Hi, don't ask me why but my client wants to display certain text as bold and a smiley face within a dropdown option.

I don't think this is possible but wanted to check with you guys out there. In Firefox I know you can only display entire list items as bold but they want only certain text within that list item as bold and an image as well!

I'm starting to think it may be easier to just use radio buttons and then play with the text.

Eg. They want a dropdown option to appear as:

Go to emeeting:)

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

I have tested for IE7 and couldnt get any change in the text at all inside the dropdown menu

Hi, don't ask me why but my client wants to display certain text as bold and a smiley face within a dropdown option.

Not sure if there's any way to do this in a real drop-down menu, but you achieve something similar with a little out-of-the-box thinking.

Instead of using a dropdown form item, build a css menu - like you would for site navigation. Each link in the css menu would equate to one option in your old dropdown.

Then, format the links to submit the form, re-populate the form with whatever was already entered, and create a hidden element to hold the information sent by the link.

Since the dropdown is now a regular css menu, you should be able to format the contents of the <li> however you like - including selective <strong> tags and smiley faces.

- Walkere

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