hello friends,

i have created a WEBSITE of an goverment department names Anti Corruption Department.

there i have given one option for online users to lodge complaints online i have create a form. user fill all the fields under that form and when he clicks on submit button all the information given by the user must be email to a specific email id but unable to do so.
below i am sending a code which i tried but its not help full.

<head><font face="times new roman" size="4" color="gray"><center><strong>REGISTER YOUR COMPLAINT HERE<hr width=75% color="#000000"></hr></strong></center></font></head>
    <script type="text\javascript">

    function checkvalidation()
        if (frm.txtname.value=="")
                alert("Please enter your name");
                return false;
        if (!isNaN(frm.txtname.value))
                alert("please enter an alphabets");
                return false;
        if (frm.txtaddress.value=="")
                alert("Please enter your address")
                return false;

         if (frm.txtcontact.value=="")
                alert("Please enter contact");
                return false;
                if(isNaN(frm.txtcontact.value) || frm.txtcontact.value.length < 6)
                        alert("Please enter valid contact no");
                        return false;
        if (frm.txtperson.value=="")
                alert("Enter Public Servent Name ");
                return false;
        if (!isNaN(frm.txtperson.value))
                alert("please enter an alphabets");
                return false;
         if (frm.txtdepartment.value=="")
                alert("Please enter public servant department");
                return false;
                alert("Please enter proper department");
                return false;
         if (frm.txttransaction.value=="")
                alert("Please enter nature or transaction");
                return false;
        if (frm.txtmotive.value=="")
                alert("Please enter motive for bribe");
                return false;
         if (frm.txtBribeDemand.value=="")
                alert("Please enter quantum of bribe demanded");
                return false;


<body bgcolor="#F2F2F2">
<form name="frm" onsubmit="return checkvalidation();" action="MAILTO:andy_aphale@yahoo.co.in" method="post" enctype="text/plain">

   <table border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center>

        <td width=40% height=22>Name.*</td>
        <td><input style=font-size:11px size=35 name=txtname></td>

        <td height=22>Address.*</td>
        <td><input style="font-size:11px" size=35 name=txtaddress></td>

        <td height=22>Email.</td>
        <td><input style="font-size:11px" size=35 name="txtemail"></td>

        <td height=22>Contact No.*</td>
        <td><input style="font-size:11px" size=35 name="txtcontact"></td>

        <td colspan=2><br><center><font color="gray">Public Servant(Person against Whom Complaint is to be lodged)</font></td>


        <td height=26>Person Name.*</td>
        <td><input style="font-size:11px" size=35 name="txtperson"></td>

        <td height=26>Designation.</td>
        <td><input style="font-size:11px" size=35 name="txtdesignation"></td>

        <td height=26>Department.*<br>                
        <font color="gray">#(State Government<br>
                                 Department, State Government <br> 
                                 undertakings,municipal bodies of <br>
        <td valign=top><input style="font-size:11px" size=35 name="txtdepartment"></td>

        <td height=26>Office Address.</td>
        <td><input style="font-size:11px" size=35 name="txtoffice"></td>

        <td colspan=2><center><br><font color="gray">About Complaint</font></center></td>

        <td>Nature Of transaction<br>
        with the Public Servant.*</td>
        <td><textarea style="font-size:11px" cols=45 name="txttransaction"></textarea></td>

        <td><br>Purpose/Motive for<br>
            demand of Bribe.*</td>
        <td valign="bottom"><textarea style="font-size:11px" name=txtmotive cols=45></textarea></td>

        <td height=26><br>Quantum Of Bribe Demand.*</td>
        <td valign="bottom"><input style="font-size:11px" size=35 name=txtBribeDemand></td>

        <td align=center> <br><input type="submit" value="submit"></td>
        <td><br><input type="reset" value="reset"></td>

        <td><br>* Mandatory Fields</td>
    <table align=center cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0 width=55% border=1 bordercolor="gray">
            <td><STRONG>Note : The Complainant / Victim will have to come to the 
                                            ACB office in person and participate in the trap 
                                            operation to be carried out by the ACB.</STRONG> 
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