I am trying to get the following functionality working which requries some SQL. The need is to be able to produce a list of general staff who are not on holiday or on other sessions on a given day. I have two sql statements that will give me the information that I need.

This will search the Holidays table and retrive the staff who are not on holiday.

Select StaffID from Staff as noneHolidayStaff where StaffID 
  not in 
  Select StaffID from StaffHolDays where StaffHolDays.HolDate = '2010-10-10'


| StaffID |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |

The second section will give the information for staff who are not on a session.

Select StaffID from Staff As NotOnSession where StaffID
  not in 
  Select StaffID from StaffEvent where StaffEvent.EventID 
  Select EventID from Event where SessionID 
      Select SessionID from Session where SessionDate = '2010-10-10'


| StaffID |
| 3 |
| 4 |

Both these items work. The reason why I have created a table alias (“noneHolidayStaff”,” NotOnSession” is so that I can then create a join between the two tables. This is all carried out within a stored Procedure in which I am thinking that if I use a Join statement it will produce a list of staff who are available such as the following diagram states:
| Staff not on holiday |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| StaffID |
| 3 |
| 4 |

The number displayed in the middle is the only one who is a match in both tables. This is then passed through to the Staff table to select the people who can attend the session.

I am having a problem with the Join statement that will do this sorting.

Select *, concat (StaffFName, ' ', StaffSName) as FullName from Staff 
where StaffID 
  Select StaffID from Staff As NotOnSession where StaffID
  not in 
  Select StaffID from StaffEvent where StaffEvent.EventID 
  Select EventID from Event where SessionID 
      Select SessionID from Session where SessionDate = '2010-10-10'
  /* Would a join go here?*/
    Select StaffID from Staff as noneHolidayStaff where StaffID 
  not in 
  Select StaffID from StaffHolDays where StaffHolDays.HolDate = '2010-10-10'
  On noneHolidayStaff.StaffID = NotOnSession.StaffID

This will be ran from a stored procedure and will '2010-10-10' will be replaced with a parameter.

I am confident in the two separate sql statements, I have ran them both separately.
The problem: It is merely the construction of the join with
the two Derived tables. Any help would be great.

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Supposing your both queries select staffids which are not on holidays OR in
sessions you should select staffids which are in both result sets:

select * from staff 
  where staffid in (your select not on holidays )
    AND staffid in (your select not in sessions);

-- tesu

Thank you for this. it was the and statement that was confusing me; I had already tried an and; but yet I hadn't got the

StaffID in

to follow it. which means that I was getting the standard subquery contains more than one row type error.


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