hello every body

i want help for the ERD , if any missing in that pleas tell me and advise me how can i modify this ERD .

this ERD for Online Library management system . the diagram attached

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I have attached one file. I think you need three table. I am not sure why you have used book table and reverse table. I have used only user, bookinfo and borrow tables.

thanx to interacte with my question . but what about reversation table ?
and u mention one to many relation betwen user and borrwing table??
and no relation between book and user?how it happen?
plez more explination..
and thanx

borrow table is transcation table and it contains user id and book id. so user is related to book in borrow table. User is not directly connected with book.

Now what do you mean by reversation?

sorrry i mean reservation table....

reserve a particular book borrowed by others currently!!!

so i think we need to reservation

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