I'd like to change the web site I work on to look like the msn.com site, where the information sits on top of a background. I use Frontpage 2003. My site is buit on frames that fill up the entire page. Is it possible to make a background like the one on msn.com using Frontpage?


First of all, don't put text on top of a bright colorful background, or people with certain vision problems or dyslexia can't read it at all. Use a pastel background.

Second, use the background style on the body or a div. If Frontpage doesn't offer this, change to writing pure xhtml code.

it is possible, try it


hey why dont u use this style in the div u want to aply the background or the body tag if u want it to display on full page. style="background:url(image.jpg)"
it will work :)

This is right, except what most sites do (ie yahoo.com) probly msn too id have to check, but anyway, to ensure fast loading:

create an image with just a couple pixels in width and 700? or however many pixels in hight your page is, and tile it accross the screen. use -x for across horizontally and -y for vertically.

You can make excellent graphical backgrounds in seconds if you use linux, just use 'the gimp' graphics editor... If you want some examples PM me and ill give you some URLS. They are fairly common throughout the net, you can even right click a screen and do save-as to grab someone elses tiled bg image and use it yourself. I suppose thats not very ethical tho? :)

hey why dont u use this style in the div u want to aply the background or the body tag if u want it to display on full page. style="background:url(image.jpg)"
it will work :)

i have many background files you can use if you like just PM and I will send them to you.

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