I vaguely recall (will attempt to find specific sources) reading that Hitler's agents were the ones that got the German Communist Party 'riled up' (that is, encouraged them to take action) in the first place. Hitler then stepped in and used their actions, and his own retaliation, as a springboard to further power/authority. Again, I'll try to track down and post the source on this.

Hitler was definitely anti-communist, as I've said before. He was a fascist who believed in aggressive nationalism. Fascism strongly opposes communism. He became a fascist because of his admiration of Mussolini who also opposed communism greatly.

This is a small representation of Hitler's hatred for Socialists taken from his book Mein Kampf:

The fate of the Germans in the Austrian state was dependent on their position in the Reichsrat. Up to the introduction of universal and secret suffrage, the Germans had had a majority, though an insignificant one, in parliament. Even this condition was precarious, for the Social Democrats, with their unreliable attitude in national questions, always turned against German interests in critical matters affecting the Germans - in order not to alienate the members of the various foreign nationalities. Even in those days the Social Democracy could not be regarded as a German party. and with the introduction of universal suffrage the German superiority ceased even in a purely numerical sense. There was no longer any obstacle in the path of the further de-Germanization of the state.

It's also easy to see that Hitler's number one priority was not the citizens or workers of the world but the German citizens (and only certain races at that), very contradictory to any socialist view.

Communists believe in uniting the entire world so that a "utopia" can be acheived. If Hitler were a communist he would have allied with Stalin, not betray him. Everyone could see from the start that the nonagression pact would be broken by Hitler like all his other agreements of nonagression (Czechoslovakia , the sudentenland, the rhineland, poland). Hitler and Stalin were polar opposites. The were much hated enemies.

I'm not so sure that Hitler was 'Anti-Communist' as that he was 'Pro-Hitler'. I vaguely recall (will attempt to find specific sources) reading that Hitler's agents were the ones that got the German Communist Party 'riled up' (that is, encouraged them to take action) in the first place. Hitler then stepped in and used their actions, and his own retaliation, as a springboard to further power/authority. Again, I'll try to track down and post the source on this.

Of course Hitler was anti-communist. Just open his book and it's written all over it. Almost as if to say, "I hate communism." He said so himself on more than one occasion.

If Hitler were a communist he would have allied with Stalin, not betray him. Hitler and Stalin were polar opposites. The were much hated enemies.


commented: thanks =) +1

"Hitler built his career on anticommunism, racial hatred, and German greed."

-From "The Battle of Stalingrad" by Bob Carroll

From the battle of Stalingrade by Bob Carroll

"After [World War I], many Germans blamed betrayal on the home front for the loss. The German army had never before been defeated. At the root of the treason were Jews and communists, they insisted."

hitler was good in a way ~ no seriously!
He built motorways, made the economy better, and co-invented the VW Beetle!

commented: The VW beetle has yielded no advancements for humanity -2

hitler was good in a way ~ no seriously!
He built motorways, made the economy better, and co-invented the VW Beetle!

Really? I always thought of Hitler as a mad man who invented genocide. =p

How can you seriously justify genocide, war on a global scale, incest, political discrimination, multiple homocides, suicide, unethical imprisonment, slavery, etc. by saying that he built motorways and co-invented the vw beetle? There are plenty of people in the world that have done much more than build motorways and co-invent car models that didn't do as much harm as Hitler did. Besides that, it's completely out of context with the earlier argument of Hitler's political orientation.

we can justtify stalins atrocities by saying that without his rapid industrialisation and fight to the last man stragey, we would all be nazis right about now...

I don't know about that...

I still don't think that justifies Stalin's actions at all. The defeat of the Nazis in Operation Barbarossa wasn't due so much to the U.S.S.R.'s effeciency or speed as it had to do with Hitler's mistakes. In the span of his life, Stalin actually killed more people than Hitler.

He also didn't help out in the Pacific Theatre of Operations as he promised he would (but to be fair the western front took long enough to start). Not to mention one of the big reasons for the American fight against communism. All the men that were lost in Vietnam, Korea and elswhere.

In the span of his life, Stalin actually killed more people than Hitler.

How many people did Stalin kill?

I don't know off the top of my head, but that might be counting the people he killed indirectly as well. He was in power a lot longer than Hitler was and so had more oppurtunity to kill people, especially because he didn't let any information in or out of the country. He used a lot of propaganda.

Stalin doesn't deserve credit for stopping Hitler; it's the millions of Soviet soldiers who deserve the credit. All Stalin deserves credit for is for playing the following text adventure game.

Hitler is attacking you!
  1. Defend yourself.
  2. Send giant bunnies.
  3. Invent Tetris.
Your Choice: [b]1[/b]

Hitler loses!  HP/MP restored!
But you're still hungry.
commented: haha, I like the little attachment there. +8

Not only the Soviet soldeirs but the Americans and British and Canadians and Polish etc. etc. The Soviets couldn't do it if Hitler didn't direcet his forces to the Western front against the british and americans whom he thought he could defeat more easily.

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