here is the link to the one with the ants...

That game took forever to end. Lol. I got to level 59.

My brother was playing that yesterday.....he got to level 30 something....but they eventually found a way around his defenses and took all of his cake in one fell swoop.All on the right side.

i hate those ants... they become so smart... it's so hard to keep them away...

They evn beta and got around his poison spray and flamethrower.His cannons shot delayed and they would move every shot he took.

My cat sucks. He only got to level three. Lol.

man, your cat is smart... i can't get my fish to get past level one... (he screwed up my keyboard once...)

You have to put the fish in a cage first. How's it supposed to breathe? Lol.

ohhh... very clever... thnx dude...

i caged my fish and it didn't work... one of my theories is that he was scared of the mouse...

It won't work unless the cat is in there too. It motivates the fish.

that's ironic... don't cats eat fish too? i guess the fish will be even more scared...

Yup, that's what motivates him.

commented: this is the stupidest conversation ever... :D +3

cool... :P

whats the answer to #42

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