>When I said "The holes in any wall can be plugged by fear." I was implying summary execution.

ok, that's just lame. does anybody have any "realistic" suggestions?

>ok, that's just lame. does anybody have any "realistic" suggestions?

Pass a bill that allows the government to revoke the business license(s) of all companies who employ illegal immigrants.

Require a photo id for all purchases.

Allow citizens to execute a citizens arrest on all illegal immigrants in return for a monetary reward.

I like the first one and it might have a slim chance of passing. The other too are too contriversal to have any chance even in hell.

>When I said "The holes in any wall can be plugged by fear." I was implying summary execution.

ok, that's just lame. does anybody have any "realistic" suggestions?

hmm, summary execution does sound like a realistic suggestion.
Worked in the 1800s, can't see why it wouldn't work today.

hmm, summary execution does sound like a realistic suggestion.
Worked in the 1800s, can't see why it wouldn't work today.

Yes it would work, but we'd never do it because of "cruel and inhuman punishment" clause. USSC is looking into abolishing leathel injection so its not likely they'd approve executions. Now then, the guillotine might be a different matter :)

death penalty isnt needed imho

Illegal aliens, I say send them into the military and let them prove themselves as good citizens in the worst spots around the world.

Good plan, but how would u implement it?
Another thing if you were felling nasty, is make a huge catapult type structure and fling the illegal immigrants back from whence they came, after capturing them at the docks, Euro tunnel, etc.

Illegal aliens, I say send them into the military and let them prove themselves as good citizens in the worst spots around the world.

Many non-USA citizens do just that because its a fast track to US citizenship. I don't know about illegals, but anyone who spends about two years in US military is almost guarenteed citizenship when discharged, assuming there is nothing else to prevent it such as failing a criminal background check.

Yeah America already has illegals in the military, they are called spies.

the best solution would be to have stronger border patrol insted of putting up fence and wall, creat a mile long and 10 feet high stretch from the border inland of razor wires and spikes. while in the middle of that you have 3 inch thick cast iron sheets going at least 20 feet deep to prevent tunneling......now if any one get around that say by sea, dont bring to usa for processing, take them back to where they came from immediately. they should only be processed if a chip is going to be implanted in them that would send off an alarm so they can be caught before entering the usa.

this can be acheive by stop wasting money on senseless wars and trying to run other countires, why should it be our problem if sadam or any dictator want to chop off the hand of some one in his country that steal. we waste money on thoise thing ayet we have citizen here who can't get medical, who are starving and uneducated.

Yes it would work, but we'd never do it because of "cruel and inhuman punishment" clause. USSC is looking into abolishing leathel injection so its not likely they'd approve executions. Now then, the guillotine might be a different matter :)

Summary execution by firing squad isn't inhuman. It's quick...
And if it's done often enough it's not unusual either (and it's done a lot, just not in the US).

You see problems where there are none ;)

Summary execution by firing squad isn't inhuman.

Many including the USSC would disagree. Personally I don't think so either, but I don't have a vote.

Summary execution by firing squad isn't inhuman. It's quick...
And if it's done often enough it's not unusual either (and it's done a lot, just not in the US).

You see problems where there are none ;)

Ask the Nazis, they were pretty good at it and murdered millions of people that way! Even a diehard murderer like Heinrich Himmler got sick to his stomach watching it. Looks like jwenting is familiar with that sort of repugnant stuff.

the Nazis didn't execute millions by firing squad, too cumbersome and slow (and too expensive in bullets).
Nor did Himler ever get sick of it. AFAIK he never personally took part in it anyway.

But as a typical leftist you can't help but resort to insults and personal attacks when you don't have an argument so your lack of historical and economic knowledge is somewhat forgiven.

commented: My beacon of hope for Europe and the world. +12
commented: yeah i must agree +21

@ bobbyraw

>why should it be our problem if sadam or any dictator want to chop off the hand...

i think you have got your facts wrong. it was never about chopping of hands. it was about weapons of mass destruction. america said iraq had them and that they could be launched in 45 minutes and that they were going in to make the world a safer place kind of thing.

actually no one except the U.S. wanted the U.S. to go in. the sheer majority of the world said no. the U.N. said no. even the weapon inspectors said no. but still they invaded.

now that it is proven that there were no weapons of mass destruction is the story being changed or something? "we went in to help the iraqi people because their leader chops of their hands?"

actually the vast majority of the world wanted to get rid of Saddam but didn't want to be the ones footing the bill...

Only France, China, and Russia (of the important countries) didn't want to get rid of Saddam, and that was because they had extremely lucrative oil and weapons deals with him (in direct contravention of UN resolutions they'd themselves signed).

Those WMDs were in fact found. But whenever something was found the press (and the "experts" from the left) denounced it as "not enough".
Even when they found entire factories it was considered "not enough".

didn't want to get rid of Saddam

actually. the british people didnt want to go to iraq, the government just didnt listen

governments never listen

Those WMDs were in fact found. But whenever something was found the press (and the "experts" from the left) denounced it as "not enough".
Even when they found entire factories it was considered "not enough".

Maybe in your twisted mind. Give us some hard facts here!

Nor did Himler ever get sick of it. AFAIK he never personally took part in it anyway.

Your ugly buddy did watch it close up, it is on captured German news real film. He turns away and gets sick after one of the victims brain matter spattered over his face. Don't ever accuse me of lying!

@ ravenous Wolf
this is not about chopping off hands, my point was directed to how money can be channeled to other cause, instead of invading other country and send young people to die we should be useing that money to fix the border to stop the flooding of immigrants, that thne come here to suck the resourses that needed kinds and resident of this country need

Those WMDs were in fact found. But whenever something was found the press (and the "experts" from the left) denounced it as "not enough".
Even when they found entire factories it was considered "not enough".

You make all these outrageous claims yet never site your sources. I wonder why this is.

Wow, "thimble-headed stuff", them are fightig words! Jwenting will bomb and strave you, and then come over and spit at your house!

no, I'm too nice to resort to their kind of behaviour.
I'll just let them rank up some more infraction points towards the day they'll end up banned due to their own actions.

commented: agreed, thety are being very harsh to you +21

no, I'm too nice to resort to their kind of behaviour.
I'll just let them rank up some more infraction points towards the day they'll end up banned due to their own actions.

No, you are such a nice guy, you simply delete posts that are critical of you anyway, such as Bumsfeld's post that gave the wikipedia reference to Himmler getting sick at a mass execution.

This is simply called sensorship and makes this forum a joke! In the future, I guess we all have to get jwentings permission first, before we post anything!

Why is it, Lardmeister, that 50% of your sentences end in an exclamation mark?

lets all calm down

Why is it, Lardmeister, that 50% of your sentences end in an exclamation mark?

Never counted them, sorry! Maybe they come up when I feel urinated on! Actually, I am looking for a nice forum without a "one man sensorship", any suggestions?

lets all calm down

Thanks jbennet, I feel honored that I met a nice intelligent person like you. I feel that a Geeks' Forum where you cannot be geeky is kind of boneheaded.

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