catcit 0 Newbie Poster


I have the following problem. I want to create an animation that`s based on the following idea : Let`s say that we have a recipient(glass, bucket or anything alike) and we also have some rocks of three different dimensions, some sand and a glass of water. Introduced in a certain order in the recipient, these materials will fill the recipient completely. The task is to introduce the rocks, the sand and the water in the recipient in the order to have as a result a completely filled recipient. Obviously, the only possible way to do this is to first introduce the largest rocks followed by the smaller ones, than the sand that will trickle along the rocks and than the water.

Due to the fact that the animation will be pretty short I want to create something that is simple but interesting in the same time. I have in mind either a 2D animation like these -,[/url, or a 3D one like this - or anything alike. Does any one know how those from Google create animations like the one aforementioned(the first youtube link).
I am interested if you know a good software that could allow me to do this as fast as possible. As I mentioned I want something simple that gets the job done. If you know an already done animation like this I would be grateful if you could share the link.

Thank you in advance for your concern!