hi i need help with div. i upload a pick to give you idea what i want to do . but i dont know how to do in css part.
note i will be puting image and text in these divs so we dont know the height.

<div id='bg'>
    <div id ='contect'>
        <div id='left_contect'>
        <div id='right_contect'>
        <div id='right_contect2''>
        <div id='middle>
        <div id='bottom'>

cSs part
    width:1500px;                            //has to be this
#context {
    width: 1202px;                            //width has to be this
    float: left; ?                           

You can start with this and keep working on it. You'll need to also add width's so that the divs fill in the gaps between the elements.

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